جون 29، 2022

درست ڪريو Xbox غلطي ڪوڊ 0x8b0500b6

درست ڪريو Xbox غلطي ڪوڊ 0x8b0500b6

As we all know, Xbox is popular to enjoy the never imaginable and unforgettable gaming experience in the most amazing way possible. Still, some users face various types of issues with their Xbox consoles. One of the errors is update error code 0x8b0500b6 which can surprise the Xbox users when they try to update. Read this article till the end to learn the methods to fix the Xbox error code 0x8b0500b6 and resume enjoying the experience you once used to have.

درست ڪريو Xbox غلطي ڪوڊ 0x8b0500b6

How to Fix Xbox Error Code 0x8b0500b6

Below are some of the reasons for the update error code 0x8b0500b6 to occur on your Xbox.

  • Disrupted Xbox servers
  • Faulty wireless connection
  • Corrupt network settings
  • Consistency issues with Xbox profile

Keep on reading further to find the appropriate methods for you to fix the discussed issue on your Xbox console instantly.

طريقو 1: بنيادي مسئلا حل ڪرڻ جا مرحلا

Perform the below-mentioned basic troubleshooting steps before attempting the complex ones to fix the Xbox error code 0x8b0500b6.

1. Check Xbox Servers Status

Firstly, you can check the status of the Xbox servers to confirm if the servers are up and running without any disruptions. Visit the Xbox Live Status page to ensure it.

Xbox Live Status page

2. Use Wired Xbox Controller

Sometimes, a wireless Xbox controller can cause some connections and configuration issues with the console. In that case, you should try using a Wired Xbox controller to reduce interruptions and avoid disconnection issues whatsoever. You can use a Micro USB Type-A cable to connect the controller to your PC or console.

xbox controller wired. Fix Xbox Error Code 0x8b0500b6

Method 2: Power Cycle Xbox Console

You can also power cycle your Xbox console to fix the discussed error code. Below are the steps demonstrating just that:

1. دٻايو ۽ رکو Xbox بٽڻ 10 سيڪنڊن لاء ڪنسول تي.

xbox controller gaming console

2. Unplug the ڪيبل connecting to the console and plug them back after a while.

3. پريس ڪريو Xbox بٽڻ once again on the console and wait for it to turn on completely while displaying the green start-up animation on the screen.

نوٽ: If the green boot-up animation does not come up while restarting the process, repeat the above-mentioned steps again to ensure it turns on properly.

After this, check if you were able to fix the update error code 0x8b0500b6 or not.

پڻ پڙهو How to Fix Xbox One Keeps Signing Me Out

Method 3: Test Network Connection

The update error code 0x8b0500b6 on your Xbox can occur if your Wi-Fi connection is unstable or has an existing glitch. You can test the Wi-Fi connection on your Xbox to see if it can fix the said error code 0x87e5002b on Xbox.

1. منتخب ڪريو جوڙ option from the home screen on your Xbox console.

2. چونڊيو All settings > Network > Network settings، جيئن هيٺ ڏيکاريل آهي.

3. پوء، چونڊيو نيٽ ورڪ ڪنيڪشن جي ٽيسٽ اختيار، جيئن هيٺ ڏيکاريل آهي.

ٽيسٽ نيٽ ورڪ ڪنيڪشن اختيار چونڊيو. درست ڪريو Xbox غلطي ڪوڊ 0x8b0500b6

Make sure that your connection is working fine after testing is completed.

Method 4: Remove and Re-Add User Profile

When the user profile you have signed into has consistency issues on Xbox, it may cause the Xbox One update error code 0x8b05000f. Because of these issues, you will not be able to access the required resources. Follow the upcoming steps to remove and re-add the user profile on your Xbox console.

1. On the Xbox home screen, press the Xbox بٽڻ from the controller to open up the ھدايت.

2. چونڊيو سيٽنگون> سڀ سيٽنگون.

3. چونڊيو Account > Remove accounts، جيئن هيٺ بيان ڪيو ويو آهي.

Select Account and select Remove accounts

4. چونڊيو هٽايو for the account you want to delete and click بند توهان جي مڪمل ٿيڻ کان پوء.

5. پهچ ھدايت againيهر د pressائڻ سان Xbox بٽڻ ڪنٽرولر تي.

6. تي ڪلڪ ڪريو شامل ڪريو ۽ انتظام ڪريو هن کان سائن ان ڪريو ٽيب.

7. منتخب ڪريو Add new option، جيئن هيٺ ڏيکاريل آهي.

Scroll over and select the Sign In tab then click on Add New in Xbox. Fix Xbox Error Code 0x8b0500b6

8. ڀريو پنھنجي Microsoft Account Login Details and Click on شامل ڪريو.

9. Read and Accept the Microsoft Service Agreement and Privacy Statement.

10. ترتيب ڏيو Sign-In & Security preferences by following the instructions mentioned on the screen.

پڻ پڙهو درست ڪريو Xbox One Headset ڪم نه ڪري رهيو آهي

طريقو 5: Xbox ڪنسول ري سيٽ ڪريو

If nothing has worked in solving the update or runtime error code 0x8b0500b6 on Xbox, you will have to reset the Xbox console finally. Let’s see the steps to reset your console.

1. مارو Xbox بٽڻ کولڻ لاءِ ڪنٽرولر کان ھدايت.

xbox ڪنٽرولر xbox بٽڻ

2. چونڊيو سيٽنگون> سسٽم> ڪنسول ڄاڻ، جيئن هيٺ بيان ڪيو ويو آهي.

select system option and then console info in xbox one. Fix Xbox Error Code 0x8b0500b6

3. منتخب ڪريو ڪنسول ري سيٽ ڪريو اختيار، جيئن هيٺ ڏيکاريل آهي.

منتخب ڪريو ري سيٽ ڪنسول اختيار

4. چونڊيو ري سيٽ ڪريو ۽ هر شي کي هٽايو.

Select RESET AND REMOVE EVERYTHING. Fix Xbox Error Code 0x8b0500b6

پڻ پڙهو Xbox تي هاء پيڪٽ نقصان کي درست ڪريو

Method 6: Contact Xbox Support

If the update error code 0x8b0500b6 persists after trying each and every method mentioned above, you will have to contact the Xbox support team to convey the issue. The support team will understand the error you are facing and will provide the solutions to fix them as early as possible. You can visit the Xbox سپورٽ صفحو to initiate the process from your desktop browser itself.

Xbox سپورٽ صفحو


تنهن ڪري، اسان کي اميد آهي ته توهان سمجهي چڪا آهيو ته ڪيئن درست ڪجي Xbox error code 0x8b0500b6 توهان جي مدد لاء تفصيلي قدمن سان. توھان اسان کي ٻڌائي سگھو ٿا ھن مضمون بابت ڪي سوال يا تجويزون ڪنھن ٻئي موضوع بابت توھان چاھيو ٿا ته اسان تي مضمون ٺاھيون. اسان کي ڄاڻڻ لاء ھيٺ ڏنل تبصري سيڪشن ۾ انھن کي ڇڏي ڏيو.