Avgust 31, 2022

Popravite, da povabila za igro Xbox One ne delujejo

Popravite, da povabila za igro Xbox One ne delujejo

The Xbox One provides users feature to invite friends to play games in real-time multiplayer mode. This feature has revolutionized the gaming experience for people who enjoy computer gaming. However, sometimes the users complaint that Xbox One game invites not working and they were not able to use real-time multiplayer feature. This error can be very annoying as it prevents users from sending or receiving game invites. However, Xbox invites not working is a common error and can be fixed by following a few simple methods. In this guide we will discuss the reasons and methods to fix Xbox game invites not working issues in the Xbox One.

Popravite, da povabila za igro Xbox One ne delujejo

How to Fix Xbox One Game Invites Not Working

There can be multiple reasons for Xbox One game invites not working error; some of the possible reasons for this error are listed below.

  • A network connection error due to an unstable internet connection is a common reason for this error
  • Xbox service issues are also often responsible for several issues, including game invite errors
  • Improper NAT-type settings are a major reason for invite errors to trigger on Xbox
  • Outdated Xbox One can also cause several errors including a game invite error

The following guide will give you methods to resolve the issues with the Game invite feature on Xbox One

Method 1: Restart Xbox One

Most of the time Xbox One game invites not working error is a temporary issue within the Xbox console, and you can deal with it by simply waiting around for a few minutes. If the issue is temporary, usually it will resolve on its own within 10-12 minutes. Follow these steps to restart the console.

1. Hold the Xbox button in the controller to open the Center moči.

xbox controller xbox button. Fix Xbox One Game Invites Not Working

2. Zdaj izberite Ponovno zaženite konzolo as highlighted in the pic below.

click on Restart console

3. Na koncu izberite Restart za začetek postopka.

Preberite tudi: Popravite, da slušalke Xbox One ne delujejo

2. način: Odpravljanje težav z omrežnimi povezavami

You need an active internet connection to use the game invite feature on Xbox One consoles. Generally Xbox invites not working issue occurs when the Xbox console doesn’t get a stable connection to send or receive invite requests to other players. Therefore, the first thing you should do to resolve Xbox game invites not working is to ensure that you have a stable and working internet connection. You can try to restart your WiFi router or check with your network provider. Follow these steps to troubleshoot network connectivity.

1. Pritisnite Gumb Xbox od krmilnika.

2. Nato izberite Profil in sistem > Nastavitve kot je prikazano spodaj.

select Profile and System and click on Settings. Fix Xbox One Game Invites Not Working

3. Iz splošno izberete omrežne nastavitve možnost.

izberite možnost Omrežne nastavitve

4. Tukaj izberite Preizkusite omrežno povezavo možnost izvajanja preizkusa hitrosti.

choose the Test network connection option. Fix Xbox One Game Invites Not Working

5.. Nato pojdite na omrežne nastavitve še enkrat in izberite Napredne nastavitve, kot je prikazano spodaj.

Select Advanced settings. Fix Xbox One Game Invites Not Working

6. Zdaj izberite Nadomestni naslov Mac > Počisti možnost.

7. Nazadnje, znova zaženite usmerjevalnik Wi-Fi ker se konzola Xbox znova zaganja.

Preberite tudi: 10 načinov, kako popraviti naključno prekinitev povezave krmilnika Xbox One

Method 3: View Recent Xbox Notifications

When you receive an Xbox One game invite, generally you should be able to join the game by pressing the home button, however, often due to various reasons pressing the home button does not let you in the game. You can try to join the game by going to the recent Xbox notifications. Follow the steps below:

1. In your game controller locate and press the Gumb za vodenje.

2. Zdaj pa poiščite Sporočila, and here, select Obvestila.

Xbox One Messages Notfications

3. Locate the notification for the game and press the Gumb Domov da sprejmete povabilo.

Opomba: if pressing the home button once does not accept the invite, try pressing it multiple times.

Method 4: Verify Xbox Service Status

Many times the console experience with Xbox can be interrupted by inactive servers and Xbox service issues. When Xbox one game invites not working issues are caused by inactive Xbox servers, you can’t do anything except wait until the server issues are fixed by Xbox. However, you can always check the status of Xbox servers to ensure that Xbox invites not working issue was indeed caused by Xbox service issues. Go to the Stran s stanjem Xbox live to check if the server is running or not.

stanje xbox. Popravite kodo napake Xbox Live 80072ef3

Preberite tudi: Kako spremeniti sliko profila v aplikaciji Xbox

Method 5: Relogin to Xbox

Sometimes when the Xbox console has not loaded properly, it may cause Xbox game invites not working issues while running the games and sending or receiving game invites. To resolve this, you may want to perform a power cycle with your Xbox One console.

1. In your Xbox controller, press the Xbox gumb.

2. Zdaj se pomaknite do Profil in sistem meni.

3. Tukaj izberite Izpis možnost.

select the Sign out option

4. Once you have signed out, go to the Vpis! menu in Xbox console.

Navigate to the Sign in menu of your Xbox console. Fix Xbox One Game Invites Not Working

Method 6: Test NAT Type

Network Address Translation or simply NAT is a system that connects multiple local networks and makes real-time gaming possible. If there are improper NAT settings, you will have problems connecting to game invites which can cause Xbox invites not working issues.

1. Pojdite do Moje igre in aplikacije on your Xbox One console.

2. Izberite splošno potem, mreža nastavitve kot je prikazano.

izberite možnost Omrežne nastavitve

3. Pojdite do Trenutno stanje omrežja in poiščite Vrsta NAT.

4. Poiščite in izberite Test Vrsta NAT možnost.

select the Test NAT Type option in Xbox Network setting. Fix Xbox One Game Invites Not Working

5. Wait for the test to finish.

6. If your NAT Type is open, select naprej.

7. If your NAT Type is Zmerno or Stroga then you will have to use NAT Type troubleshooting options.

Opomba: To perform troubleshooting visit the official website of Microsoft to troubleshoot NAT type vprašanja.

Preberite tudi: Popravite visoko izgubo paketov na Xboxu

Method 7: Update Xbox One

If none of the previous methods resolves Xbox game invites not working issues, you can try to update your Xbox console; you can check the official Xbox website to see if there are new updates available for your console. If there are not any new updates, you will have to wait for the updates. Here are the steps to update Xbox One.

1. Navigate to Xbox Settings > All Settings iz spustnega menija.

2. Nato pojdite na System > Updates & Prenosi, kot je poudarjeno.

select Updates and Downloads. Fix Xbox One Game Invites Not Working

3. Na koncu izberite Posodobite konzolo option to check if any updates are available.

Method 8: Restore Factory Defaults

This method should be the one to be performed if nothing of the above has worked. Restoring your console to the factory defaults will reset the settings and further fix Xbox One runtime error or Game invites not working.

1. Pritisnite Gumb Xbox iz krmilnika, da odprete Guide meni.

xbox controller xbox button. Fix Xbox One Error 0x807a1007

2. Zdaj izberite Nastavitve > Sistem > Informacije o konzoli, kot je prikazano.

select system option and then console info in xbox one

3. Izberite Ponastavi konzolo.

Izberite možnost Ponastavi konzolo

4A. Izberite PONASTAVI IN OBDRŽI MOJE IGRE IN APLIKACIJE možnost, saj s tem samo ponastavite vdelano programsko opremo in nastavitve.

Opombe: Podatki igre ostanejo nedotaknjeni in vam ni treba vsega znova prenesti.

Izberite PONASTAVI IN OBDRŽI MOJE IGRE in APLIKACIJE. Odpravite napako Xbox One 0x807a1007

4B. If you still face the issue, select the PONASTAVI IN ODSTRANI VSE možnost.

Opombe: Celotni podatki igre in aplikacije se izbrišejo,

Izberite PONASTAVI IN ODSTRANI VSE. Odpravite napako Xbox One 0x807a1007

Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja (FAQ)

Q1. Why can’t I invite users on my Xbox One console?

Ans. Improper NAT settings results in the issue. You can try changing the NAT settings to fix this problem.

Q2. How to invite other players to Xbox One console?

Ans. Skozi Multiplayer option, you can invite other players to play games.

Q3. What to do if my Xbox console doesn’t load a game?

Ans. Poskušajte znova zaženite konzolo if the particular game doesn’t load. Also you can update or reset the console.


Upamo, da vam je bil ta vodnik v pomoč in da ste ga lahko odpravili Xbox one game invites not working issues. Let us know which method worked for you the best. If you have any suggestions or queries, please let us know in the comment section.