Oktober 18, 2022

Kako se znebite zgodovine iskanja na Tumblr

Tumblr is a social networking website where everyone can post pictures, blogs, chat, and do much more. It is quite famous throughout the world with many interesting features. The users also extensively look for the answers to the queries, like how do you get rid of your search history on Tumblr and clear your search history on Tumblr. If you are one of them, your search is over. This article will clear all these queries for you, in addition to the ones like how to delete tags from your Tumblr blog’s search bar and look at your archive on Tumblr. Let’s dive right in!

Kako se znebite zgodovine iskanja na Tumblr

Kako se znebite zgodovine iskanja na Tumblr

You will get to know how do you get rid of your search history on Tumblr further in this article. Keep reading to learn more about it in detail.

Does Tumblr have a Search History?

Ne, Tumblr does not have a search history. You can only see the tags you follow in the search bar on your Tumblr account.

tags you follow in the search bar on your Tumblr account

How Do You Clear Your Search History on Tumblr?

Vi cannot clear search history on Tumblr as there is nothing like that. But you can unfollow the tags you follow to get rid of them from the search bar.

1. Obiščite tumblr spletno mesto v vašem brskalniku.

2. Kliknite na Vpiši se v zgornjem desnem kotu zaslona.

Click on Log in at the top right corner of the screen |

3. Zdaj izberite desired following log in option da pridejo v vaš račun. 

choose any option to log in to your account | look at your archive on Tumblr

4. Kliknite na iskanje bar videti tags you follow.

5. Kliknite na desired tag iz rezultatov iskanja.

tags you follow in the search bar on your Tumblr account

6. Nato kliknite Ne zasleduj več from the bio of the tag on the right side of the screen.

click on Unfollow from the bio of the tag on the right side of the screen

The target tag will get removed from the search history immediately.

Tudi Read: Why Can’t You Delete Your Tumblr Account?

How Do You Get Rid of Your Search History on Tumblr?

Lahko sledite zgoraj omenjeni koraki to get rid of your searches and the following tags from the search bar.

How Many Tags are Searchable on Tumblr?

O first 20 tags you add to your post are indexed for the most popular and recent searches on Tumblr. So, only the first 5-20 tags are searchable and will appear in the search results on Tumblr.

How Do You Delete Tags from Your Tumblr Blog’s Search Bar?

You can delete tags from your Tumblr search with the help of the following steps:

1. Pomaknite se na tumblr spletna stran Vpiši se v račun.

2. Kliknite na search bar > desired tag.

tags you follow in the search bar on your Tumblr account | look at your archive on Tumblr

3. Kliknite na Ne zasleduj več from the bio of the tag on the right side of the screen.

click on Unfollow from the bio of the tag on the right side of the screen

Tudi Read: Kako izbrisati prve rezultate iskanja v Instagramu

How Do You Delete Content on Tumblr?

Let’s see how to delete content on Tumblr.

Opombe: Svetujemo, da hkrati izbrišete največ 1000 objav, da se izognete napetosti v strežniku.

1. Vpiši se do vašega Tumblr račun in kliknite na Ikona računa.

2. Izberite Prispevkov.

3. Kliknite na Urednik množičnih objav.

Click on Mass Post Editor |

4. Izberite želenih objav želite izbrisati.

5. Kliknite na Brisanje z vrha.

Click on Delete from the top | look at your archive on Tumblr

6. Kliknite na OK v potrditvenem pojavnem oknu.

Read this article from the start to learn how do you get rid of your search history on Tumblr.

How Do You Filter on Tumblr?

You can filter content and tas with the help of the following steps:

1. Vpiši se do vašega Tumblr račun.

2. Kliknite na Account icon > Settings.

Click on the Account icon -  Settings

3. V Ljubljani Račun zavihek, se pomaknite navzdol do Vsebina, ki jo vidite oddelek.

4. Kliknite na Uredi ikona svinčnika poleg Filtered Tags in Filtered Post Content.

Click on the edit pencil icon next to Filtered Tags and Filtered Post Content

5. Dodaj o desired tags and post content you want to filter to not let them appear on your Tumblr feed.

Add the desired tags and post content you want to filter to not let them appear on your Tumblr feed | look at your archive on Tumblr

Tudi Read: Kako izklopiti varni način na Tumblr

How Can You See Who has Viewed Your Tumblr?

Vi cannot see who has only seen your Tumblr blog. The other users will have to reblog, like, or follow your Tumblr to appear in the respective lists. And then, you can see those profiles who have seen your Tumblr.

How Do You Look at Your Archive on Tumblr?

You can look at your archive on Tumblr by adding the word Arhiv at the end of your Tumblr profile URL. So, it will be tumblr.com/[your Tumblr name]/archive. You have to type this URL into your browser URL field in pritisnite Vnesite tipko to see your archive on Tumblr.

Add the word archive at the end of your Tumblr profile URL

Does Tumblr Notify You When Someone Logs into Your Account?

Da, ti lahko get emails about your account activity. You will receive an email when someone else logs into your account from a different location. You can enable this feature by going to your Account > Settings. Takrat lahko vklopiti stikalo za Email me about account activity option to receive the activity emails regularly.

turn on the toggle for the Email me about account activity option to receive the activity emails regularly | look at your archive on Tumblr


Torej upamo, da ste razumeli how do you get rid of your search history on Tumblr s podrobnimi koraki za vašo pomoč. Sporočite nam lahko kakršna koli vprašanja ali predloge o kateri koli drugi temi, o kateri želite, da pripravimo članek. Spustite jih v spodnji razdelek za komentarje, da bomo vedeli.