Agustus 17, 2022

Fix MultiVersus Henteu Diluncurkeun dina Windows 10

Fix MultiVersus Henteu Diluncurkeun dina Windows 10

MultiVersus is a famous online multiplayer fighting game that is rocking today’s gaming world. Yet, few users complain about the MultiVersus not launching issue when the game is launched on their Windows 10 PC. If you are in the same boat, the troubleshooting hacks discussed in this article will help you sail the problem.

Fix MultiVersus Henteu Diluncurkeun dina Windows 10

How to Fix MultiVersus Not Launching in Windows 10

If you are vexed by MultiVersus won’t launch issue in your Windows 10 computer, here are a few possible reasons why you must analyze them carefully to sort out the problem.

  • PC teu minuhan sarat dasar kaulinan.
  • Sababaraha program latar tukang anu ngaganggu kaulinan.
  • Anjeun nganggo versi supir anu henteu diverifikasi.
  • The graphics settings of the game are misconfigured.
  • Ayana malware sareng virus.
  • Kerangka .NET sarta sistem operasi teu diropéa kana versi panganyarna maranéhanana.
  • DirectX version is not up-to-date.
  • Overclocking.
  • Sagala file instalasi misconfigured atanapi ngaruksak kaulinan ogé ngabalukarkeun masalah.
  • The Microsoft C ++ file redistributable teu cocog jeung kaulinan sarta PC.

Here are a few possible troubleshooting methods that will help you fix the discussed issue.

Métode 1: Métode ngungkulan Dasar

Turutan metode ngungkulan dasar ieu pikeun ngalereskeun masalah anu nyarios.

1A. Check System Requirements

Multi Versus Syarat System minimum

  • CPU: Intel Core i5-2300 atanapi AMD FX-8350
  • Ram: 4 GB
  • KARTU VIDEO: Nvidia GeForce GTX 550 Ti or AMD Radeon HD 5850 | Intel UHD 750

Multi Versus Disarankeun Syarat

  • CPU: Intel Core i5-3470 or AMD Ryzen 3 1200
  • Ram: 8 GB
  • KARTU VIDEO: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon R9 270

1B. Check your internet connection

Unstable internet connection leads to MultiVersus is not working issue, also if there are any obstacles between your router and your computer, they may interfere with the wireless signal and will cause intermittent connection problems.

Anjeun tiasa ngajalankeun a test speed uninga tingkat optimum tina speed jaringan diperlukeun pikeun sambungan ditangtoskeun.

free speed test

Pastikeun yén alat anjeun nyumponan kriteria di handap ieu.

  • Panggihan kakuatan sinyal jaringan anjeun sarta lamun eta pisan low, hapus sagala halangan di antara jalan.
  • Hindarkeun seueur teuing alat anu nyambung ka jaringan anu sami.
  • Salawasna meuli modem / router diverifikasi ku Internet Service Provider (ISP) anjeun sarta aranjeunna bébas tina bentrok.
  • Entong dianggo kabel heubeul, rusak, atawa ruksak. Ganti kabel lamun perlu.
  • Pastikeun kabel tina modem ka router jeung modem kana témbok anu stabil sarta kaluar tina gangguan.

Upami aya masalah konektipitas internét, pariksa pituduh kami Kumaha Ngalereskeun Masalah Konektipitas Jaringan Windows 10 pikeun ngungkulan anu sami.

1C. Stop Overclocking 

  • Every high-end computer is built with the option of Overclocking which helps in outputting more juice than your specifications that you already have. Running the graphics card or processor faster than the default speed refers to overclocking.
  • Lamun ieu kajadian, komputer Anjeun bakal ngahontal suhu maksimum sanggeus waktu nu tangtu. Komputer ngadeteksi ieu sareng nyaluyukeun laju jam ka laju normal dugi ka tiis. Laju jam naék deui saatos tiis.
  • Ieu ngaronjatkeun kinerja komputer Anjeun tur mangrupakeun pitulung hébat lamun teu boga komputer kuat.
  • It must be noted that all the games do not support overclocking. The same applies to MultiVersus. So, you must try disabling all overclocking on your computer and try launching the game. If it launches well, the issue is fixed.

1D. Jalankeun Malware Scan

The presence of a virus or malware attack will result in gaming problems on your computer. If in case, the virus attack is very severe, you cannot connect to any online game continuously at all. To resolve the problem, you have to remove the virus or malware completely from your Windows 10 computer.

Anjeun disarankan pikeun nyeken komputer anjeun sakumaha anu diparentahkeun dina pituduh kami Kumaha cara kuring ngajalankeun Scan Virus dina Komputer kuring?

Choose a scan option as per your preference and click on Scan Now. Fix MultiVersus Not Launching in Windows 10

Ogé, upami anjeun hoyong ngahapus malware tina komputer anjeun, pariksa pituduh kami Kumaha Cabut Malware tina PC anjeun dina Windows 10.

1E. Update GPU Drivers

Graphical drivers are responsible for heavy graphical images and video processing games. If you face any launching conflicts in the MultiVersus game, make sure you use an updated version of device drivers, as they serve as a link between the hardware and Operating System of your PC. Many users have suggested that updating drivers have fixed MultiVersus not working issue. Read and implement the steps instructed in our guide 4 Ways to Update Graphics Drivers in Windows 10 to do so.

Update supir grafik

Ogé Baca: Ngalereskeun Windows Kapanggih Supir pikeun Alat Anjeun Tapi Kapanggih Kasalahan

1F. Roll Back GPU Drivers

Sometimes, the current version of GPU drivers may cause the discussed launching issue in MultiVersus, and in this case, you have to restore previous versions of installed drivers. This process is called rollback of drivers sareng anjeun tiasa kalayan gampang ngagulungkeun deui supir komputer anjeun ka kaayaan samemehna ku nuturkeun pituduh kami Kumaha Rollback Supir dina Windows 10.

gulung deui supir

1G. Reinstall GPU Driver

If you still face MultiVersus not starting issue after updating your GPU drivers, then reinstall device drivers to fix any incompatibility issues. There are several ways to reinstall drivers on your computer. Yet, you can easily reinstall Graphical drivers as instructed in our guide How to Uninstall and Reinstall Drivers on Windows 10.

click on uninstall device. Fix MultiVersus Not Launching in Windows 10

1H. End Background Processes

Several users have confirmed that MultiVersus not starting on PC can be resolved by closing all the background tasks running on your PC. To implement the task, follow our guide How to End Task in Windows 10, and proceed as instructed.

Klik tungtung tugas

1I. Update Windows

You can also eradicate bugs in your computer and game by updating your Operating System. Always ensure if you have updated your Windows Operating System and if any updates are pending in action, use our guide How to Download and Install Windows 10 Latest Update

Update Windows. Fix MultiVersus Not Launching in Windows 10

1J. Disable Antivirus Temporarily (If Applicable)

Some incompatible antivirus programs installed on your computer will cause MultiVersus launching problem. To avoid conflicts, you must ensure the security settings of your Windows 10 computer and check if they are stable or not. To find whether the antivirus suite is the reason for the discussed issue, disable it once and try connecting to a network.

Baca pituduh kami ngeunaan Kumaha Nonaktipkeun Antipirus Samentawis dina Windows 10 sareng turutan pitunjuk pikeun nganonaktipkeun program Antivirus anjeun samentawis dina PC anjeun.

Pareuman Antivirus Samentawis

Upami anjeun gaduh perbaikan pikeun masalah anjeun saatos nganonaktipkeun program antipirus dina komputer anjeun, anjeun disarankan pikeun ngahapus program lengkep tina PC anjeun.

Read our guide Force Uninstall Programs which won’t Uninstall in Windows 10 to uninstall your antivirus program on your computer.

Ogé Baca: Kumaha uninstall McAfee LiveSafe dina Windows 10

1K. Turn Off Windows Defender Firewall (Not Recommended)

Your computer will face MultiVersus is not working issue, due to an over-protective firewall suite in the Windows 10 PC. To resolve the problem, you can either add a new rule for your game, whitelist the game or as the last fix, disable the firewall temporarily.

Our guide on How to Disable Windows 10 Firewall will help you.

mareuman Windows Defender Firewall henteu disarankeun

1L. Repair System Files

If there are any missing or damaged files on your Windows 10 PC, you will face MultiVersus takes forever to launch issue. Yet, you are repairing these corrupt files by using inbuilt utilities namely, Sistim File Checker jeung Deployment Gambar ngalayanan sarta Manajemén.

Baca pituduh kami ngeunaan Kumaha Ngalereskeun File Sistem Windows 10 sareng turutan léngkah-léngkah anu diparéntahkeun pikeun ngalereskeun sadaya file anu rusak.

Run SFC and DISM command lines to repair system files. Fix MultiVersus Not Launching in Windows 10

Method 2: Run MultiVersus Game as Administrator

If MultiVersus does not have required administrative privileges, a few essential features of the game will be limited causing you MultiVersus not launching issue whenever you open the game or install any updates. Follow the below-mentioned instructions to run the game as an administrator.

1. Pencét-katuhu dina MultiVersus shortcut dina Desktop.

Catetan: Anjeun tiasa ogé buka diréktori instalasi sareng pencét-katuhu dina éta.

2. Teras, pilih anu pasipatan pilihan.

Pencét kana Pasipatan

3. Ayeuna, pindah ka kasaluyuan tab teras klik dina Jalankeun program ieu salaku kuncén.

check the Run this program as an administrator option under the Settings section. Fix MultiVersus Not Launching in Windows 10

4. Tungtungna, klik dina Larapkeun> OKÉ pikeun ngahemat parobihan.

Check if you have fixed MultiVersus launching issues.

Ogé Baca: Fix WoW Takes Forever to launch in Windows 10

Métode 3: Robah Prioritas Prosés Game

The preference of an application or process tells the computer the importance and if it should be given preference over the others while allocating the resources. The priority of every application is normal except the system processes, by default. MultiVersus might crash if it didn’t get enough resources.

1. Pencét Ctrl + Shift + kenop Esc babarengan pikeun muka taskbar.

2. Ayeuna, néangan MultiVersus process.

3. Then change the priority to Prioritas Luhur jeung pariksa lamun ieu jalan.

Catetan: Robah prioritas kalayan ati-ati pisan sabab ngarobah prioritas prosés sacara teu ati-ati tiasa ngajantenkeun sistem anjeun lambat pisan atanapi teu stabil.

buka pilihan Atur Prioritas lajeng pilih Realtime

4. Tutup éta tugas Manajer jeung reboot komputer Anjeun.

Métode 4: Setel Kinerja Luhur

You can also optimize your game when setting your high-performance power plan settings. These power plans are developed to manage the power settings on portable settings. Follow the below-mentioned instructions to use high-performance power plan settings in your system.

1. Pencét Windows + I konci sakaligus muka Setélan Windows.

2. Ayeuna, pencét dina sistim setelan.

click on System setting. Fix MultiVersus Not Launching in Windows 10

3. Ayeuna, pilih nu Kakuatan & bobo pilihan sareng klik dina Setélan kakuatan tambihan di handap Setélan patali.

click on Additional power settings under Related settings

4. Ayeuna, milih nu Kinerja tinggi pilihan dina Rencana tambahan anu luhur sakumaha ditémbongkeun dina gambar di handap ieu.

choose the High performance option under High additional plans. Fix MultiVersus Not Launching in Windows 10

Now you have optimized your system, check if you have fixed MultiVersus won’t launch on startup issue.

Ogé Baca: Fix Kasalahan File anu Diunduh dina Steam

Method 5: Update Steam App & MultiVersus Game

If you use an outdated Steam application, you cannot access any games smoothly. Hence always make sure you use an updated version of Steam and MultiVersus game before launching it.

1. Pencét Konci Windows jeung tipe nyeupan, Teras klik Muka.

muka Steam

2. Ayeuna, pencét dina nyeupan di belah kénca juru luhur layar dituturkeun ku Pariksa apdet klien uap… sakumaha disorot handap.

klik dina uap dituturkeun ku Cék pikeun Steam Klién Apdet ...

3. Upami Anjeun gaduh apdet anyar pikeun diundeur, install aranjeunna sarta mastikeun klien Steam anjeun up-to-date.

steam self updater. Fix MultiVersus Not Launching in Windows 10

4. Ayeuna, ngaluncurkeun deui uap sareng pariksa upami masalahna parantos direngsekeun ayeuna.

Likewise, it is always essential that your game run at its latest version to avoid any conflicts. Until your game is updated, you cannot log in to MultiVersus servers successfully.

ka ngamutahirkeun kaulinan Anjeun, tuturkeun léngkah-léngkah di handap ieu.

1. Ngajalankeun nyeupan teras napigasi ka taman pustaka.

Jalankeun Steam sareng arahkeun ka PERPUSTAKAAN

2. Ayeuna, pencét dina HOME and search for MultiVersus.

click on HOME and search for your game. Fix MultiVersus Not Launching in Windows 10

3. Lajeng,-klik katuhu dina kaulinan tur pilih nu Pasipatan… pilihan.

pilih Properties… pilihan

4. Ayeuna, pindah ka nu apdet tab sareng pariksa upami aya apdet anu ditangguhkeun dina aksi. Lamun kitu, turutan parentah dina-layar pikeun ngundeur apdet panganyarna.

switch to the UPDATES tab and check if any updates are pending in action. Fix MultiVersus Not Launching in Windows 10

After an update, check if MultiVersus not launching issue is fixed.

Métode 6: Nonaktipkeun Optimasi Layar Pinuh

Few users have suggested that disabling full-screen optimizations on PC has helped them fix MultiVersus is not launching issue. Follow as instructed.

1. Navigate to the Steam taman pustaka menu.

Jalankeun Steam sareng arahkeun ka PERPUSTAKAAN

2. Now, right-click on the MultiVersus game and click on Pasipatan…

select the Properties… option. Fix MultiVersus Not Launching in Windows 10

3. Ayeuna, pindah ka nu umum tab teras klik dina SET PILIHAN PELUNCURAN… sakumaha digambarkeun.

in the general tab click on set launch options

4. Ayeuna, jandela nu anyar bakal dibuka jeung warning pamaké canggih. Pikeun muka kaulinan dina modeu windowed, ngetik dina  – jandela parameter.

5. Ayeuna, simpen parobahanana ku ngaklik OK sareng kaluar tina jandela Properties.

6. Ayeuna, mundur deui kaulinan and ensure that it runs in windowed mode.

Catetan: You can also navigate to SET PILIHAN peluncuran... deui jeung ngetik parameter di handap tinimbang parameter panungtungan.

-windowed -w 1024

7. Now, save the changes by clicking on OK.

Parameter ieu bakal nyetél kaulinan pikeun dijalankeun dina modeu windowed.

Ogé Baca: Ngalereskeun Konfigurasi Aplikasi Steam Henteu sayogi dina Windows 10

Métode 7: Pareuman In-Game Overlay

The Steam Overlay is a piece of Steam that allows the users to access friends list, and web browser and allows in-game purchasing. It is a significant tool, yet it sometimes triggers MultiVersus not launching on startup issue. If you want to solve this problem, then turn off the Steam game overlay.

1. buka nyeupan app sareng klik taman pustaka.

Jalankeun Steam sareng arahkeun ka PERPUSTAKAAN

2. Ayeuna, klik katuhu dina Multi Versus teras klik dina Pasipatan…

pilih Properties… pilihan

3. Ayeuna, pindah ka nu umum tab sareng pupus centang kotak anu ngandung Aktipkeun Steam Overlay nalika di-game.

switch to the GENERAL tab and uncheck the box containing Enable the Steam Overlay while in game. Fix MultiVersus Not Launching in Windows 10

4. Tungtungna, relaunch kaulinan and check if the MultiVersus launching issue is solved.

Métode 8: Pariksa Integritas file Game

We have seen many cases in which the game files are either missing or corrupt or it had incomplete installations. Users could also experience MultiVersus not starting on PC issue if they are interrupted by the update process or if the game files are being moved. In this method, you will be opening Steam and using the built-in function for verifying the integrity of the game. It will be replaced if the application finds something. Read our guide on how to verify integrity of game files on Steam.

Click on Verify integrity of game files button. Fix MultiVersus Not Launching in Windows 10

Ogé Baca: Fix Steam Client Bootstrapper Teu Ngabales dina Windows 10

Métode 9: Apdet .NET Framework

.NET framework in Windows 10 computer is essential for uninterrupted service of modern apps and games. Many games have an auto-update feature for the .NET framework, and thus it will be updated automatically whenever an update is available. In another case, if an update prompts in your PC, you can manually install the latest version of the .NET framework, as discussed below, to fix MultiVersus not launching issue.

1. Pariksa pikeun apdet anyar kanggo Kerangka .NET ti halaman wéb resmi Microsoft.

Apdet kerangka NET

2. Lamun aya apdet, klik dina pakait /dianjurkeun link teras pencét Unduh .NET Framework 4.8 Runtime pilihan.

Catetan: Ulah klik dina Unduh .NET Framework 4.8 Developer Pack sabab dipaké ku pamekar software.

Do not click on Download .NET Framework 4.8 Developer Pack. Fix MultiVersus Not Launching in Windows 10

3. buka unduhan abdi, ganda-klik dina file setelan pikeun ngajalankeun file diundeur tur turutan pitunjuk dina layar to install the .NET framework successfully on your Windows PC. Once done, check if you have fixed the discussed issue or not.

Métode 10: Apdet DirectX

To enjoy a seamless multimedia experience on MultiVersus, you have to make sure whether DirectX is installed, and it is updated to its latest version. DirectX helps you improve the visual media experience for graphical games and applications especially. It is worth updating DirectX needed for this game.

1. Pencét éta kenop Windows + R sakaligus pikeun ngajalankeun éta lalumpatan kotak dialog.

2. ngetik dxdiag tur pencet Lebetkeun konci mun muka Alat Diagnostik DirectX.

type dxdiag then hit Enter in Run dialog box

3. pariksa Vérsi DirectX, if it contains DirectX 12 atanapi henteu.

directX diagnostic tool. Fix MultiVersus Not Launching in Windows 10

4. If you do not have DirectX 12 in your system, download and install it from the Kaca download DirectX ku nuturkeun pitunjuk dina layar.

download directX 12

After installing DirectX, check if the issue occurs again.

Catetan: ngajamin Check for WHQL digital signatures box is checked in sistim tab and in all tabs, check whether Logo WHQL disetel ka nuhun.

check whether WHQL Logo d is set to Yes

Métode 11: Ngalereskeun Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable

Alternately, you can try to repair the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages to fix MultiVersus not launching issue as follows:

1. Pencét éta Konci Windows, jenis Aplikasi & fitur, Teras klik kabuka.

open apps and features. Fix MultiVersus Not Launching in Windows 10

2. Milarian Microsoft Visual C ++ Didistribusikeun deui paket.

3. Then, select the package, and click on modipikasikeun pilihan.

modify microsoft visual c plus plus. Fix MultiVersus Not Launching in Windows 10

4. Lajeng, klik nuhun dina Kontrol Akun Pamaké kotak dialog.

5. In the pop-up window that appears, click on ngalereskeun. Tungguan prosés ngabéréskeun.

click on Repair. Fix MultiVersus Not Launching in Windows 10

6. Repeat the above steps to modify all the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages.

7. Tungtungna, balikan deui PC.

Open the application that you were unable to open previously. If this did not work, try reinstalling the C++ redistributable instead.

Ogé Baca: Ngalereskeun Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Setup Gagal Kasalahan 0x80240017

Métode 12: Pasang deui Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable

If the previous method of repairing the Microsoft C++ Visual Redistributable did not fix MultiVersus won’t launch issue, then you will have to reinstall the redistributable. Follow the given steps to uninstall & then install these again.

1. buka Aplikasi & fitur setélan sistem.

open apps and features. Fix MultiVersus Not Launching in Windows 10

2. pilih Microsoft Visual C ++ Didistribusikeun deui package, then click on uninstall pilihan.

Select Microsoft Visual C plus plus and click Uninstall

3. Klik uninstall option again to confirm and remove the package.

Catetan: Make sure to uninstall all the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages.

4. Pencét éta Konci Windows, jenis Paréntah ajakan, Teras klik Ngajalankeun sakumaha administrator.

Open Command Prompt and click on Run as administrator

5. Ketik ieu di handap Paréntah terus pencét asup konci saatos masing-masing:

DISM /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup
DISM /online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

Enter DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth


6. Saatos prosés réngsé, reboot PC.

7. Salajengna, nganjang ka Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable webpage to download the latest C++ package as shown here.

Visit the Microsoft website to download the latest C package. Fix MultiVersus Not Launching in Windows 10

8. Once downloaded, open the file diundeur by double-clicking on it in Unduhan kuringmasang the package by following the on-screen instructions.

9. Once the installation is complete, finally balikan deui PC.


Kami ngarepkeun pituduh ieu mangpaat sareng anjeun tiasa ngalereskeun MultiVersus not launching issue on your Windows 10 PC. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via the comments section below.