2017 年 10 月 19 日

Fix Can’t turn on Windows Firewall Error code 0x80070422

Fix Can’t turn on Windows Firewall Error code 0x80070422: If you are getting a 0x80070422 error message when you try to enable Windows Firewall then you at the right place as today we are going to discuss on how to resolve this error. Windows Firewall is an essential component of Microsoft Windows that filters information coming into your system from the Internet, blocking potentially harmful programs. Without it, your system is vulnerable to external attacks which can lead to permanent losing access of the system. So now you know why it’s important to make sure the Firewall is always running and but in this case you can’t turn on the Windows Firewall and instead you get this error message:

Windows Firewall can’t change some of your settings.

Fix Can't turn on Windows Firewall Error code 0x80070422

While there is no main cause behind this error message, but it can be due to Firewall services being turned off from services window or a similar scenario with BITS. So without wasting any time let’s see how to actually Fix Can’t turn on Windows Firewall Error code 0x80070422 with the help of below-listed troubleshooting guide.

Fix Can’t turn on Windows Firewall Error code 0x80070422


Method 1: Enable Windows Firewall Services

1.按Windows键+R然后输入 SERVICES.MSC 并按Enter键。


2.向下滚动直到找到 Windows防火墙 并右键单击然后选择 属性。

3.Click Start 开始 if the service is not running and make sure Startup type to Automatic.

确保 Windows 防火墙和过滤引擎服务正在运行


5.Similarly, follow the above steps for 后台情报传输服务 and then reboot your PC.

方法 2:确保 Windows 是最新的

1.按 Windows 键 + I,然后选择 更新和安全性。


2.下一步,点击 检查更新 并确保安装所有待处理的更新。

单击“Windows 更新”下的“检查更新”

3.安装更新后,重新启动您的电脑,看看是否能够 Fix Can’t turn on Windows Firewall Error code 0x80070422.

Method 3: Start associate services

1.按 Windows Key + R 然后输入 记事本 并按Enter键。

2.Copy and paste the below text in your notepad file:

sc config MpsSvc start= auto
sc config KeyIso start= auto
sc config BFE start= auto
sc config FwcAgent start= auto
net stop MpsSvc 
net start MpsSvc 
net stop KeyIso 
net start KeyIso
net start Wlansvc
net start dot3svc
net start EapHostnet 
net stop BFE 
net start BFE
net start PolicyAgent
net start MpsSvc
net start IKEEXT
net start DcaSvcnet 
net stop FwcAgent 
net start FwcAgent

Repair Firewall by Starting firewall associate services

3.In notepad Click File > Saves As 然后输入 RepairFirewall.bat in the file name box.

name the file as repairfirewall.bat and click save

4.Next, from Save as type drop-down select All File 依次 保存。

5.Navigate to the file RepairFirewall.bat which you just created and right-click then select 以管理员身份运行。

right click on RepairFirewall and select Run as administrator

6.Once the file completes the repair process again try to open Windows Firewall and if successful, delete the RepairFirewall.bat file.

这应该 Fix Can’t turn on Windows Firewall Error code 0x80070422 but if this doesn’t work for you then follow the next method.

方法 4:运行 CCleaner 和 Malwarebytes

1.下载并安装 CCleaner的 & 恶意软件字节。

2.运行 Malwarebytes 并让它扫描您的系统是否存在有害文件。


4.现在运行 CCleaner的 在“Windows”选项卡下的“清理”部分中,我们建议检查以下要清理的选项:

ccleaner 清理器设置

5.一旦您确定检查了正确的点,只需单击 运行清洁工, 让 CCleaner 顺其自然。



7.选择扫描问题并允许CCleaner扫描,然后单击 修复选定的问题。



10.重新启动电脑以保存更改。这个会 Fix Can’t turn on Windows Firewall Error code 0x80070422 但如果没有,则继续下一个方法。


导航 C:Windows的 并找到该文件夹 system64 (do not confuse with sysWOW64). If the folder present then double-click on it then find the file consrv.dll, If you find this file then it means your system is infected by zero access rootkit.

1.下载 mpssvc.regBFE.reg 文件。双击它们运行并将这些文件添加到注册表中。


3.按Windows键+R然后输入 注册表编辑器 并按 Enter 打开注册表编辑器。




5.右键单击 BFE 键并 选择权限。

右键单击 BFE 注册表项并选择权限

6.在下一个打开的窗口中,单击 添加按钮。

单击“BFE 权限”中的“添加”

7.输入“大家”(不带引号)字段下输入要选择的对象名称,然后单击 检查姓名。


8.现在,一旦验证了名称,请单击 确定。

9.现在每个人都应该被添加到 组或用户名部分。

10.确保选择 大家 从列表和复选标记中 完全控制 允许列中的选项。



12.按Windows键+R然后输入 SERVICES.MSC 并按Enter键。


13.找到以下服务并右键单击它们然后选择 性质:


14.在“属性”窗口中启用它们(单击“开始”)并确保它们 “启动类型” 被设置为 自动。

确保 Windows 防火墙和过滤引擎服务正在运行

15.If you still see this error “Windows could not start Windows Firewall on Local Computer. See event log,  if non-windows services contact vendor. Error code 5.” then continue to next step.

16.Download and launch Shared access key.

17.Run this file and again give it full permission as you gave the above key by going here:


18.Right click on it then select permissions. Click on Add and type Everyone and select 完全控制。

19.You should able to start firewall now also download the following services:


20.Launch them and click YES when asked for confirmation. Reboot your PC to save changes.

这绝对应该 Fix Can’t turn on Windows Firewall Error code 0x80070422 as this is the final solution to the problem.

Method 6: Remove the virus manually

1.类型 注册表编辑器 in Windows search and then right-click on it and select 以管理员身份运行。

run regedit as administrator



3.Now under Classes folder navigate to the registry subkey ‘.exe’

4.Right-click on it and 选择删除。

delete .exe registry key under classes

5.Again in Classes folder locate the registry subkey ‘secfile“。

6.Delete this registry key also and click OK.

7.Close Registry Editor and reboot your PC.


这样你就成功了 Fix Can’t turn on Windows Firewall Error code 0x80070422 but if you still have any questions regarding this post feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.