2018 年 4 月 14 日

How to Install Google Assistant on Windows 10

How to Install Google Assistant on Windows 10: Google Assistant is a virtual personal assistant rolled out by Google to Android devices to enter the AI assistants’ market. Today, many AI assistants are claiming to be the best, like Siri, Amazon Alexa, Cortana, etc. However, by far, Google Assistant is one of the best available on the market. The only problem with Google Assistant is that it’s not available on PC, as it is only available on mobile and smart home devices.

How to Install Google Assistant on Windows 10

To get Google Assistant on PC, you need to follow command-line instructions, which is the only way to get it on PC. Anyway, without wasting any time, let’s see How to Get Google Assistant on Windows 10 with the below-listed guide’s help.

How to Install Google Assistant on Windows 10



1. First, you need to 下载Python 在你的电脑上。

2. Download Python 3.6.4 from the link, then double-click on python-3.6.4.exe to run the setup.

3. 勾选“Add Python 3.6 to PATH,”然后点击 Customize installation.

Checkmark 'Add Python 3.6 to PATH' then click on Customize installation

4. Make sure everything is checked in the window, then click 下一步。

Make sure everything is checked in the window then click Next

5. On the next screen, just make sure to 勾选Add Python to environment variables设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

Checkmark Add Python to environment variables and click Install

6. Click Install, then wait for Python to get installed on your PC.

Click Install then wait for Python to get installed on your PC

7. Once the installation is complete, restart your PC.

8. Now, press Windows Key + X, then select 命令提示符(管理员)。

右键单击 Windows 按钮并选择命令提示符(管理员)

9. 在 cmd 中输入以下命令并按 Enter 键:


Type python in command prompt and it should return the python version installed on your PC

10. If the above command will return the current Python version on your computer, then you have successfully installed Python NumPy on your PC.

步骤1: 配置 Google 助理 API

With this step, you can use Google Assistant on Windows, Mac, or Linux. Just install the python on each of these OS to properly configure Google Assistant API.

1.首先,进入 Google Cloud Platform Console website 并点击 CREATE PROJECT. 

请注意: You might need to sign in with your Google account.

On Google Cloud Platform Console website click CREATE PROJECT

2. Name your project appropriately, 然后点击 创建。

请注意: Make sure to note down the project ID, in our case, its windows10-201802. 

Name your project appropriately then click on Create

3. Wait till your new project is created (you will notice a spinning circle on the bell icon at the top right corner).

Wait till your new project is created

4. Once the process is done click on the bell icon and select your project.

Click on the bell icon and select your project

5. On the project page, from the left-hand menu, click on APIs & Services, 然后选择 图书馆。

Click on APIs & Services then select Library

6. On the library page, search for “谷歌助理” (without quotes) in the search console.

On library page search for Google Assistant in the search console

7. Click on Google Assistant API search result and then click on 启用。

Click on Google Assistant from search result then click on Enable

8. Now, from the left-hand menu, click on Credentials, then click “创建 证书”,然后选择 Help me choose.

From the left-hand menu click on Credentials then click Create credentials

9. Choose the following information on the “Add credentials to your project” screen:

Question: Which API are you using? 
Answer: Google Assistant API

Question: Where will you be calling the API form?
Answer: Other UI (e.g. Windows, CLI tool)

Question: What data will you be accessing?
Answer: User data

10. After answering all of the above questions, click on “What credentials do I need?“。

Click on What credentials do I need

11。 选择 Set up consent screen and choose the Application type to 内部. Type the project name in the Application name and click 保存。

12. Again, go back to the “Add credentials to your project” screen, then click on 创建凭证 并选择 帮我选. Follow the same instructions as you did on step 9 and proceed forward.

13。 下一个, type the name of the Client ID (name it anything you like) to create OAuth 2.0 client ID 并点击 Create Client ID 按钮。

Next type the name of the Client ID and click Create Client ID

14。 点击 做完后, then open a new tab and go to Activity controls from 此链接.

Make sure all the toggles are turned ON in Activity Controls page

15. Make sure all the toggles are turned ON 然后回到 Credentials tab.

16. 单击下载图标 in the far right of the screen to download the credentials.

Click the download icon in the far right of the screen to download the credentials

请注意: Save the credentials file somewhere easily accessible.

步骤2: Install Google Assistant Sample Python Project

1. 按 Windows 键 + X,然后选择 命令提示符(管理员)。

右键单击 Windows 按钮并选择命令提示符(管理员)

2. 在 cmd 中键入以下命令,并在每一条命令后按 Enter 键:

py -m pip install google-assistant-sdk[samples]

Use install pip command into Command Prompt

3. Once the above command finishes executing, type the below command and hit Enter.

pip install --upgrade google-auth-oauthlib[tool]

4. Navigate to the JSON file location that you downloaded earlier and 右键单击它并选择属性. In the name field, copy the file name and paste it inside notepad.

5. Now enter the below command but make sure to replace the “path/to/client_secret_XXXXX.json” with the actual path of your JSON file which you copied above:

google-oauthlib-tool --client-secrets path/to/client_secret_XXXXX.json --scope https://www.googleapis.com/auth/assistant-sdk-prototype --save --headless

Authorize the URL by visiting & then enter the authorization code

6. Once the above command finishes processing, you get a URL as the output. 确保 copy this URL as you will require it in the next step. 

请注意: Don’t close the Command Prompt just yet.

Authorize the URL by visiting & then enter the authorization code

7. Open your Web browser and navigate to this URL, then select the same 谷歌账户 that you used to configure the Google Assistant API.

Select the same Google account that you used to configure the Google Assistant API

8. 确保单击 to grant the necessary permission to run Google Assitant.

9. On the next page, you will see some code that will be your client’s Access Token.

On the next page you will see Client’s Access Token

10. Now switch back to the Command prompt and copy this code & paste it into cmd. If everything goes alright you see an output that says that your credentials have been saved.

If everything goes alright you see an output which says that your credentials have been saved

步骤3: Testing Google Assistant on Windows 10 PC

1. 按 Windows 键 + X,然后选择 命令提示符(管理员)。

右键单击 Windows 按钮并选择命令提示符(管理员)

2. Now we need to test if Google Assistant can properly access your microphone. Type the below command into cmd and hit Enter, which will start a 5-second audio recording:

py -m googlesamples.assistant.grpc.audio_helpers

3. If you can successfully hear the 5-second audio recording back, you can move to the next step.

请注意: You can also use the below command as an alternative:

googlesamples-assistant-audiotest --record-time 10

Record 10 seconds of audio samples and play them back

4. You need to Register your Device before you can start using Google Assistant on Windows 10 PC.

5. Next, type the below command and press Enter:

cd C:GoogleAssistant

6. Now type the following command but replace the “项目编号” with the actual project id that you have created in the first step. In our case it was windows10-201802.

googlesamples-assistant-devicetool --project-id register-model --manufacturer "Assistant SDK developer" --product-name "Assistant SDK light" --type LIGHT --model "GA4W"

successfully register the device model

7. Next, to enable Google Assistant Push to Talk (PTT) capabilities, enter the below command below but make sure to replace “项目编号” with the actual project id:

py -m googlesamples.assistant.grpc.pushtotalk --device-model-id “GA4W” --project-id

请注意: The Google Assistant API supports every command that Google Assistant supports on Android and Google Home.

You have successfully installed & configured Google Assistant on your Windows 10 PC. Once you enter the above command, simply press Enter and you can ask any questions directly to Google Assistant without having to say “OK, Google” command.


我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够 install Google Assistant on Windows 10 PC without any issues. But if you still have any questions regarding this guide, then feel free to ask them in the comment section.