April 18, 2018

How to Zoom out on Computer Screen

How to Zoom out on Computer Screen: If you are facing this issue where your Computer screen is zoomed in i.e. desktop icons appears big and even when browsing the internet everything appears large then you’re at the right place as today we are going to see how to fix the issue. There is no particular cause of this error as it can be simply caused by changing the screen resolution or by mistake you may have zoomed in.

How to Zoom out on Computer Screen

Now, this issue can easily be fixed by simply zooming out or trying various fixes listed in this guide. The problem is simply that users don’t know about this functionality but don’t worry, now you would know. So without wasting any time let’s see How to Zoom out on Computer Screen with the help of the below-listed guide.

How to Zoom out on Computer Screen

Ne pozabite ustvariti obnovitvene točke za vsak primer, če gre kaj narobe.

Method 1: Adjust the size of your desktop icons

Hold Ctrl key on your keyboard than using Mouse wheel adjust size of your desktop icons which would easily fix this issue.

Opomba: To fix this issue at once press Ctrl + 0 which would return everything to normal.

Method 2: Change your display resolution

1. Pritisnite tipko Windows + I, da odprete nastavitve, nato kliknite Sistem.

kliknite na Sistem

2.Now under Scale and layout, from the “Spremenite velikost besedila, aplikacij in drugih elementov” drop-down choose “100 % (priporočeno)".

V razdelku Spremeni velikost besedila, aplikacij in drugih elementov izberite odstotek DPI

3.Similarly, under Resolucija izberi Recommended resolution.

4. Znova zaženite računalnik, da shranite spremembe.

Method 3: Choose Small Icons for the size of desktop icons

1.Right-click in an empty area on the desktop and select Pogled.

2.From View menu click “Majhne ikone"Ali"Srednje ikone".

Kliknite z desno tipko miške in v pogledu izberite Majhne ikone

3.This would return Desktop icons to their normal size.

4. Znova zaženite računalnik, da shranite spremembe.

4. način: Obnovite računalnik na prejšnji čas

1. Pritisnite tipko Windows + R in vnesite »sysdm.cpl« nato pritisnite enter.

sistemske lastnosti sysdm

2.Select Zaščita sistema zavihek in izberite Obnovitev sistema.

obnovitev sistema v lastnostih sistema

3. Kliknite Naprej in izberite želeno Točka za obnovitev sistema.

obnovitev sistema

4. Sledite navodilom na zaslonu, da dokončate obnovitev sistema.

5. Po ponovnem zagonu boste morda lahko zoom out on computer screen easily.


To je to, kar ste se uspešno naučili How to Zoom out on Computer Screen če pa imate še vedno kakršna koli vprašanja v zvezi s to objavo, jih lahko vprašate v razdelku za komentarje.