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Junij 23, 2022

Popravite Outlook, ki se poskuša povezati s strežnikom v sistemu Windows 10

Outlook is a Microsoft software that acts as a personal information manager. It is a file service where you can use email, calendar, and applications such as Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. This convenient one-stop for all work-related programs has been on the market for a long time now. Not just that but Outlook also allows users to surf the internet. However, Outlook members have been facing issues like Outlook not connecting to server on Windows 10 frequently. If you are also someone facing the same issue, then you are at the right place because we are here with our ultimate guide on how to fix Outlook trying to connect to server. So, let us get into the solutions but let us first get a brief detail about why exactly this issue emerges for most Outlook users.

How to fix Outlook trying to connect to server

How to Fix Outlook Trying to Connect to Server on Windows 10

Outlook is not only an online app but it works well offline too. Its offline feature allows a user to download and use files on the system when required. But this can be a flop-show in case Outlook 2016 not connecting to server issue comes up. This error is brought up for many reasons which are given below:

  • Šibka internetna povezava
  • Third-party add-ins in Outlook
  • Corrupt Outlook account
  • Način brez povezave je omogočen
  • Outdated Outlook version
  • Poškodovane datoteke
  • Corrupt installation of Microsoft Office
  • Windows error

Irrespective of what reason is behind causing Outlook trying to connect to server error on Windows 10, there are methods that can help you out in resolving it. The following stated 12 solutions are in order of their effectiveness and complexity, thereby performing them in the given sequence.

Opombe: The methods below are performed on the latest version of Outlook on Windows 10.

Method 1: Power Cycle PC

The first and foremost method to try before you move on to another is to try power cycling for your system. There is a possibility that Outlook is acting up because of an unknown shutdown and therefore restarting the system can fix this issue.

1. Če uporabljate a desktop, Turn off your router.

2. Then, power off the CPU.

3. After about 3-5 minut, switch on your PC again and check if Outlook is now working properly.

4. In case you are using a laptop, close all the programs and Zaustavite sistem.

5. Once done, after 3-5 minutes, press the gumb za vklop again and turn the system on.

Gumb za vklop prenosnika ali Maca

6. Now, run Outlook da vidite, ali je težava odpravljena.

2. način: Odpravljanje težav z internetno povezavo

If restarting the system didn’t work for you then checking the internet connection might be of help in solving Outlook server connecting issues. If your internet network is too weak or not stable, it can be a hindrance while working online in Outlook. Hence, to make sure everything is alright with your internet, follow the steps below:

1. Connect a separate device k isto omrežje. Install Outlook on that device and try to run the app.

2. Zaženite brskalnik on your system, open your mail or browse something to check if the internet is working.

3. Preklopite na a private internet connection to run your program without any problem.

4. Follow our guide to reboot the router.

znova zaženite usmerjevalnik

Preberite tudi: Kako vklopiti potrdilo o branju e-pošte Outlook

Method 3: Modify Account Security Setting

This might not be the first thing to cross your mind while confronting Outlook cannot find email server error on your system but sometimes wrong credentials can also be a reason why this error shows up on your screen every time you try to run Outlook. Therefore, make sure all the account information filled in the app is correct, you can ensure this with the help of the following mentioned steps:

1. Pritisnite Windows tipka, tip Outlook in kliknite na Odprto.

open outlook. Fix Outlook Trying to Connect to Server

2. Kliknite na svoj ikona imena at the upper right corner of the outlook page.

Click on the Profile icon

3. Nato kliknite Prikaži račun.

Click view account

4. Izberite UPDATE INFO.

Select update info. Fix Outlook Trying to Connect to Server

5. klik Spreminjanje or Brisanje to add new credentials.

Click Change or Delete

Once the steps are performed, run the Outlook app again and check if the server connection error is resolved.

4. način: onemogočite razširitve

There is a possibility that some extensions might not be working properly and causing conflicts with Outlook Settings which is why the users have been seeing Outlook cannot find email server error. In this case, it is suggested to disable extensions and try to connect again.

1. Odprite Outlook in kliknite na file tab.

kliknite meni Datoteka v programu Outlook

2. Tukaj kliknite na možnosti.

Kliknite možnosti

3. Izberite Dodatki v stranskem meniju.

Select add ins

4. Kliknite na Pojdi ... gumb.

Click go

5. Here, uncheck the boxes for all the razširitve in kliknite OK.

Uncheck boxes for extensions and click ok. Fix Outlook Trying to Connect to Server

6. Zdaj zaženite Outlook application again and see if the server issue is resolved.

Preberite tudi: Popravite ponovni pojav poziva za geslo za Outlook

Method 5: Repair .pst and .ost Files

Repairing damaged or corrupt .pst and .ost files come in handy in getting rid of connection to server issues in Outlook. If you are looking forward to doing so, check our guide on How to Fix Corrupt Outlook .ost and .pst Data Files and perform the same on your system.

popravi orodje za popravilo prejete pošte Microsoft Outlook

Method 6: Repair MS Outlook App

If nothing has worked for you till now then repairing the MS Outlook app can be of help for you. Due to viruses or bugs, the Outlook app can get corrupt causing network connection issues. Hence, it becomes crucial that you fix it by repairing it on your system. You can follow the steps below for the same.

1. Pritisnite Windows tipka, tip Nadzorna ploščain kliknite na Odprto.

Odpri nadzorno ploščo

2. Nastavite Ogled po > Velike ikone, nato kliknite na Programi in funkcije.

Izberite Programi in funkcije

3. Z desno miškino tipko kliknite Microsoft Office In izberite Spreminjanje možnost.

Click change. Fix Outlook Trying to Connect to Server

4. Izberite popravilo in kliknite na Nadaljuj.

Izberite Popravi in ​​kliknite Nadaljuj

Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the repair process and once it is done, relaunch the Outlook app.

Preberite tudi: Kako vklopiti temni način Microsoft Outlook

7. način: Popravite račun Outlook 

If the problem of Outlook trying to connect to server on Windows 10 still exists after repairing the app, then the issue is with your account and repairing is one of the solutions to fix it.

Opombe: The Repair option is not available for Outlook 2016.

1. Zaženite Outlook aplikacijo in kliknite na file tab.

Click on File tab

2. Izberite Nastavitve računa… option from the menu under Account Settings.

Select account settings

3. V Ljubljani E-naslov jeziček, izberite popravilo.

Select repair

4. Sledite navodila na zaslonu and complete the repair method.

Preberite tudi: Popravite, da se aplikacija Outlook ne odpre v sistemu Windows 10

8. način: Ustvarite nov račun

If nothing else has worked for you then the last option that you have is to create a new Outlook account. This method helps you to resolve issues of any type related to your Outlook account, so, follow the instructions below and add a new account:

1. Pritisnite Tipke Windows + R hkrati odpreti Run pogovorno okno.

2. Tip izgled / varen in pritisnite Vnesite tipko Če želite odpreti Microsoft Outlook Startup v varnem načinu.

Type outlook safe in run box and press enter. Fix Outlook Trying to Connect to Server

3. Tukaj kliknite na Naslednji možnost.

Izberite naslednje

4. Izberite Da from the options given and click Naslednji.

Select yes and click next. Fix Outlook Trying to Connect to Server

5. Dodajte nov račun by filling in the credentials and click Naslednji.

Add a new account and click next

6. Once the profile is set up, launch the nadzorno ploščo.

Open control panel. Fix Outlook Trying to Connect to Server

7. Nastavite Pogled po > Velike ikone, nato izberite mail nastavitev.

Open Mail option in Control Panel. Fix Outlook Trying to Connect to Server

8. Select your new račun, izberite Vedno uporabljaj ta profil in kliknite OK.

Select new account choose always use this profile and click ok

Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja (FAQ)

Q1. Why is my Outlook not connecting to the server?

Ans. There can be many reasons lying behind why your Outlook is not connecting to the server but the prominent ones are razširitve in dodatkov that hinder the working of Outlook and result in an error.

Q2. Can I save files on Outlook even when I am offline?

Ans. ja, the Outlook application can be used offline. You can access mail and files while not being connected to the internet.

Q3. How can I fix the connecting to server error on my Outlook?

Ans. In-built utilities available in the Outlook app can help you in fixing the connecting to a server error. You would need to access Nastavitve računa v file Kartico in izberite popravilo za rešitev težave.

Q4. How can I reconnect to the server in Outlook?

Ans. Reconnecting to the server in Outlook is possible by opening the Pošiljanje / prejemanje in nato kliknite na Delo brez povezave možnost v njej.

Q5. How can I save emails offline on Outlook?

Ans. Saving emails offline is possible on Outlook by accessing Gmail offline settings in se vklopi Omogoči pošto brez povezave.


It is safe to say that Outlook indeed is an impressive software application by Microsoft which enables the use of multiple programs on a single platform. But this is not it, Outlook also comes with many errors, one of which is its inability to connect to the server due to various reasons. We hope that this guide helped you know about how to fix Outlook trying to connect to server. Let us know which one of our methods was the most helpful to you. For any further queries or suggestions, contact us in the comments section below.