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Поправите Мицрософт продавница која не инсталира апликације

Microsoft Store is from where you can install apps and games on your Windows PC. But sometimes you can’t download from Microsoft store due to many reasons. Other similar errors include Microsoft Store not installing apps or Microsoft Store won’t install apps, Microsoft Store not downloading apps or can’t download apps from Microsoft store and Microsoft Store not installing games. Sometimes you cannot download from Microsoft store but we have the methods to fix this issue. We bring to you a perfect guide that will help you fix Microsoft Store not downloading anything issue.

Поправите Мицрософт продавница која не инсталира апликације

How to Fix Microsoft Store Not Installing Apps

Here are some possible reasons which can cause this issue.

  • Faulty internet connection
  • Оштећена кеш меморија
  • Недостатак простора за складиштење
  • Застарели оперативни систем

We have compiled a list of methods that will help you fix can’t download apps from Microsoft store issue. Follow the methods in the same order to attain the best results.

Основни савети за решавање проблема

These are some of the basic ways you can fix this issue. Try these before other methods and they must just fix the problem

КСНУМКС. притисните windows тастер и тип cMD. Кликните на Покрени као администратор.

Search cmd in search menu. How to Fix Microsoft Store not Installing Apps

КСНУМКС. Тип Пинг in command window and press Типка на тастатури.

Command to check in internet connection

3. Wait for a few seconds and check for Packets: Sent = Кс, Received = X, Lost = X line. Here X will vary according to your connection.

  • If value of изгубљен is zero i.e. Lost = 0 it means your connection is working fine.
  • If value of изгубљен is positive or negative then you connection is having issues. In that case, try рестартинг your, switching to an Етхернет веза или контактирајте Интернет сервис провајдер да се позабавимо проблемом.

Такође читајте: Fix Windows 10 Apps Not Working

Метод 1: Поново покрените Мицрософт Сторе

If you are still cannot download from Microsoft store, try manually closing Microsoft Store application and restart it as instructed below.

КСНУМКС. Притисните Тастери Цтрл + Схифт + Есц заједно да се отвори таск манагер опција.

2. Ундер procesi таб, кликните на Мицрософт Сторе затим Крај задатак дугме.

Microsoft Store under Processes tab

3. Поново отворите Мицрософт Сторе.

Method 2: Disable Metered Connection

A metered connection is used to prevent unnecessary data consumption by apps and programs by setting a data limit. If your network is configured as a metered connection, it may cause Microsoft Store won’t install apps issue. You can turn OFF metered connection as instructed below.

1. Десни клик на Ви-фи or етхернет икону у доњем десном углу екрана и изаберите Отворите Подешавања мреже и Интернета.

Open Network Internet settings option

КСНУМКС. Кликните на Некретнине option in the right panel.

Properties option. How to Fix Microsoft Store not Installing Apps

3. Scroll down the screen and toggle OFF Подесите као мерено повезивање опција испод Премерена веза.

Metered connection option

Врати се Мицрософт Сторе and try installing any app or game. 

Такође читајте: Како да решите проблем спорог преузимања у Мицрософт Сторе-у?

3. метод: Покрените алатку за решавање проблема са апликацијама у Виндовс продавници

If you still notice Microsoft Store not installing games then you can use the inbuilt troubleshooting tool to identify and fix the issue. Follow the steps below.

КСНУМКС. Тип Решавање проблема in Windows search bar. Click on отворен.

Type Troubleshoot settings in search menu

КСНУМКС. Кликните на Додатни алати за решавање проблема као што је приказано у наставку.

Additional troubleshooters option

КСНУМКС. Изаберите Windows Store Apps > Run the troubleshooter.

Run the troubleshooter option

4. After the troubleshooting process, if the tool has identified any problems, click on Примени овај поправак.

5. Follow the given instructions in successive prompts and покренути свој рачунар.

Method 4: Clear Windows Store Cache

If you still can’t download from Microsoft store then it might be because of corrupt cache files is interfering in the process. To delete Microsoft Store cache, follow these steps.

КСНУМКС. Отвори трчање dialog box by clicking Windows +R keys истовремено.

КСНУМКС. Тип всресет.еке и притисните унети.

Run dialog box. How to Fix Microsoft Store not Installing Apps

Method 5: Restart Windows Update Services

Many users have suggested that Microsoft Store won’t install apps issue can be fixed by restarting the Windows Update Services which manages updates released by Microsoft. Here is how you can do it.

КСНУМКС. Покрените трчање Дијалог.

КСНУМКС. Тип сервицес.мсц и притисните Типка на тастатури лансирати Usluge прозор.

Покрени дијалошки оквир

3. Scroll down the screen and right-click on Виндовс Упдате.

Белешка: If the current status is не Running, you can skip the below step.

КСНУМКС. Кликните на Стоп if the current status displays Running.

Window update option. How to Fix Microsoft Store not Installing Apps

5. You will receive a prompt; Windows is attempting to stop the following service on Local Computer… Wait for the prompt to be completed. It will take around 3 to 5 seconds.

Service control prompt

6. Сада притисните Виндовс + Е тастери заједно за лансирање file Екплорер и померите се


7. Select all the files and folders by pressing Цтрл + А тастери. Then, right-click > Избрисати као што је приказано у наставку.

Опција брисања

8. Дођите до следећег пут Избрисати all data fro here similarly.

Ц: ВиндовсСофтвареДистрибутионДовнлоад

Delete option. How to Fix Microsoft Store not Installing Apps

9. Go back to Usluge прозор и кликните десним тастером миша на Виндовс Упдате. одабрати Почетак опција.

Windows update option

10. Сачекајте да се процес заврши.

Service control prompt

Такође читајте: Always Show Scrollbars in Windows 10 Store Apps

Метод 6: Промените ДНС адресу

Switching to Google DNS addresses has helped many users when they cannot download from Microsoft store. DNS server fetches IP address of the requested website so it can be displayed. You can change your DNS address and also switch to Google DNS by following our guide on 3 Ways to change DNS settings on Windows 10. After changing your DNS address, check if are able to download from Microsoft store.

Метод 7: Измените кључеве регистратора

There is a feature named Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object in your Registry editor. If you enable it for any specific folder, all the permissions of the parent folder will be transferred to all of its subfolders. It may resolve the issue and you can do it by following the steps below.

1. Go to search menu and type Уредник регистра и кликните на Покрени као администратор.

Registry editor in search menu

2. Now, in the Windows Registry Editor, navigate to the following path.


Folder path to Profiles

3. Десни клик на Профили фолдер и кликните на Дозволе ...

КСНУМКС. У Permissions for Profiles прозор, кликните на Напредан.

Permissions for Profiles window. How to Fix Microsoft Store not Installing Apps

5. Означите поље за потврду Замените све дозволе дете објекат са наслеђују дозволе уноса ставке из овог објекта.

Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object option

КСНУМКС. Кликните на Аппли> ОК поново покрените рачунар.

Такође читајте: Fix Windows Store Cache May Be Damaged Error

Метод 8: Ресетујте компоненте Виндовс Упдате

Corrupt files in Windows update component can cause several errors related to Microsoft Store. Problems with updating cache may also lead to Microsoft Store not downloading apps. Resetting Windows Update Components will restart essential Windows services like BITS, MSI Installer, Cryptographic and Windows Update Services. You can do the same by following our guide on How to Reset Windows Update Components on Windows 10

Белешка: Можете и да користите аутоматизовани алат за поправку to reset the Windows Update Components.

Метод 9: Ресетујте Мицрософт Сторе

Resetting Microsoft Store is an extreme option and will remove your log-in details, settings, and preferences from your computer but it can work if you cannot download from Microsoft Store. Follow these steps.

КСНУМКС. притисните windows тастер, тип Мицрософт Сторе и изаберите podešavanja апликације опција.

App settings option

2. Померите се надоле Подешавања screen and click on Ресетовати дугме као што је истакнуто.

Белешка: Your app data will be deleted while resetting Microsoft Store.

Ресет опција

КСНУМКС. Кликните на Ресетовати у одзивнику за потврду.

Reset prompt. How to Fix Microsoft Store not Installing Apps

4. After the process is finished, поново покрените рачунар.

Такође читајте: Поправите проблем да се Виндовс продавница не учитава у оперативном систему Виндовс 10

10. метод: Поново региструјте Мицрософт Сторе

After resetting if you still can’t download from Microsoft store, re-registering the app may fix the issue. Follow as instructed below.

КСНУМКС. притисните windows тастер, тип windows ПоверСхелл и кликните на Покрени као администратор.

PowerShell in search menu

2. Now, paste the following command line in Windows PowerShell and press Типка на тастатури.

ПоверСхелл -ЕкецутионПолици Унрестрицтед -Цомманд "& {$манифест = (Гет-АппкПацкаге Мицрософт.ВиндовсСторе).ИнсталлЛоцатион + 'АппкМанифест.кмл' ; Адд-АппкПацкаге -ДисаблеДевелопментМоде -Регистер $манифест}

Command to re-register Microsoft Store

3. Wait for the command to be executed and try opening Microsoft Store again.

Метод 11: Поново инсталирајте Мицрософт Сторе

If other options haven’t worked for you then try reinstalling Microsoft Store. It can’t be done using Control Panel or Settings but you can use PowerShell commands to reinstall Microsoft Store as discussed below.

КСНУМКС. Лансирање виндовс ПоверСхелл са администраторским правима као што је горе наведено.

КСНУМКС. Тип гет-аппкпацкаге –алусерс командовати и погодити Типка на тастатури.

Command to get package information. How to Fix Microsoft Store not Installing Apps

3. Потражите Мицрософт.ВиндовсСторе и иди ПацкагеФуллНаме копија the line next to it. In this case it is:


PackageFullName line highlighted

4. Go to a new line in PowerShell window and type ремове-аппкпацкаге након чега следи размак и линију коју сте копирали in the above step. In this case it will be:

remove-appxpackage Microsoft.WindowsStore_22202.1402.2.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe

Белешка: The command may vary a little according to the version of your Windows PC.

Command to delete Microsoft Store

5. It will delete Microsoft Store. Поново покрените свој рачунар.

6. To install it again open Windows PowerShell as an administrator and type the following command.

Адд-АппкПацкаге -регистар "Ц:Програм ФилесВиндовсАппсМицрософт.ВиндовсСторе_11804.1001.8.0_к64__8векиб3д8ббвеАппкМанифест.кмл" –ДисаблеДевелопментМоде

Command to Reinstall Microsoft Store. How to Fix Microsoft Store not Installing Apps

Такође читајте: Како ресетовати лозинку за Мицрософт налог

Метод 12: Креирајте нови кориснички профил

Sometimes your user profile can get corrupted and it may lead Microsoft Store not downloading anything. You can create a new profile to fix the problem. Follow our guide below to Create a Local User Account on Windows 10

Метод 13: Извршите чисто покретање

If the issue persists then you can perform a clean boot of your computer. It will start Windows with only the necessary drivers & programs and is used to troubleshoot your Windows problems. You can follow our guide to Perform Clean boot in Windows 10. Check if Microsoft store is downloading apps and games now.

14. метод: Извршите враћање система

If none of the methods worked for you then this is your last option. Only do it when it is completely necessary. System restore restores your computer to its previous version and can help run an app like it was before. It might fix Microsoft store error and you can do it by following our guide on How to use System Restore on Windows 10. Now you should be able to download apps and games from Microsoft Store.

Препоручује се:

Надамо се да је овај водич био од помоћи и да сте успели да поправите can’t download from Microsoft Store issue by fixing Microsoft Store Not Working issue on Windows 10 by fixing Microsoft Store Not Working issue on Windows 10. Let us know which method worked for you the best. If you have any queries or suggestions then feel free to drop them in the comments section.