November 19, 2021

How to Stop Microsoft Teams from Opening Automatically on Windows 11

Microsoft Teams is now more integrated into Windows 11 than it has ever been. It has been integrated into the core experience of Windows 11 as a Chat App. Right from your Taskbar, you can chat and make video/audio calls with your friends and family using Teams Chat. It could be a godsend if you are a Microsoft Teams Personal user. However, not everyone is pleased with the way Microsoft is promoting Teams in its latest operating system. There were even users who had never heard of Teams before and are now concerned about a strange-looking icon on the Taskbar. Today, we will discuss how to stop Microsoft Teams from opening automatically in Windows 11 on startup. Moreover, we have explained how to remove Teams Chat icon and uninstall it.

How to Stop Microsoft Teams from Opening Automatically on Windows 11

How to Stop Microsoft Teams from Opening Automatically on Windows 11

As u albei het Microsoft Teams Home and Work or School apps installed on your Windows 11 PC, you must distinguish between the two.

  • Work or School Teams app, has a blue tile against the word T in the background.
  • Microsoft Teams Home app has a wit teël background for the letter T.

If Microsoft Teams is loading each time your system boots up, it might bother you. Also, the system tray displays Teams app that is always on. If you do not use Chat or Microsoft Teams often, you can simply disable it. Here’s how to stop Microsoft Teams from opening automatically on Windows 11:

1. Klik op die Soek ikoon en tik Microsoft Teams.

2. Klik dan op Opening soos aangedui.

let wel: Make sure the icon of the Microsoft Teams has T with white background.

Start menu search results for Microsoft Teams. How to stop Microsoft Teams from opening automatically in Windows 11

3. In the Microsoft Teams window, click on the drie gestippelde ikoon from the top of the window.

click on the Three dots icon in Microsoft Teams

4. Kies hier die Stellings opsie, soos getoon.

Settings option in Microsoft Teams

5. onder algemene tab, uncheck the box marked Auto start Teams, soos hieronder uitgebeeld.

General tab in Microsoft Teams. How to stop Microsoft Teams from opening automatically in Windows 11

This is how to disable Microsoft Teams from opening automatically in Windows 11 on startup.

Lees ook: Hoe om programme aan die taakbalk vas te speld op Windows 11

How to Remove Teams Chat Icon from Taskbar

Additionally, if you wish to remove the Teams app icon from Taskbar, implement either of these options.

Option 1: Directly from Taskbar

1. Regsklik op die geselsies ikoon in die Taakbalk.

2. Klik dan Ontkoppel van die taakbalk, soos uitgelig getoon.

Unpinning Teams icon from the Taskbar

Option 2: Through Taskbar Settings

1. Regskliek op 'n leë ruimte op die Taakbalk.

2. Kliek op Taakbalkinstellings, soos aangedui.

Right click option for Taskbar

3. onder Taakbalk -items, switch off the toggle for Chat app, as depicted.

switch off toggle of Chat in Taskbar items

Lees ook: Fix Microsoft Teams Keeps Restarting

How to Uninstall Microsoft Teams

Now you know how to stop or disable Microsoft Teams from opening automatically on Windows 11 on startup. However, if you want to completely uninstall Microsoft Teams in Windows 11, then follow these steps:

1. Press Windows + X sleutels saam om die oop te maak Quick Link menu.

2. Kliek op Programme en funksies uit die gegewe lys.

Quick Link menu. How to stop Microsoft Teams from opening automatically in Windows 11

3. Gebruik die Programlys soekkassie om te soek Microsoft Teams.

4. Kliek op drie gestippelde ikoon for Microsoft Teams and click on Verwyder.

let wel: You should select the Microsoft Teams app with an icon with white background for letter T.

Apps and features section in Settings app.

5. Ten slotte, klik op Verwyder in the confirmation prompt, as shown to uninstall the said app.

Confirmation dialog box for uninstalling Microsoft Teams


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