Júla 1, 2021

Ako opraviť, že ma YouTube neustále odhlasuje

Using your Google account to browse and watch videos on YouTube is very convenient. You can like, subscribe to, and comment on videos. In addition, when you use YouTube with your Google account, YouTube shows you recommended videos based on your viewing history. You can also access your downloads and create playlists. And, if you yourself are an influencer, you can own your YouTube channel or YouTube Studio. A lot of YouTubers have gained popularity and employment through this platform.

Unfortunately, many users have reported, ‘YouTube keeps signing me out’ error. It can be quite frustrating if you have to log in to your account every time you open YouTube on a mobile app or web browser. Read on to know why the issue occurs and various methods to fix getting signed out of YouTube.

Fix YouTube Keeps Signing Me Out

Ako opraviť, že ma YouTube neustále odhlasuje

Why Does YouTube Keep Signing Me Out?

Here are some general reasons that may be causing this issue:

  • Corrupt cookies or cache files.
  • zastaraný Aplikácia YouTube.
  • Corrupt extensions or plug-ins are added to the web browser.
  • YouTube account hacked.

Metóda 1: Zakážte VPN

If you have third-party VPN software installed on your PC, it becomes hard for your PC to communicate with YouTube servers. This may be causing YouTube to keep logging me out of the issue. Follow the steps below to disable VPN:

1. Go to the bottom right side of the Taskbar.

2. Tu kliknite na šípka nahor and then right-click the Softvér VPN.

3. Nakoniec kliknite na Východ alebo podobná možnosť.

click on Exit or a similar option | Fix YouTube Keeps Signing Me Out

Illustrated below is an example to exit Betternet VPN. 

Method 2: Reset YouTube Password

The ‘YouTube keeps logging me out’ issue can be caused if someone has access to your account. To ensure that your Google account is safe, you should change your password. Follow the steps below to do so:

1. Prejsť na Account recovery page of Google by searching for Google Account Recovery in your web browser.

2. Ďalej zadajte svoje e-mailová adresa or telefónne číslo, Potom kliknite na tlačidlo Ďalšie, ako je zvýraznené nižšie.

Enter your email ID or phone number and click Next | Fix YouTube Keeps Signing Me Out

3. Next, click on the option that says ‘get a verification code at…’ as shown in the pic below. You will receive a code on your mobile phone or another email, depending on the recovery information you entered while creating the account.

Click on the option that says ‘get a verification code at...’

4. Teraz skontrolujte code you received and enter it into the Account recovery page.

5. Finally, follow the on-screen instructions to zmeniť heslo k účtu.

Poznámka: You cannot reset your Account Password through your username. You need to enter your email address or a mobile number in Step 2.

Prečítajte si tiež: Oprava problému s nefunkčnosťou služby YouTube v prehliadači Chrome [VYRIEŠENÉ]

Method 3: Update the YouTube App

If you face the issue on your Android phone while using the YouTube app, updating the app may help fix YouTube keeps signing me out issue. Follow the given steps to update the YouTube app on Android devices:

1. odpálenie Play Store from the app menu on your phone as shown.

Launch Play Store from the app menu on your phone | Fix YouTube Keeps Signing Me Out

2. Ďalej klepnite na svoje profilový obrázok a choďte Moje aplikácie a hry, ako je uvedené nižšie.

3. Then, find YouTube in the list, and tap the Aktualizácia icon, if available.

Poznámka: In the latest version of the Play Store, tap your profilový obrázok. Then, navigate to Spravujte aplikácie a zariadenie > spravovať > Updates available > YouTube > Update.

Tap the Update icon, if available | Fix YouTube Keeps Signing Me Out

Wait for the update process to be completed. Now, check if the same issue persists.

Metóda 4: Odstráňte vyrovnávaciu pamäť prehliadača a súbory cookie

Whenever you visit a website, the browser collects temporary data called cache and cookies so that the next time you visit the website, it loads faster. This speeds up your overall internet surfing experience. However, these temporary files could be corrupt. Hence, you need to delete them to fixné YouTube keeps logging me out by itself issue.

Follow the given instructions to clear browser cookies and cache from different web browsers.

Pre prehliadač Google Chrome:

1. odpálenie chróm browser. Then type chrome: // settings v Panel s adresou URLa stlačte tlačidlo vstúpiť prejdite na nastavenia.

2. Potom prejdite nadol a kliknite na Vymazať údaje prehliadania ako je znázornené zvýraznené.

Kliknite na Vymazať údaje prehliadania

3. Ďalej vyberte Vždy v Časový rozsah drop-down box and then select Zmazať dáta. Refer to the given pic.

Poznámka: Uncheck the box next to Browsing history if you do not want to delete it.

Select All time in the time range pop-up drop-down box and then, select Clear data

On Microsoft Edge:

1. odpálenie Microsoft hrán a typ okraj: // nastavenie in the URL bar. Press vstúpiť.

2. Na ľavej table kliknite na Súbory cookie a povolenia stránok.

3. Potom kliknite na Spravujte a vymažte súbory cookie a údaje stránok visible in the right pane.

Click on Manage and delete cookies and site data | Fix YouTube Keeps Signing Me Out

4. Potom kliknite na Zobraziť všetky súbory cookie a údaje stránok.

5. Nakoniec kliknite na Odobrať všetky to get rid of all cookies stored in the web browser.

Click on Remove all under All cookies and site data

Once you have completed the steps written above, access your YouTube account and check if you’re able to fix YouTube keeps signing me out issue.

Prečítajte si tiež: Ako sťahovať videá z YouTube na notebook/PC

Method 5: Remove Browser Extensions

If removing browser cookies didn’t help, deleting browser extensions might. Similar to cookies, browser extensions can add ease and convenience to internet browsing. However, they can interfere with YouTube, potentially causing the ‘YouTube keeps signing me out’ issue. Follow the given steps to remove browser extensions and verify if you can stay logged into your account on YouTube.

V prehliadači Google Chrome:

1. odpálenie chróm a typ chrome: // extensions v URL search bar. Press vstúpiť to go to Chrome extensions as shown below.

2. Disable all extensions by turning the vypnúť. Illustrated below is an example to disable the Google Docs Offline extension.

Disable all extensions by turning the toggle off | Fix YouTube Keeps Signing Me Out

3. Now, access your YouTube account.

4. If this could fix getting signed out of YouTube error, then one of the extensions is faulty and needs to be removed.

5. Turn on each extension jeden za druhým and check if the problem occurs. This way, you will be able to determine which extensions are faulty.

6. Once you find out the faulty extensions, kliknite na odstrániť. Below is an example for removing the Google Docs Offline extension.

Once you find out the faulty extensions, click on Remove.

On Microsoft Edge:

1. odpálenie hrana prehliadač a zadajte edge://extensions. Potom zasiahnite vstúpiť.

2. pod the Installed Extensions tab, turn the vypnúť for each extension.

Disable Browser Extensions in Microsoft Edge | Fix YouTube Keeps Signing Me Out

3. Znovu otvorte the browser. If the issue got fixed, implement the next step.

4. Like explained earlier, find the faulty extension a odstrániť to.

Method 6: Allow JavaScript to run on your Browser

Javascript must be enabled on your browser for apps like YouTube to work properly. If Javascript is not running on your Browser, it can lead to the ‘getting signed out of YouTube’ error. Follow the steps below to ensure Javascript is enabled on your web browser:

Pre prehliadač Google Chrome:

1. odpálenie chróm a typ chrome: // settings in the URL bar. Now, hit vstúpiť Kľúč.

2. Potom kliknite na Nastavenia stránok pod Ochrana osobných údajov a zabezpečenie ako je zvýraznené nižšie.

Click on Site Settings under Privacy and Security

3. Prejdite nadol a kliknite na JavaScript pod obsah, ako je znázornené nižšie.

Click on JavaScript under Content

4. Otočte prepnúť na pre Allowed(recommended). Refer to the given pic.

Turn the toggle on for Allowed (recommended) | Fix YouTube Keeps Signing Me Out

Pre Microsoft Edge:

1. odpálenie hrana a typ okraj: // nastavenie v URL search bar. Then, press vstúpiť spustiť nastavenie.

2. Next, from the left pane, select Súbory cookie a povolenia stránok.

3. Potom kliknite na JavaScript pod Všetky povolenia.

3. Lastly, turn the prepnúť na next to Ask before sending to enable JavaScript.

Allow JavaScript on Microsoft Edge

Now, go back to YouTube and check if you can stay logged into your account. Hopefully, the issue has been fixed by now.


Dúfame, že vám tento návod pomohol a vy ste to dokázali fix YouTube keeps signing me out issue. Let us know which method worked the best for you. Also, if you have any questions or suggestions regarding this article, feel free to drop them in the comments section below.