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Februar 12, 2017

Odpravite težavo z visoko porabo procesorja in diska v sistemu Windows 10

Odpravite težavo z visoko porabo procesorja in diska v sistemu Windows 10

Users are currently reporting that their system shows 100% disk usage and very high Memory usage even though they are not doing any memory-intensive task. While many users believe that this problem is only related to users who have low configuration PC (low system specification), but this is not the case here, even the system with the specs such as an i7 processor and 16GB RAM is also facing a similar issue. So the question that everyone is asking is How to Fix the High CPU and Disk usage problem of Windows 10? Well, below are the listed steps on how to tackle this issue exactly.

Odpravite težavo z visoko porabo procesorja in diska v sistemu Windows 10

This is a rather annoying problem where you are not using any apps on your Windows 10, but when you check Task Manager (Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc Keys), you see that your memory and disk usage is almost 100%. The problem is not limited to this as your computer will be running very slow or even freeze sometimes, in short, you won’t be able to use your PC.

What are the causes of high CPU & Memory usage in Windows 10?

  • Windows 10 Memory Leak
  • Windows Apps Notifications
  • Superfetch Service
  • Startup Apps and Services
  • Windows P2P update sharing
  • Google Chrome Predication Services
  • Skype permission issue
  • Windows Personalization services
  • Windows Update & Drivers
  • Malware Issues

Torej, ne da bi izgubljali čas, poglejmo Kako Fix High CPU and Disk usage in Windows 10 due to SoftThinks Agent Service in Dell PCs with the help of the below-listed tutorial.

Odpravite težavo z visoko porabo procesorja in diska v sistemu Windows 10

Method 1: Edit Registry to disable RuntimeBroker

1. Pritisnite tipko Windows + R in nato vnesite regedit in pritisnite Enter, da odprete registra Editor.

Zaženite ukaz regedit

2. In Registry Editor navigate to the following:


Highlight TimeBrokerSvc registry key then double click on Start DWORD

3. In the right pane, double click on Začetek in ga spremenite Hexadecimal value from 3 to 4. (Value 2 means Automatic, 3 means manual and 4 means disabled)

change the value data of start from 3 to 4 | High CPU and Disk usage Windows 10

4. Close the Registry Editor and reboot your PC to apply changes.

2. način: Onemogočite Superfetch

1. Pritisnite tipko Windows + R in nato vnesite “services.msc” (without quotes) and hit enter.

servisna okna

2. Scroll down the list and find Superfetch.

3. Z desno miškino tipko kliknite SuperFetch in izberite Lastnosti.Z desno miškino tipko kliknite Superfetch in izberite Lastnosti

4. Nato kliknite na stop in nastavite startup type to Disabled.

kliknite stop in nato nastavite vrsto zagona na onemogočeno v lastnostih superfetch

5. Reboot your PC to save changes, and this must have Fix High CPU and Disk usage problem of Windows 10.

Method 3: Disable Clear Pagefile at Shutdown

1. Pritisnite tipko Windows + R in nato vnesite regedit in pritisnite Enter, da odprete urejevalnik registra.

Zaženite ukaz regedit

2. Navigate to the following key inside Registry Editor:

Upravljanje HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory

3. Najdi ClearPageFileAtShutDown and change its value to 1.

change value of clearpagefileatshutdown in memory management

4. Znova zaženite računalnik, da shranite spremembe.

Method 4: Disable Startup Apps And Services

1. Pritisnite Ctrl + Shift + Esc key istočasno odpreti Task Manager.

2. Nato izberite Zavihek zagon in Disable all the services which have a High impact.

disable all startup services which have high impact | High CPU and Disk usage Windows 10

3. Make sure to only Disable 3rd party services.

4. Znova zaženite računalnik, da shranite spremembe.

Method 5: Disable P2P sharing

1. Click the Windows button and select Nastavitve.

2. From Settings windows, click on Posodobitve in varnost.

Pritisnite tipko Windows + I, da odprete nastavitve, nato kliknite ikono Posodobitev in varnost

3. Next, under Update settings, click Napredne možnosti.

Under Windows Update Settings click on Advanced Options

4. Zdaj kliknite Izberite način dostave posodobitev.

click on choose how updates are delivered | High CPU and Disk usage Windows 10

5. Make sure to turn off “Updates from more than one place«.

turn off update from more than one place

6. Restart your PC and again check if this method has Fix High CPU and Disk usage problem of Windows 10 due to WaasMedicSVC.exe..

Method 6: Disable the ConfigNotification task

1. Type Task Scheduler in the Windows search bar and click on Task Scheduler.

V iskalno vrstico Windows vnesite Načrtovalnik opravil

2. From Task Scheduler go to Microsoft than Windows and finally select WindowsBackup.

3. Naslednji, Disable ConfigNotification in uporabite spremembe.

Disable ConfigNotification from Windows backup

4. Close Event Viewer and restart your PC, and this may Fix High CPU and Disk usage problem of Windows 10, if not then continue.

Method 7: Disable Prediction service to load pages more quickly

1. Odprite Google Chrome in pojdi Nastavitve.

2. Pomaknite se navzdol in kliknite na advanced option.

Find an option labelled “Advanced” | High CPU and Disk usage Windows 10

3. Then find Privacy and make sure to onemogočiti preklop za Use a prediction service to load pages more quickly.

Toggle OFF the button next to Use a prediction service to load pages more quickly

4. Pritisnite tipko Windows + R in nato vnesite “C:Programske datoteke (x86)SkypePhone« in pritisnite enter.

5. Zdaj z desno miškino tipko kliknite skype.exe in izberite Nepremičnine.

z desno miškino tipko kliknite skype in izberite lastnosti

6. Select the Security tab and make sure to highlight “VSI PRIJAVNI PAKETI” then click Edit.

ne pozabite označiti VSI PAKETI APLIKACIJ in nato kliknite Uredi

7. Again make sure “ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES” is highlighted then tick mark Write permission.

označite dovoljenje za pisanje in kliknite Uporabi

8. Click Apply, followed by Ok, and then restart your PC to save changes.

8. način: Zaženite orodje za odpravljanje težav pri vzdrževanju sistema

1. Type control in Windows Search then click on nadzorno ploščo iz rezultata iskanja.

Kliknite ikono za iskanje v spodnjem levem kotu zaslona in nato vnesite nadzorna plošča. Kliknite nanj, da se odpre.

2. Zdaj vnesite odpravljanje težav v iskalno polje in izberite Odpravljanje težav. 

odpravljanje težav s strojno in zvočno opremo

3. klik Vpogled v izbrane izdelke from the left-hand window pane.

V levem okenskem podoknu nadzorne plošče kliknite Prikaži vse

4. Next,  click on the Vzdrževanje sistema to run the Troubleshooter and follow the on-screen prompts.

zaženite orodje za odpravljanje težav pri vzdrževanju sistema

5. Orodje za odpravljanje težav bo morda zmoglo Fix High CPU and Disk usage problem of Windows 10.

Method 9: Disable Automatically Pick An Accent Color From My Background

1. Pritisnite tipko Windows + I, da odprete Nastavitve sistema Windows.

2. Nato kliknite na Personalizacija.

Open Windows Settings App then click on Personalization icon | High CPU and Disk usage Windows 10

3. From the left pane, select Barve.

4. Then, from the right side, Disable Automatically pick an accent color from my background.

Uncheck Automatically pick an accent color from my background

5. Znova zaženite računalnik, da shranite spremembe.

Method 10: Disable Apps Running In Background

1. Pritisnite tipko Windows + I, da odprete Okno z nastavitvami.

2. Nato izberite Zasebnost, and then from the left pane click on Background apps.

From the left panel, click on Background apps

3. Disable all of them and close the window, then Reboot your system.

Method 11: Adjust settings in Windows 10 for Best Performance

1. Z desno miškino tipko kliknite »Ta PC”In izberite Lastnosti.

2. Then, from the left pane, click on Napredne sistemske nastavitve.

Click on Advanced system settings present on the left side of the System window

3. Now from the Advanced tab in System Properties, kliknite na Nastavitve.

advanced system settings | High CPU and Disk usage Windows 10

4. Next, choose to Nastavi za najboljšo učinkovitost. Nato kliknite Uporabi in nato V redu.

izberite Prilagodi za najboljšo zmogljivost pod možnostjo zmogljivosti

5. Restart your PC and check if you’re able to Fix High CPU and Disk usage in Windows 10.

Method 12: Turn off Windows Spotlight

1. Pritisnite tipko Windows + I, da odprete Nastavitve in nato izberite Personalizacija.

Open Windows Settings App then click on Personalization icon

2. Then from the left pane select the Zaklenjen zaslon.

3. Under the background from the dropdown, select Picture Namesto Windows Spotlight.

From the Background drop-down select Windows Spotlight | High CPU and Disk usage Windows 10

Method 13: Update Windows and Drivers

1. Pritisnite Tipka Windows + Odprem nastavitve in nato kliknem Posodobitve in varnost.

Pritisnite tipko Windows + I, da odprete nastavitve, nato kliknite ikono Posodobitev in varnost

2. Na levi strani klikne meni Windows Update.

3. Zdaj kliknite »Preveri za posodobitve«, da preverite, ali so na voljo posodobitve.

Preverite posodobitve sistema Windows | Pospešite svoj POČASENI računalnik

4. Če so na čakanju kakršne koli posodobitve, kliknite na Prenesite in namestite posodobitve.

Check for Update Windows will start downloading updates| High CPU and Disk usage Windows 10

5. Ko so posodobitve prenesene, jih namestite in vaš Windows bo postal posodobljen.

6. Pritisnite tipko Windows + R in vnesite “devmgmt.msc” in the Run dialogue box to open the upravitelj naprav.

upravitelj naprav devmgmt.msc

7. Razširi omrežne kartice, nato z desno miškino tipko kliknite svoj Wi-Fi krmilnik(na primer Broadcom ali Intel) in izberite Posodobite gonilnike.

Desni klik na omrežne kartice in posodobi gonilnike

8. V sistemu Windows za posodobitev programske opreme gonilnika izberite »Prebrskajte programsko opremo gonilnika v računalniku."

Prebrskaj računalnik in poišči programsko opremo

9. Zdaj izberite »Naj izberem iz seznama gonilnikov naprav v računalniku."

Naj izberem seznam gonilnikov naprav v računalniku

10. Poskusite posodobite gonilnike iz navedenih različic.

11. Če zgoraj navedeno ni delovalo, pojdite na proizvajalca za posodobitev gonilnikov: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/

12. Reboot uporabiti spremembe.

Method 14: Defragment Hard Disk

1. In the Windows Search bar type defragmentiranje in nato kliknite na Defragmentirajte in optimizirajte pogone.

2. Next, select all the drives one by one and click on Analizirajte.

analyze and optimize drives defragment | High CPU and Disk usage Windows 10

3. If the percentage of fragmentation is above 10%, select the drive and click on Optimize (This process can take some time so be patient).

4. Once fragmentation is done restart your PC and see if you’re able to fix High CPU and Disk usage problem of Windows 10.

15. način: Zaženite CCleaner in Malwarebytes

1. Prenesite in namestite CCleaner & Malwarebytes.

2. Zaženite Malwarebytes in naj pregleda vaš sistem za škodljive datoteke. Če je najdena zlonamerna programska oprema, jih bo samodejno odstranila.

Ko zaženete Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, kliknite Scan Now

3. Zdaj zaženite CCleaner in izberite Čisto po meri.

4. Pod Čiščenje po meri izberite zavihek Windows in označite privzeto in kliknite Analizirajte.

Select Custom Clean then checkmark default in Windows tab | Fix Aw Snap Error on Chrome

5. Ko je analiza končana, se prepričajte, da ste prepričani, da boste odstranili datoteke, ki jih želite izbrisati.

Click on Run Cleaner to deleted files | High CPU and Disk usage Windows 10

6. Na koncu kliknite Zaženi čistilca in pustite, da CCleaner teče po svoje.

7. Za nadaljnje čiščenje sistema izberite zavihek Registerin zagotovite, da je preverjeno naslednje:

Izberite zavihek Register in nato kliknite Iskanje težav

8. Kliknite na Iskanje težav in dovolite CCleanerju, da skenira, nato kliknite na Odpravite izbrane težave gumb.

Ko je iskanje težav končano, kliknite Popravi izbrane težave | Odpravite napako Aw Snap v brskalniku Google Chrome

9. Ko CCleaner vpraša "Ali želite varnostne kopije sprememb v registru?" izberite Da.

10. Ko je varnostno kopiranje končano, kliknite na Popravi vse izbrane težave gumb.

11. Znova zaženite računalnik, da shranite spremembe.

To je to, kar imate uspešno Odpravite težavo z visoko porabo procesorja in diska v sistemu Windows 10 but if you still have any queries regarding this post feel free to ask them in the comment section.