15 april 2022

Hur man visar verktygsfältet i Chrome

For many users, Google Chrome sets the standard for all browsers. It can be customized in various ways and it is kept in smooth working condition by frequent updates. But nothing is perfect and often users encounter some issues with Google Chrome as well. One such error is when users are unable to view or locate toolbar in Google Chrome. Chrome toolbar allows you to access bookmarks and extensions easily and search for webpages in address bar. This error can hamper productivity of users in many ways. However, there are some ways to show toolbar in Chrome. If you are also dealing with the same problem, you are at the right place. By adding Google toolbar to chrome you will be able to fix missing toolbar error and we bring to you a perfect guide that will teach you how to add toolbar to chrome.

Hur man visar verktygsfältet i Chrome

Hur man visar verktygsfältet i Chrome

Before learning how to show toolbar in krom, let us learn the possible reason which are causing toolbar to disappear. Here are some of them.

  • Incorrect Settings in Chrome
  • Glitches or Bugs in Chrome
  • Föråldrad Chrome-version

Firstly, make sure you are out of Fullscreen mode in Chrome because that mode doesn’t show toolbar in Chrome. You can press F11 and enable or disable Fullscreen mode in Chrome. Check if disabling it brings back Chrome toolbar. If it doesn’t then follow methods given below.

Metod 1: Starta om Google Chrome

Restarting Chrome is a simple fix to many issues related to Chrome. It will fix minor bugs and glitches and may add toolbar to Chrome again. Follow these steps to restart Chrome.

1. Öppet Task manager genom att trycka Ctrl + Skift + Tabb nycklar samtidigt.

Task Manager. How to Show Toolbar in Chrome

2. I Processer flik, hitta Google Chrome processen.

Google Chrome In Processes tab

3. välj Slutuppgift after right-clicking on Google Chrome to end Google Chrome-related processes.

End task option. How to Show Toolbar in Chrome

4. Öppet Google Chrome after waiting for a few seconds.

Metod 2: Uppdatera Google Chrome

If you haven’t updated Chrome in a long time then you might be using an outdated version of Google Chrome which can cause many issues. Chrome updates can resolve system issues like missing toolbar error and fix other bugs. Follow the steps given to update Chrome.

1. tryck på Windows-tangenten, Typ krom, och klicka på Öppen.

öppna google chrome från Windows-sökning

2. Open Chrome Settings by typing chrome: // settings i adressfältet och träffa Enter-tangent.

3. Klicka på Om Chrome alternativ från den vänstra rutan.

About Chrome option

4. Chrome will begin checking for updates in next window and will start updating automatiskt, if there are new updates available.

5. nystart button will appear after Chrome has updated. Click on it restart Chrome and check if the issue is resolved.

6. Det kommer att finnas Chrome är uppdaterad message after steg 3 in case you are using latest version of Chrome.

Chrome is up to date message. How to Show Toolbar in Chrome

Läs också: 14 sätt att åtgärda Chrome-profilfel

Method 3: Enable Bookmarks Bar

You can show toolbar in Chrome by making your Chrome bookmarks bar visible. It is a simple fix to this annoying issue and you can do that by following the steps below.

1. Follow Step 1 from Förfarande 2.

2. Klicka på tre vertikala prickar ikonen.

Three vertical dots icon

3. Håll muspekaren över bokmärken möjlighet att utöka den.

Bookmarks. How to Show Toolbar in Chrome

4. Välj Visa bokmärkesfältet alternativ.

Visa bokmärkesfältet

5. Stänga Google Chrome and open it after a few seconds.

Check if you were able to add toolbar to Chrome.

Method 4: Enable Extensions

Google Chrome offers several extensions to improve user experience and they are located in Chrome toolbar by default. If they are disabled, they don’t appear in toolbar. Enabling them may trigger toolbar and allow you to show toolbar in Chrome. Follow these steps to do the same.

1. Follow Step 1 from Förfarande 2.

2. Open Extensions page by typing chrome: // extensions in address bar and hit ange.

Address to reach Extensions in Goole Chrome

3. Växla On any extension of your choice.

Extension options with toggle button highlighted

Check if doing this helped you adding google toolbar to chrome.

Läs också: Åtgärda ERR_CONNECTION_RESET i Chrome

Metod 5: Återställ Google Chrome

If the above methods have not worked for then this is the last option. Resetting Chrome will revert it to its default settings and will show toolbar in chrome again. You can do that by following these steps below.

1. Lansera Google Chrome från Windows Search.

2. Go to Chrome Reset and clean up page by typing chrome: // settings / reset i adressfältet och träffa Enter-tangent.

Address to reach Reset in Goole Chrome. How to Show Toolbar in Chrome

3. Klicka på Återställ inställningarna till de ursprungliga standardinställningarna alternativ.

Restore settings to their original defaults option

4. Klicka på Återställ inställningar knappen i bekräftelsemeddelandet.

Reset Settings button. How to Show Toolbar in Chrome


Vi hoppas att den här guiden var till hjälp och att du kunde show toolbar in Chrome. Låt oss veta vilken metod som fungerade bäst för dig. Om du har några frågor eller förslag får du gärna lämna dem i kommentarsfältet.