September 11, 2017

Ngalereskeun Windows 10 Update Kasalahan 0x8007042c

If you face the error code 0x8007042c while trying to update Windows 10, you are the right place as today we will discuss how to fix Windows 10 error 0x8007042c. As Windows updates are essential for the proper functioning of the Windows but with this error code, you won’t be able to update your PC which will make it vulnerable to virus and other security attacks. Anyway, without wasting any time let’s see how to actually Fix Windows 10 Update Error 0x8007042c with the below-listed guide.

Ngalereskeun Windows 10 Update Kasalahan 0x8007042c

Ngalereskeun Windows 10 Update Kasalahan 0x8007042c

Pastikeun nyieun titik pamulihan upami aya anu salah.

Method 1: Make sure Windows Services are running

1. Pencét Windows Key + R lajeng ngetik services.msc sarta pencét Lebetkeun.

jandéla jasa

2. Manggihan jasa handap:

Ladenan Transfer Transfer Cerdas (BITS)
Service cryptographic
update Windows
Pamasang MSI

3. Klik-katuhu dina masing-masing teras pilih Properties. Pastikeun maranéhna tipe ngamimitian disetel ka Aotomatis.

make sure their Startup type is set to Automatic | Fix Windows 10 Update Error 0x8007042c

4. Ayeuna lamun salah sahiji layanan di luhur dieureunkeun, pastikeun pikeun klik dina Mimitian dina Status Service.

5. Salajengna, klik katuhu dina layanan Windows Update tur pilih Uihan deui.

Klik-katuhu dina Windows Update Service tur pilih Balikan deui

6. Klik Larapkeun, dituturkeun ku OK and then reboot your PC to save changes.

Tingali upami anjeun tiasa Fix Windows 10 Update Error 0x8007042c, upami henteu teras teraskeun metodeu salajengna.

Métode 2: Ganti ngaran Polder SoftwareDistribution

1. Buka Paréntah ajakan. Pamaké tiasa ngalakukeun léngkah ieu ku milarian 'cmd' lajeng mencet Lebetkeun.

Buka Komando Ajakan. Pamaké tiasa ngalakukeun léngkah ieu ku milarian 'cmd' teras pencét Lebetkeun.

2. Ayeuna ketik paréntah di handap pikeun ngeureunkeun Windows Update Services teras pencét Lebetkeun saatos masing-masing:

eureun wuauserv net
net eureun cryptSvc
eureun bit net
net eureun msiserver

Stop Windows update services wuauserv cryptSvc bits msiserver | Fix Windows 10 Update Error 0x8007042c

3. Salajengna, ketik paréntah di handap pikeun ngaganti ngaran Polder SoftwareDistribution terus pencét Lebetkeun:

ren C: WindowsSoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old
ren C: WindowsSystem32catroot2 catroot2.old

Ganti ngaran Polder Distribusi Software

4. Ahirna, ketik paréntah di handap ieu pikeun ngamimitian Windows Update Services sareng pencét Lebetkeun saatos masing-masing:

net mimiti wuauserv
net ngamimitian cryptSvc
net mimiti bit
net ngamimitian msiserver

Mimitian jasa update Windows wuauserv cryptSvc bits msiserver

5.Reboot PC Anjeun pikeun nyimpen parobahanana.

Métode 3: Pareuman samentawis Antivirus sareng Firewall

Kadang program Antipirus bisa ngabalukarkeun hiji kasalahan, and to verify this is not the case here; you need to disable your antivirus for a limited time so that you can check if the error still appears when the antivirus is off.

1. Pencét-katuhu dina Ikon Program Antipirus tina baki sistem tur pilih Pareuman.

Disable auto-protect to disable your Antivirus | Fix Windows 10 Update Error 0x8007042c

2. Salajengna, pilih pigura waktos nu Antivirus bakal tetep ditumpurkeun.

pilih durasi nepi ka iraha antipirus bakal ditumpurkeun

Catetan: Pilih jumlah waktos pangleutikna, contona, 15 menit atanapi 30 menit.

3. Sakali rengse, coba deui sambungkeun pikeun muka Google Chrome jeung pariksa lamun kasalahan resolves atanapi henteu.

4. Pilarian panel kontrol ti Start Menu bar teang teras klik dinya pikeun muka Panél Kontrol.

Type Control Panel in the search bar and press enter | Fix Windows 10 Update Error 0x8007042c

5. Teras, pencét dina Sistim sareng Kaamanan teras klik dina Windows Firewall.

klik dina Windows Firewall

6. Ayeuna ti jandela kénca jandela klik dina Hurungkeun atanapi pareumkeun Windows Firewall.

Pencét Hurungkeun atanapi pareumkeun Windows Defender Firewall anu aya di sisi kénca jandela Firewall

7. Pilih Pareuman Windows Firewall sareng balikan deui PC anjeun.

Click on Turn off Windows Defender Firewall (not recommended) | Fix Windows 10 Update Error 0x8007042c

Again try to open Google Chrome and visit the web page, which was earlier showing the kasalahan. Upami metodeu di luhur henteu tiasa dianggo, punten turutan léngkah anu sami pikeun hurungkeun deui firewall anjeun.


Éta anjeun parantos suksés Ngalereskeun Windows 10 Update Kasalahan 0x8007042c tapi upami anjeun masih gaduh patarosan ngeunaan tulisan ieu, teras-terasan naroskeun dina bagian koméntar.