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2017 年 10 月 12 日

修復 Windows 10 中右鍵單擊上下文菜單速度緩慢的問題

If you have recently upgraded or updated your Windows, you might be facing this issue where the right-click context menu on desktop appears to be slow, in fact, when you right-click on the desktop it takes a lot of time for the context menu to appear. In short, the right-click context menu seems to be delayed because of some reason, and that’s why it appears slow. So to fix the issue, first, you need to find the cause of the delay and then fix it.

修復 Windows 10 中右鍵單擊上下文菜單速度緩慢的問題

This issue is annoying because desktop right-clicks in an important function of windows which let users quickly access settings, display settings etc. The main issue seems to be some 3rd party application which seems to be conflicting with Windows Shell extensions or a corrupt 3rd party shell extension itself. In some cases, faulty or outdated display drivers also seem to cause a right-click context menu to appear slow. So without wasting any time let’s see how to actually Fix Slow Right Click Context Menu in Windows 10 with the help of below-listed troubleshooting steps.

確保 創建一個還原點 萬一出了問題。


1. 按 Windows 鍵 + R 然後輸入 鍵入devmgmt.msc 並按 Enter 鍵開啟裝置管理員。

devmgmt.msc 裝置管理員

2.接下來,展開 顯示適配器 並右鍵單擊您的 Nvidia 顯示卡並選擇 啟用。

右鍵單擊您的 Nvidia 顯示卡並選擇啟用

3. Once you have done this again, right-click on your graphic card and select “更新驅動程序軟件。

update driver software in display adapters | Fix Slow Right Click Context Menu in Windows 10

4。 選擇 ”自動搜索更新的驅動程序軟件”並讓它完成該過程。


5. If the above step could fix your problem, then excellent, if not then continue.

6.再次選擇 更新驅動程序軟件 但這次在下一個畫面上選擇“瀏覽我的電腦以獲取驅動軟件。


7.現在選擇 讓我從我的電腦上的設備驅動程序列表中選擇

let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer | Fix Slow Right Click Context Menu in Windows 10

8. 最後,從清單中選擇適合您的驅動程式 英偉達顯卡 然後單擊下一步。

9. 完成上述程序並重新啟動電腦以儲存變更。更新顯示卡後,您也許能夠 Fix Slow Right Click Context Menu in Windows 10.

Method 2: Disable 3rd party Shell Extensions

If you have a context menu with a lot of 3rd party shell extensions, then one of them may be corrupted, and that’s why it’s causing a delay in the right-click context menu. Also, many shell extensions can cause the delay, so make sure to disable all the unnecessary shell extensions.

1. Download the program from 点击這裡 and then right-click on it and select 以管理員身份運行 (you don’t need to install it).

right-click on Shexview.exe and select Run as Administrator

2. 從選單中,按一下 選項, 點擊 按擴展類型過濾 並選擇 上下文菜單。

From Filter by extension type select Context Menu and click OK

3. On the next screen, you will see a list of entries, under these the entries marked with the 粉紅色背景 will be installed by 3rd parties software.

under these the entries marked with the pink background will be installed by 3rd parties software

4. Hold down CTRL key and select all of the above entries marked with the pink background then 點擊紅色按鈕 on the top left corner to disable.

Select all the item by holding CTRL and then disable selected items | Fix Slow Right Click Context Menu in Windows 10

5. 重新啟動電腦以儲存更改,看看是否可以 Fix Slow Right Click Context Menu in Windows 10.

6. If the issue is resolved, it was definitely caused by one of the shell extension and to find out which one was the culprit you could start enabling the extensions one by one until the issue occurs again.

7. disable that particular extension and then uninstall the software associated with it.

8. 重新啟動您的 PC 以保存更改。

方法 3:執行乾淨啟動

You may put your computer in a clean boot state and check. There could be a possibility that a third-party application is conflicting and causing the issue to occur.

1。 按 Windows Key + R 按鈕,然後鍵入 'msconfig' 並點擊確定。


2. 在 General 標籤下,確保 “選擇性啟動” 被檢查。

3.取消選中 '載入啟動項' 在選擇性啟動下。


4. 選擇服務標籤並選取複選框 “隱藏所有 Microsoft 服務。”

5.現在點擊 '禁用所有 禁用所有可能導致衝突的不必要服務。

移至“服務”選項卡,勾選“隱藏所有 Microsoft 服務”旁邊的方塊,然後按一下“全部停用”

6. 在啟動選項卡上,單擊 “開啟工作管理員。”


7. 現在,在 啟動選項卡 (在任務管理器中) 禁用所有 啟用的啟動項。

Right-click on an application and select Disable | Fix Slow Right Click Context Menu in Windows 10

8. 按一下“確定”,然後 重新啟動。 If the issue is resolved and you want to investigate then further follow this guide.

9. 再次按下 Windows鍵+ R 按鈕和類型 'msconfig' 並點擊確定。

10. 在常規選項卡上,選擇 正常啟動選項 然後單擊確定。


11.當提示您重新啟動計算機時, 單擊重新啟動。 這肯定會幫助你 Fix Slow Right Click Context Menu in Windows 10.

方法 4:註冊表修復

注意: Make a backup of the registry before continuing.

1. 按 Windows 鍵 + R 然後輸入 註冊表編輯器 並按 Enter 打開註冊表編輯器。

Run command regedit | Fix Slow Right Click Context Menu in Windows 10

2. 導覽至以下註冊表​​項:


3.Make sure to highlight 上下文菜單處理程序, and under it, several other folders will be there.

under ContextMenuHandlers right-click on each of the folder and select Delete

4. Right-click on each of them except New and WorkFolders 進而 選擇刪除。

注意: If you don’t want to delete all the folders, you could start by deleting until the issue is resolved. But after each folder you delete, you need to restart.

5. 重新啟動您的 PC 以保存更改。


這樣你就成功了 修復 Windows 10 中右鍵單擊上下文菜單速度緩慢的問題 but if you still have any questions regarding the above guide then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.