2022 年 6 月 30 日

Fix Xbox Error Code 0x87e5002b

Fix Xbox Error Code 0x87e5002b

If you are an Xbox enthusiast and facing the Xbox error code 0x87e5002b, you should read this article completely. This error is one of the common errors gamers face when they launch a game on their Xbox console. Like other errors, this one is also resolvable. So, in this article, you will see the steps to fix the error code 0x87e5002b while launching a game, and Xbox one game took too long to start error in detail. Continue reading till the end to find the solution to your problem!

Fix Xbox Error Code 0x87e5002b

How to Fix Xbox Error Code 0x87e5002b

Below are some of the reasons causing the error code 0x87e5002b while launching a game on 的Xbox.

  • Faulty Xbox settings and modifications
  • Pending system refresh
  • 配置不当

Now, let us turn to the methods explaining the fix for your error step-by-step.

Method 1: Perform System Refresh on Xbox

If you are also facing the Xbox one game took too long to start error, you may have to consider a system refresh to update the Xbox console. It may fix the problem in one go. Read and follow the steps listed below to do the same effectively.

1。 按 Xbox按钮 从控制器启动指南。

xbox 控制器 xbox 按钮

2. 然后,选择 个人资料和系统 > 设置 从左窗格中,如下所示。

select Profile and System and click on Settings. Fix Xbox Error Code 0x87e5002b

3。 从 其他咨询 部分,选择 网络设置 选项。


4。 选择 高级设置, 如下所示。

Select Advanced settings. Fix Xbox Error Code 0x87e5002b

5.现在,选择 备用 Mac 地址 > 清除.

6。 最后, 重新启动您的 Wi-Fi 路由器 Xbox 主机正在重新启动。

After everything is completed, check if you are still facing the error code 0x807a1007 or 0x87e5002b while launching a game on Xbox.

另请参阅: 修复 Xbox 上的高丢包率

方法 2:重新启动 Xbox 主机

If performing a system refresh didn’t help to solve the discussed error, you can power cycle the Xbox console. Below are the steps to do that:

1。 按住 Xbox按钮 在控制台上持续 10 秒钟。

Reconnect your Xbox One Console

2. 拔掉插头 电缆 连接到控制台并在一段时间后将其插回。

3。 按 Xbox按钮 再次在控制台上等待其完全打开,同时屏幕上显示绿色启动动画。


Now, check if the Xbox error code 0x87e5002b is resolved or not.

另请参阅: 修复 Xbox One 耳机不工作的问题

方法 3:重置 Xbox 主机

Finally, if nothing is working, you will have to reset the Xbox console to fix the Xbox one game took too long to start error. Let us see the steps to achieve it on your console.

1.点击 的Xbox 按键 从控制器打开 产品指南.

xbox 控制器 xbox 按钮

2。 选择 设置 > 系统 > 控制台信息,如下突出显示。

select system option and then console info in xbox one. Fix Xbox Error Code 0x87e5002b

3。 选择 重置控制台 选项,如下图。


4。 选择 重置并保留我的游戏和应用程序, as this only resets the firmware and settings.


Select RESET AND KEEP MY GAMES and APPS. Fix Xbox Error Code 0x87e5002b


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