2022 年 6 月 30 日

Fix Star Citizen Installer Error on Windows 10

Star Citizen is a popular multiplayer game developed by Cloud Imperium Games. It has attracted so many players across the world and this space exploration game is without any hindrance and assures 100 % fun to its gamers. The file size of Star Citizen makes sense since this game contains galaxies to explore and exploit. But, like many online errors, Star Citizen also has errors. When you try to install, update or download the game, you may face Star Citizen installer error on your Windows 10 PC. This error may be sometimes accompanied by a prompt with a message, An error has occurred during the installation processes. Some users also report that this error occurs when they try to log in to the PTU (Public Test Universe). Nevertheless, there are a lot more reasons that cause Star Citizen installer error Windows 10. Continue reading this guide, to fix Star Citizen installer error check logs problem with some effective troubleshooting steps.

Fix Star Citizen Installer Error on Windows 10

How to Fix Star Citizen Installer Error on Windows 10

After analyzing several reports and online platforms, we have gathered a list of reasons that cause installation error Star Citizen. Analyze them deeper and you will get an idea to troubleshoot the problem by following appropriate solutions.

  • 腐敗 data in the USER folder is the common reason that causes the discussed problem.
  • An overprotective antivirus suite and firewall components are quarantining your files and you cannot install or download any updates of the game on your Windows 10 PC.
  • 你正在使用 incompatible game launcher and in some cases, you are using the wrong launcher.
  • If the Star Citizen files are spread as several components everywhere on your computer, a big miscommunication may occur within the game modules.
  • 如果您使用的是 dedicated SSD for installing all the games on your PC, sometimes a corrupt component within the SSD might lead to Star Citizen installer error check logs problem.
  • no adequate space in your Windows 10 PC to install the game. You have to clear unnecessary files and manage storage to install Star Citizen since it requires a bulk size on your disk.
  • The graphical drivers in your computer are not compatible or outdated.
  • 你正在使用 過時的 版本的 操作系統 and hence the game requirements are not satisfied. How to Fix Star Citizen Installer Error Windows 10

Here are some common troubleshooting ideas that will help you fix Star Citizen installer error Windows 10 issue.


Follow these basic troubleshooting methods to fix the said issue.

1. 重新啟動電腦


1. 按下進入 Windows 進階使用者選單 Windows + X 鍵 同時進行。

2。 現在,點擊 關機或退出.


3.最後,點擊 重新啟動。

2. Ensure Stable Network Connection

Unstable and inadequate internet connection leads to Star Citizen installer error check logs issue, also if there are any obstacles or interference between your router and the PC, they may interfere with the wireless signal and will cause stability issues. Try running a 速度測試 檢查您電腦的網路速度。

You can run a speed test

If you guess there is an instability problem, check our guide How to Troubleshoot Network Connectivity Problems on Windows 10 to fix the same.

3. Close Background Processes

Several users have confirmed that Star Citizen installer error check logs can be resolved by closing all the background programs and applications running on Windows 10 PC. To do the same, implement the steps in our guide How to End Task in Windows 10 and proceed as instructed.

Click on End Task. Fix Star Citizen Installer Error on Windows 10

Once you have closed all the background processes, check if you were able to fix installation error Star Citizen.

相關閱讀: 修復 Windows 10 中的 MoUSO 核心工作進程

Method 2: Run Installer as Administrator

If Star Citizen does not have required administrative privileges, a few essential features of the game will be limited causing you installation error Star Citizen whenever you open the game or install any updates. Follow the below-mentioned instructions to run the game as an administrator.

1.右鍵單擊 星際公民捷徑 在桌面上或前往 安裝目錄 and right-click on it. Then, select the 氟化鈉性能 選項。


2. 現在,轉到 相容性 標籤並點擊 以管理員身份運行此程序.


3.最後,點擊 申請成為成員 OK to save the changes. Check if you have fixed Star Citizen installer problem.

Method 3: Manage Storage to Install Star Citizen

If there is no room on your computer to install Star Citizen, you will face Star Citizen installer problem. The game consumes more than 15GB of space on your disk and if you still want to update the game, it takes some more space. So, almost 100 GB of space will be used up on the hard drive if you install the game and use it for a long time. So, as the first step of the troubleshooting process, check if there is enough space on your computer, particularly on the drive where you are installing the game. Few users have reported that clearing disk space in the computer has helped them sort out installation error Star Citizen. This will enable your computer to install new files whenever needed which will help you fix the problem. Follow our guide 10 Ways to Free Up Hard Disk Space On Windows which helps you clear all unnecessary files on your Windows 10 PC.

switch to the More Options tab and click on Clean up… button. Fix Star Citizen Installer Error on Windows 10

相關閱讀: Fix Not Enough Storage is Available to Process this Command


Many users have reported that Star Citizen installer error Windows 10 can be fixed by deleting the USER folder in your File Manager. This fixes most of the integrity issues within the game and if you guess this scenario applies to you, follow the below-listed instructions to do the same.

1.首先關閉所有 後台進程.

2. 然後,按 Windows + E 鍵 一起開 檔案總管.

3。 導航到 安裝 目錄 of Star Citizen as shown below:

D:RSI 發射器StarCitizen LIVE

注意: The above installation directory path may not be same for all users. You may go to the particular 本機磁碟機(例如 C 或 D) 您保存文​​件的位置。 

使用者資料夾 RSI 啟動器 CD 程式檔案 Roberts Space Industries StarCitizen

4. 然後,向下捲動並雙擊 USER 文件夾中。

5. 選擇資料夾內的所有文件 USER 按資料夾 Ctrl + A 鍵 一起並擊中 刪除 按鈕。

6. 然後,轉到 回收站 並清除那裡所有已刪除的檔案。


7. Finally, launch the game and complete the login process. Check if you face Star Citizen installer problem again.



注意: 在安裝遊戲之前,請確保關閉與遊戲相關的所有背景進程。

1。 下載 星際公民 launcher from the official site

注意: 確保遊戲的啟動程式檔案安裝在您安裝遊戲的相同位置。

Launch the browser and install the latest game launcher on your computer. Fix Star Citizen Installer Error on Windows 10

2. Once the game is installed on PC, relaunch the game and install all the updates and check if the issue recurs again.

方法 6:從 AppData 中刪除 RSILauncher

Sometimes, the problem occurs due to some temporary corrupt folders on your Windows 10 PC. When you install the game, the installer creates an update file in your File Explorer. In some rare cases, these folders might be corrupt and prevent the game from launching the updates. If you are not sure how to delete RSILauncher and RSI folders from your PC, follow the below-mentioned steps.

1。 按 Windows + E 鍵 一起開 檔案總管.

2. 現在,移動到以下位置 路徑 逐個。


注意: 請務必檢查 隱藏項目 盒子裡 瀏覽 選項卡查看 AppData 資料夾。

Make sure you check the Hidden items box in the View tab to view the AppData folder.

3. 現在,找到 rsilauncher 和 RSI 資料夾,右鍵單擊它們並選擇 刪除 選項。

select the Delete option. Fix Star Citizen Installer Error on Windows 10

4. Once you have deleted these folders, re-launch the game to check if you can update the game without Star Citizen error 10002 or installer error check logs.

相關閱讀: 修復 Windows 10 中 Steam 遺失檔案權限


Any incorrect entries of RSI in the hosts file might cause installation error Star Citizen. You can resolve the issue by removing incorrect RSI entries from the hosts file as instructed below.

1。 按 的Windows + E 鑰匙一起打開 檔案總管.

2. 現在,切換到 瀏覽 標籤並檢查 隱藏項目 盒子裡 顯示/隱藏 部分。


3. 現在,將以下路徑複製並貼上到檔案總管的導覽路徑中。在這裡,單擊 文件擴展名 下框 查看標籤 如圖所示。



4. 現在,選擇並右鍵單擊 主持人 文件並選擇 重命名 選項如圖所示。將檔案重新命名為 舊主機.

select the Rename option. Fix Star Citizen Installer Error on Windows 10

5. Now the hosts file with incorrect entries will be ignored, and next time when you run the updates of the game, you will not face installation error Star Citizen errors.

方法 8:更新 Windows

If there are any bugs in your Windows 10 PC contributing to Star Citizen installer error Windows 10, you can fix the problem by updating your Windows 10 operating system. If you do not know how to update your Windows 10 PC, follow our guide How to Download and Install Windows 10 Latest Update and proceed as instructed.

的Windows Update

After updating the Windows Operating System, check if Star Citizen installer error Windows 10 is resolved.

相關閱讀: 修復 Windows Update 服務無法停止的問題


Star Citizen is a graphical game and to enjoy an uninterrupted gaming experience all the graphics drivers in your PC must be compatible and at their latest version. If the drivers are outdated or faulty, you have to update all of them. All the newest updates of drivers are released from their respective official websites or you can update them manually. Check our guide 4 Ways to Update Graphics Drivers in Windows 10 to update all the drivers and check if you can install the updates of the game.

Update graphics driver. Fix Star Citizen Installer Error on Windows 10


When you still face Star Citizen installer error check logs after updating the Graphical drivers, then reinstall device drivers to fix any incompatibility problems. There are so many methods to reinstall drivers on Windows. Yet, if you are confused about how to implement the same, check our guide How to Uninstall and Reinstall Drivers on Windows 10 and implement the same.


After reinstalling GPU drivers, check if Star Citizen installer error check logs is resolved.

相關閱讀: 如何判斷您的顯示卡是否即將失效

方法 11:回滾顯示卡驅動程式更新

如果目前版本的圖形驅動程式與您的遊戲不相容,則更新或重新安裝它們是沒有用的。您所要做的就是按照我們的指南如何在 Windows 10 上回滾驅動程式將驅動程式回滾到先前的版本。

roll back driver. Fix Star Citizen Installer Error on Windows 10

Now, check if installation error Star Citizen is resolved.

方法 12:修改 Windows Defender 防火牆設置

Your computer will be subjected to Star Citizen installer error Windows 10, due to an over-protective firewall suite in the Windows 10 PC. To resolve the problem, you can either add a new rule for your game, whitelist the game or as the last fix, disable the firewall temporarily.


若要允許《星際公民》進入 Windows Defender 防火牆,請按照我們的指南允許或阻止應用程式透過 Windows 防火牆中的說明進行操作。


選項二:停用 Windows Defender 防火牆(不建議)

如果將遊戲列入白名單對您沒有幫助,請查看我們的指南如何停用 Windows 10 防火牆會對您有所幫助。

turn off Windows Defender Firewall not recommended. Fix Star Citizen Installer Error on Windows 10

選項 III:在防火牆中建立新規則

1.點擊 Windows鍵 和類型 Windows Defender防火牆,然後點擊 以管理員身份運行.

開啟具有進階安全性的 Windows Defender 防火牆

2. 在左側窗格中,選擇 入境規則 選項。

click on Inbound Rules. Fix Star Citizen Installer Error on Windows 10

3. 前往右側窗格並選擇 新規則... 如圖所示。


4. Then, ensure if you select the 程序 選項下 您想要建立什麼類型的規則? 菜單,然後選擇 下一個> 如圖所示。


5. 現在,選擇 瀏覽... 按鈕旁邊 本程式路徑: 如圖所示。

click on the Browse… button corresponding to This program path. Fix Star Citizen Installer Error on Windows 10

6.現在,轉到 C:Program Files (x86)星際公民 路徑並雙擊 格局 文件。在這裡,單擊 已提交 按鈕。

7. 在這裡,點擊 下一頁> ,在 新建入站規則嚮導 視窗如圖所示。


8.然後,點擊 允許連接 並選擇 下一頁> 如圖所示。

select the radio button next to Allow the connection and click on Next. Fix Star Citizen Installer Error on Windows 10

9. 確保 域、私有、公有 boxes are clicked on and select the 下一頁> 選項。

Make sure Domain Private and Public boxes are selected and click on Next. Fix Star Citizen Installer Error on Windows 10

10. Finally, name your new rule and click on .


Check if you have fixed installation error Star Citizen or not.

相關閱讀: 修復配置系統在 Windows 10 上初始化失敗的問題

方法 13:暫時停用防毒軟體(如果適用)

Similar to the firewall suite, disable the antivirus program in your computer to fix Star Citizen installer error check logs issue in your game. If there are any threats of malicious programs or files on your computer. Disable the overprotective antivirus program temporarily as instructed in our guide How to Disable Antivirus Temporarily on Windows 10.


If you can install the updates of the game after disabling the antivirus program on the computer, you are advised to uninstall the program completely from your PC. If you want to do so, follow our guide to Force Uninstall Programs which won’t Uninstall In Windows 10.

方法 14:在另一個位置重新安裝遊戲

If you cannot troubleshoot Star Citizen installer error check logs after implementing all the above-listed methods, then you can reinstall the game in some other location where you have enough space(more than 60GB). Many users have confirmed that reinstalling the game has helped them fix the problem of Star Citizen installer error Windows 10. Although there is no obvious reason why this is a potential fix, follow this conventional fix to resolve the problem.

1.點擊 Windows + I鍵 一起開 Windows設置.

2。 現在,點擊 應用程式 設置。

Click on Apps. Fix Star Citizen Installer Error on Windows 10

3. 現在,搜尋並點擊 星際公民 並選擇 卸載 選項。

4. 現在,確認提示(如果有),然後 重啟 卸載後您的電腦 星際公民.

5. 然後,訪問 RSI官方下載頁面 並點擊 獲取最新下載的所有信息 按鈕。然後,請按照螢幕上的指示在您的電腦上安裝軟體包。

visit the official download page of RSI and click on GET ALL THE INFO ON THE LATEST DOWNLOAD button

Once you have installed the game, you will not face the error again. Still, if you face the same, then you might have installed the game in your dedicated SSD. In that case, you have to format your SSD as instructed in the next method.

Method 15: Format SDD (Not Recommended)

In case, if you are using SSD to install the games on your Windows 10 PC, then there is no purpose in following the listed troubleshooting methods. In this case, you have to format the SSD completely to fix the problem. This may seem unnecessary, yet this is an effective method to fix the Install error in your computer. Several users have confirmed that this method is helpful and you can format your SSD by following our guide How to Format a Disk or Drive in Windows 10. Also, if you have any important data, saved games, and other personal stuff on your SSD, you have to back up all of them in advance before you format the drive. This process will delete the data and all other information on SSD.

Format Disk or Drive in Disk Management. Fix Star Citizen Installer Error on Windows 10


我們希望本指南對您有所幫助並且您可以修復 Star Citizen installer error on your Windows 10 PC. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section