26. фебруара 2022. године

Савети: Како да убрзате куцање на иПхоне-у и иПад-у помоћу тајних пречица на тастатури

Савети: Како да убрзате куцање на иПхоне-у и иПад-у помоћу тајних пречица на тастатури

Although most people have developed impressive skills when it comes to typing on the small virtual keyboard of their iPhone and even the larger one on iPads, things are still pretty slow. And we’re here to help you type even faster – no matter how fast you can type on your device – by sharing […]

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26. фебруара 2022. године

Поправи зумирање Немогућност повезивања код грешке 5003

Today, the style of learning and working has turned to be virtual due to the pandemic outbreak. A large volume of users enjoys using Zoom every single day since the developers did a wonderful job in developing the server and features. Just like other video conferencing applications, Zoom also faces some errors like error code […]

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25. фебруара 2022. године

Поправите недостатак звука у Фирефоку на Виндовс 10

Are you frustrated with no audio content in Firefox? If you are facing Firefox no sound issue in Windows 10, we are here to help you. You may enjoy watching audio and video clips in your favorite browser. However, browsers may be associated with audio problems in your Windows 10 PC.. Firefox is not an […]

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25. фебруара 2022. године

Поправи 0кЦ00Д36Д5 Нема прикључених камера у Виндовс 10

The work-from-home culture has made cameras in PCs the most used built-in tool of modern times. It is not a surprise as all personal and professional meetings are being held virtually. But what if your camera fails to function in the middle of a meeting? Sometimes you may face no cameras are attached error when […]

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25. фебруара 2022. године

Fix Windows 10 brightness Not Working

The correct brightness level of your computer is an essential element in your PC, especially when you play games, watch movies, and work. The brightness of your PC is responsible for adjusting the lighting of the computer in accordance with the environmental brightness. Yet, few users report a common problem, Windows 10 brightness not working […]

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25. фебруара 2022. године

Како променити слику на Спотифи плејлисти

Како променити слику на Спотифи плејлисти

  Change Spotify Playlist Picture The days of bootlegging music to a cassette tape or illegally downloading GBs’ worth of songs are long gone. Online music streaming platforms such as Spotify have transformed the way we hear the masterpieces of our favorite artists. It has a massive user base of over 381 million users and […]

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24. фебруара 2022. године

8 најбољих апликација за чишћење телефона за Андроид 2023

8 најбољих апликација за чишћење телефона за Андроид

  Routine and heavy maintenance of Android phones is not necessary. However, you need to clean your phone system and memory regularly to ensure the continued better performance of your phone. Even if you are a digital freak, you would require the best phone cleaner app for your device to optimize its performance. Do these […]

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24. фебруара 2022. године

Како деинсталирати Цхромиум на Виндовс 10

Како деинсталирати Цхромиум Виндовс 10

Цхромиум је претраживач отвореног кода који је развио Гоогле. Многи корисници Виндовс 10 верују овој апликацији. Можете веровати Цхромиум-у за ефикасно искуство прегледања са минималистичким функцијама. Ипак, када покушате да деинсталирате Цхромиум из било ког разлога, можда ћете се суочити са неким грешкама током процеса или можда нећете успети да га потпуно деинсталирате са свог […]

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