September 14, 2022

Odpravite napako CS GO Video Settings Not Saving Error

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, a first-person shooting online game, is all about teamwork, gunplay, and strategy. The game can be played on Windows PC, OS X, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3. being the latest release in the Counter-Strike series, it has many new features including an in-game currency system that is rewarded to players when they win rounds, kill enemies and use specific weapons. Also, the graphics in the game make it more likable and addictive. All in all, CS GO is a thrilling game made for players who enjoy a good action-packed time. While playing CS GO, you can tweak in-game video settings that include lightning, shadows, and more such features that are extremely helpful in viewing the screen comfortably. However, these video settings sometimes can be difficult to change. Video settings not saving CS GO is a common issue that has been reported by many gamers. If you are someone facing the same issue, then follow our guide thoroughly and get acquainted with multiple methods that can help you fix video settings not saving.

Odpravite napako CS GO Video Settings Not Saving Error

How to Fix CS GO Video Settings Not Saving Error

Usually, users report the issue of video settings not saving while decreasing visual settings which are maximized again after restart. Also, the issue has been encountered with changing the settings from auto. Therefore, it is suggested that the issue is with the video settings properties of CS GO. Moreover, the installation file of the game can be corrupt and so, reinstallation is advised to get rid of this problem.

While this problem is quite common, it can be easily fixed using some of the troubleshooting methods that are given below, so, tag along these fixes and find one suitable for you:

Method 1: Change Video Settings Properties

Changing the video settings properties of Counter-Strike has been an effective way to overcome the mentioned problem. So, follow the steps given below to change these settings:

1. Pritisnite Windows + E tipke skupaj odpreti Raziskovalec datotek.

2. Zdaj se pomaknite do naslednjega pot.

C:Program Files (x86)Steamuserdata278162900730localcfg

Opomba: The location path may differ according to where you have installed the Steam app in your PC.

steam userdata cfg folder

3. Nato z desno miškino tipko kliknite video.txt in izberite Nepremičnine V meniju.

4. Zdaj počistite polje Le za branje polje in kliknite na OK.

Method 2: Reload HUD

The next method that helps resolve Video settings not saving CS GO is to reload HUD. HUD is a heads-up display that is used in gaming to provide information to the player without disturbing their game view. Reloading it is quite beneficial for players who often find it difficult to change video settings. You can follow the steps below to reload HUD successfully using a command:

1. Go to Game Nastavitve, Kliknite na Gamein Enable Developer Console(-) do DA.

Enable Developer Console. Fix CS GO Video Settings Not Saving Error

2. Now, the developer console is open. You can enter your command and click on Prijave se.

cs go command console

3. Izvedi hud_reloadscheme command to reload HUD, applying all the commands to custom changes.

4. And execute cl_reload_hud command to cancel all the changes to CS GO HUD and return to the default settings.

Preberite tudi: Kako narediti, da Steam onemogoči samodejno posodabljanje

3. način: preverite celovitost datotek iger (v Steamu)

Steam users can face issues with online games. Downloading corrupt game files can interfere with the features of the game and sometimes block the game from launching altogether. In this case, the issue can arise in the form of CS GO video settings not saving, therefore, you must verify the integrity of these game files on Steam. If you don’t know how then our guide, How to Verify Integrity of Game Files on Steam can help you with it.

Verify Integrity of Game Files. Fix CS GO Video Settings Not Saving Error

4. način: Znova namestite CS GO

The last option that is left in case of Video settings not saving CS GO, if no other method is of any help, is to uninstall and then reinstall CS GO. Follow the steps below to reinstall the game:

1. Pritisnite Windows tipka, tip Parna in kliknite na Odprto.

open Steam app. Fix CS GO Video Settings Not Saving Error

2. Pojdi do KNJIŽNICA meni s svoje domače strani.

Pojdite v knjižnico

3. Poiščite Igra CS GO in z desno tipko miške kliknite nanjo in izberite Odstrani možnost.

4. Ponovno kliknite na Odstrani za potrditev in zapiranje aplikacije Steam po odstranitvi igre.

click on Uninstall option to uninstall a game in Steam

5. Zdaj zaženite Raziskovalec datotek.

zaženite File Explorer

6. Pomaknite se do lokacije pot spodaj.

C:Programske datoteke (x86) Steamsteamappscommon

Pomaknite se do poti lokacije

7. Izberite Counter Strike game folder and press the Brisanje ključ to remove it, then znova zaženite računalnik.

8. Zdaj zaženite Parna aplikacijo in poiščite cs-go in izberite igro, kot je označeno na spodnji sliki.

search cs go in steam app. Fix CS GO Video Settings Not Saving Error

9. Tukaj kliknite na Igraj igro možnost prenosa igre.

click on Play Game option in CS GO steam page

10. Končno, izberite lokacijo za namestitev in kliknite na Naprej> gumb za namestitev igre.

click on Next to install counter strike global offensive cs go game. Fix CS GO Video Settings Not Saving Error

Preberite tudi: Kako prenesti igre Steam na zunanji trdi disk

Method 5: Contact CS GO Steam Support

If none of the above methods fix CS GO video settings not saving issue then you can go to CS GO Steam support page and enter your problem to find the solutions.

1. Obiščite CS GO Steam support page iz brskalnika.

2. Kliknite na Log in for more personalized options.

Click on Log in for more personalized options. Fix CS GO Video Settings Not Saving Error

3. Vnesite svoje prijavne poverilnice.

4. Now, describe your problem in a detailed way.

Preberite tudi: Fix Steam VR Error 306 in Windows 10

Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja (FAQ)

Q1. Where can I find CS GO saved settings?

Ans. To open CS GO saved settings, navigate to the given location pot.

C:Programske datoteke (x86)SteamsteamappscommonCounter-Strike Global Offensivecsgocfg

Q2. How can I change video settings in CS GO?

Ans. You can change video settings in CS GO by accessing the Nepremičnine section of the game in Parna Knjižnica. Once you open Properties, open the Launch Option, and there you can change the settings.

Q3. Why am I unable to save my CS GO settings?

Ans. If you are unable to save CS GO settings then try specifying a location to do so. Also, you can try reloading the Head-Up Display (HDU) da odpravite to težavo.

Q4. Which video settings need to be made in CS GO?

Ans. In CS GO you can try changing the resolution, Razmerje, refresh stopnjain scaling mode.

Q5. Which resolution is recommended for CS GO?

Ans. To experience the best CS GO, the recommended resolution is 1280 × 60 s razmerje slike 4: 3.


Changing a few video settings like resolution and refresh rate are considered to enhance the visual experience while playing the game. Facing issues in applying changes to these settings is a daunting experience in itself and therefore, we hope our doc could help you with CS GO video settings not saving in a detailed structure. Please leave your queries or suggestions, if any, in the comments section below.