Júla 28, 2021

Why does Android randomly restart?

Android randomly restart

Android smartphones play an essential role in our day-to-day lives. The dependence of humans on their smartphones has increased with the advancements in technology. However, many Android users have complained about their device restarting randomly. This can be annoying, especially if you are in the middle of a call or some urgent office work. You may be wondering Why does Android randomly restart? To help you out, we have come up with this guide which explains the possible reasons why your Android device reboots itself every now and then. Additionally, we have compiled a list of solutions to fix Android phone restarting itself.

Why does Android randomly restart

How to fix Android phone keeps restarting itself issue

We are going to discuss all possible methods to fix Android randomly restarts issue. But before that let us understand the reasons for this issue.

Why does Android randomly restart?

1. Malicious third-party apps: You may have download suspicious third-party apps on your device unknowingly. These apps might be incompatible and can cause your Android device to restart itself.

2. Hardware fault: Another reason why your Android device reboots itself is because of some fault or damage in device hardware like device screen, motherboard, or electronic circuit.

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3. Prehrievanie: Most Android devices will shut down automatically if they overheat during use. This is a safety feature to safeguard your Android device. So, if your device is automatically restarting itself, it might be due to overuse and/or overheating. Overheating can also occur due to overcharging your phone.

Hence, you should utilize and maintain your smartphone wisely to avoid such issues, altogether.

4. Battery issues: If your device has a removable battery, then there are chances that it may be loosely fitted, leaving a gap between the battery and the pins. Also, the phone battery too has an expiry and may need to be changed. This, too, may cause the device to restart automatically.

Poznámka: Keďže smartfóny nemajú rovnaké možnosti nastavení, a preto sa líšia od výrobcu k výrobcovi, pred zmenou akýchkoľvek nastavení sa uistite, že sú správne.

Metóda 1: Aktualizujte operačný systém Android

To ensure that your device runs smoothly, it is important to keep your Android operating system up to date. Remember to check and download recent updates from time to time. Updating it will help improve the overall functioning of the device and protect against security threats, if any. Therefore, if your device keeps restarting and crashing, then a simple Operating System update can help you fix the issue as follows:

1. Otvor nastavenie app on your Android phone and go to the O telefóne sekcia, ako je znázornené.

Go to the About phone section | Why does Android randomly restart? Ways to fix it!

2. Klepnite na Aktualizácia systému, ako je znázornené.

Tap on System updates

3. Klepnite na Skontrolovať aktualizácie.

Tap on Check for updates.Why does Android randomly restart?

4. Your device will automatically Stiahnuť ▼ the available updates.

If no such updates are available, then the following message will be displayed: Your device is up-to-date.

Metóda 2: Zatvorte aplikácie na pozadí 

If you are wondering how to fix a phone that keeps restarting, you should close all the apps running in the background. It is possible that one of these apps is causing your Android phone to restart itself. Clearly, stopping such malfunctioning apps should help. Here is how you can force stop apps on your Android phone:

1. Otvorte zariadenie nastavenie a klepnite na aplikácie.

2. Potom klepnite na Spravujte aplikácie.

3. Now, locate and tap the aplikácie you wish to stop.

4. Klepnite na Force stop to force stop the selected app. We have explained it by taking Instagram as an example below.

Tap on Force Stop to force stop the selected app | Why does Android randomly restart? Ways to fix it!

5. Klepnite na OK to confirm it in the pop-up box that now appears.

6. Opakujte kroky 3-5 for all apps you want to stop.

If the Android randomly restarts itself issue persists, we shall discuss the methods to clear app cache and uninstall process of third-party apps below.

Prečítajte si tiež: Fix Android Phone Keeps Restarting Randomly

Method 3: Update Third-party Apps

Sometimes, third-party apps on your device can cause your device to restart itself. Moreover, the outdated version of these apps can answer the question: why does Android randomly restart. Hence, you need to check for updates regularly, and install app updates as detailed below:

1. odpálenie Play Store Google a klepnite na ikona profilu z pravého horného rohu obrazovky.

2. Teraz klepnite na Spravujte aplikácie a zariadenie.

3. V Aktualizácia aplikácií v sekcii klepnite na Zobraziť detaily. You will see the available updates for your device.

4. Either choose Aktualizovať všetko to update all installed apps at once.

Or, tap on Aktualizácia for a specific app. In the pic below, we have shown Snapchat update as an example.

Klepnutím na tlačidlo Aktualizovať aktualizujete aplikáciu na najnovšiu verziu.

Method 4: Clear App Cache and App Data  

If you overload your Android device with unnecessary files and data, then there are higher chances that it will crash and restart itself.

To free up storage space, you should:

  • Get rid of those third-party apps that you don’t use.
  • Delete unnecessary photos, videos, and other files.
  • Clear cached data from your device.

Follow the steps given below to Clear cache & data saved for all apps:

1. Ísť do Nastavenia> Aplikácie ako ste to urobili predtým.

2. Klepnite na Spravujte aplikácie, ako je znázornené.

Tap on Manage apps

3. Locate and open any third-party aplikácie, kohútik Storage/Media Storage možnosť.

4. Klepnite na Vyčistiť dáta, ako je znázornené nižšie.

Tap on Clear Cache | Why does Android randomly restart? Ways to fix it!

5. Additionally, tap Vymazať vyrovnávaciu pamäť from the same screen, as highlighted below.

Tap Clear Data on the same screen.fix Android randomly restarts itself

6. Nakoniec klepnite na OK to confirm the said deletion.

7. Opakujte Kroky 3-6 for all apps to free up maximum space.

This should get rid of minor bugs in these third-party apps and possibly fix Android randomly restarts itself issue.

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Method 5: Uninstall Malfunctioning/Rarely used Apps  

Often, malicious third-party apps get downloaded or, apps get corrupt over time. These might be causing your Android device to restart itself. Now, the questions that arise are: how to determine if third-party apps are corrupt a how to figure out which third-party app is causing this problem.

The answer lies in using your phone in núdzový režim. When you use your phone in safe mode, and your device runs smoothly, without any interruptions, then the issue on your device is definitely due to third-party apps. You can learn how to boot your phone in Safe mode by visiting your webové stránky výrobcu zariadenia.

Now, to resolve this problem,

  • Remove the recent app downloads from your Android phone.
  • Uninstall the apps that you don’t need or the ones that are rarely used.

1. Otvor App zásuvky na telefóne so systémom Android.

2. Stlačte a podržte tlačidlo aplikácie you wish to delete and tap odinštalovať, ako je znázornené.

tap on Uninstall to remove the app from your Android phone.  fix Android randomly restarts itself

Metóda 6: Vykonajte obnovenie továrenských nastavení

If none of the above methods are able to fix Android phone keeps restarting issue, then the last resort is Výrobné nastavenie. When you perform a factory reset, your phone will be reset to the original system state thereby, resolving all the issues on your device.

Body, ktoré treba pamätať

  • Make sure to backup all your important data, photos, videos, and other files as a factory reset will delete all the data from your device.
  • Ensure that you have sufficient battery life on your device to perform a factory reset.

Follow the steps given below to perform a factory reset on your Android device.

Option 1: Factory Reset using Device Settings

1. Ísť do Nastavenia > O telefóne podľa pokynov v Metóda 1.

Go to the About phone section

2. Prejdite nadol a klepnite na Zálohovanie a resetovanie, ako je znázornené.

Tap on Backup and Reset/Reset Options

3. Tu klepnite na Erase all data (Factory reset).

Tap on Erase all data (Factory reset) | Why does Android randomly restart? Ways to fix it!

4. Ďalej klepnite na Vynulujte telefón, ako je zvýraznené na obrázku nižšie.

Tap on Reset phone

5. Finally, enter your PIN/Password to confirm and proceed with the factory reset.

Option 2: Factory Reset using Hard Keys

1. Po prvé, vypnúť your Android smartphone.

2. To boot your device in režim Recovery, stlačte a podržte tlačidlo Power /Home + Volume up/Volume Down tlačidlá súčasne.

3. Ďalej vyberte zmazať údaje / obnoviť továrenské nastavenia možnosť.

select Wipe data or factory reset on Android recovery screen

4. Once the process is complete, tap on Reštartovať systém teraz.

Často kladené otázky (FAQ)

Q1. How do I stop my Android from restarting?

To stop your Android device from restarting, you have to first identify the cause of the problem. It can be because of malicious apps or hoarding of unnecessary storage by third-party apps. After identifying the cause of the problem, you can follow the relevant methods listed in our guide to fix the Android phone keeps restarting issue.

Q2. Why does my phone restart itself at night?

If your device is restarting itself at night, it is because of the Auto-restart feature on your device. In most phones, the auto-restart feature is called Naplánujte zapnutie/vypnutie. To turn off the auto-restart feature,

  • Prejsť na nastavenie vášho zariadenia.
  • prejdite na Batéria a výkon.
  • vybrať batériea klepnite na Naplánujte zapnutie/vypnutie.
  • Konečne, vypnúť možnosť s názvom Power on and off time.


We hope the methods listed in our guide were helpful, and you were able to fix Android randomly restarts issue. Let us know which method worked for you. If you have queries/suggestions, drop them in the comment section below.

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