Desember 30, 2022

Hoe om Scribd-rekening uit te vee

For the uninformed, Scribd is an online digital library that is filled with magazines, music, eBooks, documents, audiobooks, and so much more. If you are someone who enjoys using smartphones for literally every aspect, Scribd is the right choice for you. However, there may be times when you want to delete Scribd account for whatever reason. Luckily, this article will help you with things like how to delete credit card from Scribd.

Hoe om Scribd-rekening uit te vee

Hoe om Scribd-rekening uit te vee

Scribd is a perfect platform for people who are into reading eBooks, and magazines, and listening to audiobooks. It is a great way to explore and dive more into the amazing world of a digital library. Nonetheless, you may want to remove your account once you finish your reading wish list. Continue reading further to know more about the same.

Can I Cancel Scribd After Free Trial?

Ja, you can cancel Scribd after free trial. Like any platform, Scribd allows its users to try their features for one month free. If the consumer feels that the Scribd service is not up to their expectations during that period, they can easily cancel it. However, cancel it before the trial period ends and you won’t be charged or you will be charged automatically if you don’t cancel it.

How Do I Cancel My Scribd Subscription?

Now that you know whether it is possible to cancel Scribd after free trial, let us move forward to the process. Scribd allows users to easily delete Scribd account or cancel their subscription whenever they want to do it. Here are the steps that will guide you to cancel your Scribd subscription.

Method 1: Through Scribd Website

1. Besoek die amptenaar Scribd website on your PC or laptop.

2. Kliek op Teken in and log in to your account with rekening geloofsbriewe.

click on sign in

3. Gaan na Jou rekening en klik op Subscription & Payment Details.

4. Kliek op End My Subscription.

nota: For some readers, this option may appear as Kanselleer intekening.

Keep reading to learn how to delete Scribd account.

Lees ook: Hoe om YouTube-rekening uit te vee

Metode 2: Via Google Play Winkel

1. Begin Google Play Store op jou slimfoon.

launch scribd

2. Tik op die profielikoon regs bo uit.

tap on the profile icon | How to Delete Scribd Account

3. Tik op Betalings en intekeninge in die keuselys.

go to payments and subscriptions

4. Tik dan op Subskripsies.

go to subscriptions

5. Tik op die Scribd intekening vanaf die lys.

6. Tik dan op Kanselleer intekening.

tap on Cancel subscription | How to Delete Scribd Account

7. Kies die rede hoekom jy die intekening wil kanselleer en tik op Aanhou.

Kies die rede waarom jy die intekening wil kanselleer en tik op Gaan voort |

8. Laastens, tik op Kanselleer intekening vanaf die pop-up.

tik op Kanselleer intekening vanaf die pop-up |

How Do I Remove My Card Details from Scribd?

Are you wondering how do I remove my card details from Scribd? If so, you are at the right place. Here are the steps that will guide you to remove your card details from Scribd.

1. Gaan na die amptenaar Scribd webwerf en Teken in.

2. Klik op die profielikoon.

click on the profile icon | How to Delete Scribd Account

3. Kliek op Jou rekening vanaf die spyskaart.

go to your account

4. Kliek op Werk van die Betalingsmetode afdeling.

click on update next to payment method

5. Verwyder the card from this section and vervang dit met 'n new desired card.

Lees ook: How to Remove Amazon Gift Card

How to Delete Credit Card from Scribd?

As discussed earlier in the article, you can follow the stappe hierbo genoem to delete credit card from Scribd. Scribd made it very easy for users to delete their credit card details from their database.

Can I Delete Scribd Account?

Ja, you can delete Scribd account and it is very easy. They know that sometimes members might want to leave the Scribd family altogether.

How to Delete Scribd Account?

Scribd made it very easy to delete your Scribd account. Here are the steps that will guide you to delete your Scribd account.

1. Begin die Scribd app op jou smartphone.

2. Tik op die Rekening-oortjie vanaf die onderste paneel.

tap on the profile icon | How to Delete Scribd Account

3. Tik dan op Rekening Inligting.

go to account information

4. Tik op Verwyder rekening.

tap on delete account

5. Merk die blok on your screen and confirm your choice by tapping Verwyder rekening.

check the boxes and tap on delete account | How to Delete Scribd Account

How Do I Permanently Delete My Scribd Account?

Jy kan die stappe hierbo genoem to permanently delete your Scribd account.


So, ons hoop jy het verstaan ​​hoe om delete Scribd account met die gedetailleerde stappe om u te help. Jy kan ons enige navrae of voorstelle laat weet oor enige ander onderwerp waaroor jy wil hê ons moet 'n artikel maak. Los dit in die kommentaarafdeling hieronder sodat ons dit kan weet.