Októbra 15, 2022

Opravte chybu Amazon Music Not Download Error 200

Opravte chybu Amazon Music Not Download Error 200


Music Not Downloading Error 200

Amazon Music is a popular music streaming service developed by Amazon. You can install the app in your device and stream your favorite songs. However, many users have reported lately that they are facing download error 200 on Amazon Music app. If you are also facing this error, then do not worry! We bring to you a perfect guide that will teach you how to fix Amazon Music not downloading error. Follow the solutions given in this article to solve Amazon Music download queue not working issue or Amazon Music download queue stuck problem. So, continue reading!

Opravte chybu Amazon Music Not Download Error 200

How to Fix Amazon Music Not Downloading Error 200

There are many possible reasons which causes Amazon Music download queue stuck issues. Some of them are listed below;

  • Incorrect Network Connection.
  • Denied Storage Permissions.
  • Outdated App Version.
  • Corrupt App Data.
  • Insufficient Storage Space.

Before performing the troubleshooting methods mentioned below, you need to ensure that the Amazon Music servers are running. Visit the Amazon Music Downdetector page to check if there is any server outage.

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Amazon Music downdetector page

If there are no issues with the server, then follow these troubleshooting methods to fix Amazon Music not downloading issue.

Metóda 1: Riešenie problémov so sieťovým pripojením

Firstly, you need to have a stable internet connection to solve Amazon Music download queue not working problem. Read the ultimate Android smartphone troubleshooting guide and follow the steps in the method to troubleshoot network connection.

Wi-Fi vypnúť

Method 2: Force Stop Amazon Music App

There can be a temporary bug with your app causing download error 200 on Amazon Music app. To fix Amazon Music not downloading issue, follow the steps listed below to force stop the app and relaunch it.

1. Spustite svoj smartfón nastavenie.

2. Ísť do aplikácie nastavenie.

klepnite na aplikácie Nastavenia

3. Open the list of all apps.

4. Here, scroll down and select amazon Music app.

open Amazon Music app

5. Teraz klepnite na Force stop možnosť.

force stop Amazon Music app android

6. Finally, reopen the app.

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Method 3: Clear Amazon Music App Cache

Another method to fix Amazon Music not downloading issue is to clear the app cache data. Here are the steps to do so.

1. Otvorte telefón nastavenie.

2. Otvor aplikácie nastavenie.

3. Go to the list of all apps.

4. Then, locate and select amazon Music app.

5. Teraz klepnite na Uskladnenie možnosť.

tap on Storage option. Fix Amazon Music Not Downloading Error 200

6. Tu klepnite na Vymazať vyrovnávaciu pamäť možnosť teda Vyčistiť dáta možnosť.

clear data and clear cache in Amazon Music app Storage setting android

7. Nakoniec launch the Amazon Music app znovu.

Method 4: Give Necessary Permissions

If the Amazon Music app has no storage permission, then this may cause download error 200 on Amazon Music app. Hence, follow these steps to provide the necessary permissions to the app.

1. Prejdite na položku Amazon Music app info.

2. Tu klepnite na Oprávnenie.

tap on Permissions. Fix Amazon Music Not Downloading Error 200

3. Teraz prepnite na Uskladnenie and other permissions.

toggle On storage permission on Amazon Music App

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Method 5: Update Amazon Music App

If the Amazon Music app is outdated, you may face errors and bugs like Amazon Music download queue not working. So, try to update Amazon Music app on your device to the latest version to fix Amazon Music not downloading issue.

1. Spustenie Play Store Google app.

2. Vyhľadajte amazon Music app.

3. If there are any updates available, then tap on the Aktualizácia možnosť.

tap on Update option. Fix Amazon Music Not Downloading Error 200

Method 6: Format SD Card

1. Navigate to device nastavenie > Viac nastavení.

2. Tu klepnite na RAM a úložný priestor možnosť.

RAM a úložný priestor

3. Potom klepnite na Vymazať SD kartu možnosť.

click on Erase SD card. Fix Amazon Music Not Downloading Error 200

4. Finally, confirm your choice by tapping on Vymazať SD kartu znovu.

Click on Erase SD card

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Method 7: Reinstall Amazon Music App

Lastly, you can reinstall the app to fix Amazon Music not downloading problem. This can solve Amazon Music download queue stuck issue. Following are the steps to reinstall the app.

1. Otvoriť Play Store Google vo vašom smartfóne.

2. Klepnite na Ikona profilu.

tap on profile icon. Fix Amazon Music Not Downloading Error 200

3. Potom vyberte Spravujte aplikácie a zariadenie.

Klepnite na spravovať aplikácie a zariadenie

4. Presuňte sa na spravovať na karte, začiarknite políčko amazon Music a klepnite na odpadky ikona v hornej časti.

select app and tap on trash icon. Fix Amazon Music Not Downloading Error 200

5. Klepnite na odinštalovať a počkajte, kým sa aplikácia neodinštaluje.

klepnite na možnosť odinštalovať odinštalovať vybratú aplikáciu z obchodu Google Play

6. Potom vyhľadajte amazon Music app.

7. Teraz klepnite na inštalovať option to reinstall the app.

install Amazon Music app. Fix Amazon Music Not Downloading Error 200

Method 8: Contact Amazon Music Support

As a last resort, you can contact the Amazon Music Support team to fix Amazon Music not downloading error 200. You can either mail or call the support team. Also, you can chat with them and tell your error to find a solution.

Contact Amazon Music Support


We hope this article guided you to fix Amazon Music download error 200 on your device. Let us know which one of the above methods helped you to fix Amazon Music not downloading problem. And if you have any queries and suggestions for us, do mention it in the comment section below.

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