September 2, 2022

Sei Usingakwanisi Kudzima Akaunti Yako yeTumblr?

Tumblr is a social networking website where everyone can post pictures, blogs, chat, and do much more. It is quite famous throughout the world with many interesting features. Some important questions people ask about Tumblr are how to disable safe mode on Tumblr, how to deactivate Tumblr account temporarily, and how to permanently delete Tumblr account. Keep reading this article till the end, as these questions have been answered below. Also, you will learn why can’t you delete your Tumblr and the steps for the same. Let’s dive in!

Sei Usingakwanisi Kudzima Akaunti Yako yeTumblr?

Sei Usingakwanisi Kudzima Akaunti Yako yeTumblr?

Continue reading to learn the reasons why can’t you delete your Tumblr and the steps explaining the same process in detail.

Is Tumblr Safe?

Ehe, Tumble is totally safe. It also has features to make your content or blogs private. For your safety, you can block or report users and posts if uncomfortable with them. You can also filter your content and tags easily.

Can a 12-Year-Old Have Tumblr?

Aihwa, Tumblr has the policy that its users should strictly be of age 13 or above. So, technically a 12-year-old cannot have a Tumblr account.

What Can’t You Do with Your Tumblr Account?

Tumblr doesn’t have the option to temporarily deactivate your account. You can only delete your blogs or your whole account but cannot temporarily deactivate it.

How Do You Disable Safe Mode on Tumblr?

There is no feature within the Tumblr app to disable the safe mode, but it can be achieved differently. You need to manage your app settings as follows:

1. Vhura yako web browser uye famba uchienda ku official Tumblr site

2. Dzvanya Log In kubva kumusoro kwekona yekona yekona.

Click on Log in at the top right corner of the screen | Why can't you delete your tumblr

3. Now, choose any of the following log in option kuti upinde muaccount yako. 

choose any option to log in to your account

4. Dzvanya pane Akaunti icon kubva kumusoro kwekona yekurudyi, sezvakaratidzwa pasi apa.

Click on the account icon | Why Can’t You Delete Your Tumblr Account?

5. Dzvanya Settings.

Sarudza Zvirongwa

6. Bhura pasi uye uende ku mupise chikamu.

7. Batidza iyo toggle ye Hide potentially mature content kuita.

chitsamba: If you can’t find this option, look for Safe mode.

Turn on the toggle for the Hide potentially mature content option | Why can't you delete your tumblr

To find the reasons why can’t you delete your Tumblr, read this article further.

Uyewo Verenga: Why Tinder Won’t Let Me Delete My Account?

How to Deactivate Tumblr Account Temporarily?

Pane no such option currently to deactivate Tumblr account temporarily. But you can delete or restrict access to your blogs.

How Do You Know If Your Tumblr is Deleted?

If your Tumblr account is deleted, you won’t be able to access your blogs. Even if you try to log in to your account with the app or browser, you will get notifications saying that your account has been suspended.

What Happens If You Delete Your Tumblr Account?

The consequences after your Tumblr account is deleted are listed below:

  • Your blogs and messages won’t be visible anymore.
  • Also, all activities will be removed permanently.
  • You won’t be able to login into your account from the website or app.

Why is Tumblr Not Letting You Delete Your Account?

iwe can’t delete Tumblr account from the mobile app. You have to do so from the Tumblr website on your browser. Read the next section to learn how to do that.

How Do You Permanently Delete Your Tumblr Account?

After knowing why can’t you delete your Tumblr, follow the below steps to permanently delete Tumblr account:

1. Log In kuna wako Tumblr account.

2. Dzvanya pane Akaunti icon > Zvirongwa.

Select Settings | Why can't you delete your tumblr

3. Bhura pasi uye tinya pa Delete account.

Scroll down and click on Delete account | disable safe mode on Tumblr

4. Pakupedzisira, pinda yako email kero uye password uye tinya Dzinga zvose kusimbisa maitiro.

enter your email address and password and click on Delete everything to confirm the process | Why Can’t You Delete Your Tumblr Account?

Uyewo Verenga: Maitiro ekudzima Safe Mode paTumblr

How Do You Delete Your Tumblr Account on App?

There is no way you can delete your Tumblr account from the app. You can only delete your blogs from the app. To delete your Tumblr account, read the matanho ataurwa pamusoro apa.

How Do You Get Rid of Your Tumblr Account?

To get rid of your Tumblr account, you will have to delete it permanently. Follow these steps to delete your account:

1. Enda kune iyo Tumblr account pane browser yako.

2. Log In to your account with nhoroondo dzeakaundi uye chengeta pa Akaunti icon.

3. Zvadaro, tinya pa Settings.

Select Settings | Why can't you delete your tumblr | disable safe mode on Tumblr

4. Dzvanya Delete account uye pinda zvako email kero uye password.

5. Pakupedzisira, tinya Dzinga zvose.

enter your email address and password and click on Delete everything to confirm the process

If you don’t know why can’t you delete your Tumblr account, contact Tumblr Support and convey your problem.

Uyewo Verenga: Maitiro ekubvisa Picasa paSamsung Galaxy S5

How Do You Wipe Your Tumblr Clean?

Let’s see how you can wipe or delete Tumblr posts:


1. Log in kuna wako Tumblr account uye chengeta pa Akaunti icon.

2. Sarudza Posts.

3. Dzvanya Mass Post Editor.

Click on Mass Post Editor | Why Can’t You Delete Your Tumblr Account? | disable safe mode on Tumblr

4. Sarudza iyo maposvo anodiwa iwe unoda kubvisa.

5. Dzvanya Kudzima kubva kumusoro.

Click on Delete from the top

6. Dzvanya OK mune yekusimbisa pop-up.


Saka, tinovimba wanzwisisa why can’t you delete your Tumblr account and the steps for the same in detail. You can let us know any queries or suggestions about any other topic you want us to make an article on. Drop them in the comments section below for us to know.