September 14, 2017


Fix ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED in Chrome: If you are facing ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED error in Chrome while trying to visit a web page then it means that the page you are trying to visit does not support SSLv3 (Secure Socket Layer). Also, the error is caused because of the 3rd party program or extensions might be blocking access to the website. The err_connection_aborted error states:

Situs ieu teu bisa ngahontal
The webpage might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.


In some cases, it simply means that the website is down, in order to check this try to open the same web page in another browser and see if you are able to access it. If the web page opens in another browser then there is a problem with Chrome. So without wasting time let’s see how to actually Fix ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED in Chrome with the below-listed troubleshooting steps.


Pastikeun nyieun titik pamulihan upami aya anu salah.

Métode 1: Pareuman samentawis Antivirus sareng Firewall

1.Klik katuhu dina Ikon Program Antipirus tina baki sistem tur pilih Pareuman.

Pareuman panyalindungan otomatis pikeun nganonaktipkeun Antivirus anjeun

2.Next, pilih pigura waktos nu Antivirus bakal tetep ditumpurkeun.

pilih durasi nepi ka iraha antipirus bakal ditumpurkeun

Catetan: Pilih jumlah waktu pangleutikna, contona 15 menit atanapi 30 menit.

3.Once done, again try to open Chrome and check if the error resolves or not.

4.Pencét Windows Key + I lajeng pilih Panél Kontrol.

panél kontrol

5. Salajengna, klik dina Sistem sareng Kaamanan.

6. Lajeng klik dina Windows Firewall.

klik dina Windows Firewall

7.Now ti jandela kénca klik dina Hurungkeun Windows firewall atawa mareuman.

klik Hurungkeun atawa mareuman Windows Firewall

8.Pilih Pareuman Windows Firewall sareng balikan deui PC anjeun. Again try to open Chrome and see if you’re able to Fix ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED in Chrome.

Upami metodeu di luhur henteu tiasa dianggo, pastikeun nuturkeun léngkah anu sami pikeun ngaktipkeun firewall anjeun deui.

Method 2: Disable SSLv3 in Google Chrome

1.Make sure Google Chrome shortcut is on the desktop, if not then navigate to the following directory:

C: Program Payil (x86) GoogleChromeApplication

2.Klik katuhu dina chrome.exe tur pilih Jieun Potong kompas.

Right click on Chrome.exe and then select Create shortcut

3.It won’t be able to create the shortcut in the above directory, instead, it will ask to create the shortcut on the desktop, so pilih Sumuhun.

It won't be able to create the shortcut in the above directory, select yes to make shortcut on the desktop

4. Ayeuna klik katuhu dina chrome.exe – shortcut sareng pindah ka Shortcut tab.

5.In the Target field, at the end after the last ” add a space and then add –ssl-version-min=tls1.

Salaku conto: “C:Program Files (x86)GoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe” –ssl-version-min=tls1

In the Target field, at the end after the last Apply followed by OK.

7.This would disable SSLv3 in Google Chrome and then reset your Router.

Metode 3: Ngajalankeun System File Checker

1.Pencét Windows Key + X lajeng klik dina Komando Ajakan (Admin).

paréntah ajakan kalawan hak admin

2.Now ngetik di handap dina cmd teras pencét asupkeun:

Sfc /scannow sfc /scannow /offbootdir=c: /offwindir=c:windows (Upami di luhur gagal teras cobian ieu)

SFC scan ayeuna paréntah ajakan

3.Wait pikeun prosés di luhur nepi ka rengse tur sakali rengse balikan deui PC Anjeun.

Métode 4: Reset Chrome

Catetan: Make sure Chrome is completely closed if not end its process from Task Manager.

1.Pencét Windows Key + R lajeng ngetik di handap sarta pencét Lebetkeun:

% USERPROFILE% AppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser Data

2.Now back the Folder standar to another location and then delete this folder.

Nyadangkeun polder Default dina Data Pamaké Chrome teras pupus polder ieu

3.This would delete all of your chrome user data, bookmarks, history, cookies and cache.

4.Open Google Chrome teras klik tilu titik di pojok katuhu luhur teras klik dina Setélan.

Klik tilu titik di pojok katuhu luhur tur pilih Setélan

5.Now dina jandela setélan gulung ka handap teras klik dina Advanced di handap.

Ayeuna dina jandela setélan gulung ka handap teras klik dina Advanced

6.Again gulung ka handap ka handap teras klik dina Reset kolom.

Pencét Reset kolom pikeun ngareset setélan Chrome

7.Ieu bakal muka jandela pop deui nanyakeun lamun rék Reset, jadi klik dina Reset neruskeun.

Ieu bakal muka jandela pop deui naroskeun upami anjeun hoyong Reset, janten klik Reset pikeun neraskeun

Tingali upami anjeun tiasa Fix ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED in Chrome if not then try the next method.

Métode 5: Pasang deui Google Chrome

Well, if you have tried everything and still not able to fix the error then you need to reinstall Chrome again. But first, make sure to uninstall Google Chrome completely from your system then again undeur ti dieu. Also, make sure to delete the user data folder and then install it again from the above source.

Dianjurkeun pikeun anjeun:

Éta anjeun parantos suksés Fix ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED in Chrome tapi upami anjeun masih gaduh patarosan ngeunaan pituduh ieu, punten naroskeunana dina bagian koméntar.