Mart 15, 2022

Snap Camera Mövcud Kamera Daxiletmə Xətası Düzelt

Snap Camera Mövcud Kamera Daxiletmə Xətası Düzelt

Are you having a fun video call with your friends and trying to use the Snap Camera app to your video call software, but you are not able to do so? Do you have an issue using the Snap Camera app, and are you receiving an error message? Don’t worry. This page will explain the reasons and the methods to solve the Snap Camera not working issue. In this article, you will come across methods to solve the problems, like Snap Camera isn’t working and Snap Camera no available camera input error. Continue reading!

Snap Camera Mövcud Kamera Daxiletmə Xətası Düzelt

How to Fix Snap Camera No Available Camera Input Error

If you cannot use your camera on the Snap Camera app, there may be some issues with the connection. The reasons are listed below:

  • Qeyri-sabit Wi-Fi bağlantısı: The Snap Camera app uses a lot of your Internet connection, and a high-speed and stable Wi-Fi network is required to use it. So, if your Wi-Fi connection is fluctuating, the Snap Camera may show a black screen to others.
  • Camera Permission: Since Snap Camera requires camera permission on your PC, you have to ensure that permission is given to the app.
  • Order of Launching Apps: If you have opened your video call software first and then your Snap Camera app, there is a high chance for the software to throw errors. For example, if you have opened the Google Meet website first, then the Snap Camera app, the screen will get stuck.
  • Outdated Snap Camera App: If your Snap Camera app is outdated, then the app may not be used to connect with your video call software.
  • Fon Proqramları: You must have noticed that a regular video call gets disrupted when other apps are open on your PC. Thus, apps in the background can slow down the connection between the Snap Camera app and your video call software.
  • Longer Usage of Video Call Software: If your video call software is used for a longer time, then the Snap Camera gets disrupted, leading to the pages being stuck. This can make your account appear frozen to your team on the call.
  • Incompatibility in Windows: The app Snap Camera is to be downloaded on a PC that has higher compatibility with your PC. Older versions of Windows, such as Windows 7, cannot support such apps of huge data size.
  • Outdated Webcam Driver: If the installed webcam driver is outdated, it may pose a technical problem to run an app like Snap Camera.
  • Corrupt Cache Files: As the Snap Camera app is used from time to time, it is advisable to clear the cache files on your PC. Though it is not dangerous, it can slow down the speed of your PC.

Əsas problemlərin aradan qaldırılması addımları

The basic troubleshooting methods to fix the Snap Camera not working issue are mentioned here. It is advised to implement these methods first and then experiment using the other methods.

  • Close all the unnecessary applications running in the background using the Task Manager.
  • It is necessary to have a stable Internet connection with good speed to use the Snap Camera on your video call software. It is advised to check the Wi-Fi connection and connect your PC to a good Wi-Fi connection.
  • Ensure that your Webcam or Integrated Camera is working və işə salındı.
  • Before installation, it is advised to check if your PC can handle the Snap Camera App. Check the Windows version on your PC and install the Snap Camera app after ensuring that your PC meets the requirements.
  • Close the Snap Camera and video call application and restart them in the right order, Snap Camera and then the video call application.
  • At times, the Snap Camera app may have stuck and may not support a particular lens. Try different lenses to see if any lens will work, and wait for some time for the app to imbibe the change of your choice.
  • Restarting your PC can solve the issue and bring your PC back to working mode.
  • If you have many cameras input devices on your PC, then special care has to be given in choosing the camera input. Select the camera you would like to use from the drop-down menu on the Settings page on the Snap Camera app.
  • Bu vacibdir ensure that you have selected Snap Camera in the drop-down list of Camera settings in the video call application. If you have selected any other connected camera, you wouldn’t be able to use your Snap Camera on the software.

Method 1: Run Snap Camera as Administrator

If you are continuously facing issues using the Snap Camera app, run the app as an Administrator. Follow the below steps.

1. Basın Windows + D düymələri simultaneously to open your system desktop.

2. düyməsini sağ basın Snap Camera app icon ci Desktop və seçin Administrator olaraq işləyin.

select Run as Administrator option. Fix Snap Camera No Available Camera Input Error

Method 2: Run Snap Camera in Compatibility Mode

If the problem lies in the incompatibility of Windows with the Snap Camera app, you can run the app in Compatibility mode. This method, however, doesn’t guarantee the quality of pictures you can get in the advanced version. Follow the steps mentioned below.

1. düyməsini sağ basın Snap Camera app icon ci Desktop.

2. Seçin Properties açılan menyuda.

Xüsusiyyətləri seçin

3. Gedin Uyumluluk nişanı.

go to Compatibility tab in the Snap Camera Properties

4. Check the box next to the setting Bu proqramı uyğunluq rejimində işləyin:

check the Run this program on compatibility mode for option in Snap Camera compatibility properties. Fix Snap Camera No Available Camera Input Error

5. klik tətbiq etmək və sonra OK buttons to impart the changes.

click on Apply and OK to save changes in Snap Camera Compatibility Properties

Method 3: Update Snap Camera

To update the Snap Camera app on your PC, follow the steps mentioned in this method.

1. Basın Windows açarı. Tipi Snap Kamera və işə salın.

Type Snap Camera in the Windows search bar and launch the app on your PC

2. Basın Parametrlər at the top right of the Snap Camera app.

Click on Settings at the top right of the Snap Camera app. Fix Snap Camera No Available Camera Input Error

3. In the left pane, click on the tab Yeniləmələri yoxlayın.

click on the tab Check For Updates

4A. If the app is updated to its latest version, you will receive a message, Snap Camera is up to date.

If the app is updated to its latest version, you will receive a message, Snap Camera is up to date

4B. If there is an update available for the app, it will prompt you to another window. Follow the on-screen instructions to update the app.

Həm də oxuyun: Windows 10-da Laptop Kamerasının aşkarlanmadığını düzəldin

Method 4: Allow Camera Permissions for Snap Camera

You need to ensure that the Camera permission is given to the Snap Camera app to use it on your video call software. Follow the steps below to provide permission to the app.

1. Basın Windows + I düymələri together to open Parametrlər.

2. klik Məxfilik.

Məxfilik üzərinə klikləyin

3. Tapmaq üçün aşağı diyirləyin kamera altındakı tab App icazələri.

scroll down to find Camera tab

4. Toggle on the option Uygulamalarınızın kameranıza daxil olmasına icazə verin.

Toggle on the option Allow apps to access your camera. Fix Snap Camera No Available Camera Input Error

5. Tapmaq üçün aşağı diyirləyin Snap Kamera altındakı tətbiq Allow desktop apps to access your camera Kateqoriya.

Scroll down to find the Snap Camera app under the Allow desktop apps to access your camera category

Method 5: Change Camera Resolution and Frame Rate

If you are unable to use your Snap Camera well on your Video call software, you can alter the camera resolution and frame rate on your Snap Camera app. Follow these steps to change Camera resolution and frame rate and fix Snap Camera not working issue.

1. Başla Snap Kamera əvvəllər edildiyi kimi.

2. Tıklayınız Parametrlər ekranın yuxarı sağ küncündə simvol.

Click on Settings at the top right of the Snap Camera app

3. İndi dəyişdirin Qətnamə və Çərçivə sürəti in the drop-down menu under the Choose camera resolution seçin.

Qeyd: Ensure you choose the resolution recommended for your system.

change the Resolution and Frame rate in the drop down menu under the Choose camera resolution option

Həm də oxuyun: Omegle Kamerasının işləməməsini necə düzəltmək olar

Method 6: Enable Keyboard Hotkeys

Keyboard hotkeys to trigger lens ON/OFF is the setting that allows you to change your lens when triggered by a command on Snap Camera. You need to enable this setting on your Snap Camera app to check if you can change the lens on the app. Follow the below steps to resolve the Snap Camera no available camera input error.

1. Başla Snap Kamera əvvəllər edildiyi kimi.

2. Tıklayınız Parametrlər ekranın yuxarı sağ küncündə simvol.

Click on Settings at the top right of the Snap Camera app. Fix Snap Camera No Available Camera Input Error

3. İçində Parametrlər page, scroll down and save a hotkey under Turn Lens On/Off.

Qeyd: Burada Ctrl + D keys combination is chosen as the hotkey for this setting.

In the Settings page, scroll down and save a hotkey under Turn Lens On Off

4. Basın Yadda saxla.

Click Save. Fix Snap Camera No Available Camera Input Error

Method 7: Disable Flip Video Preview and Snapcode Overlay Options

The flip video preview is an option to mirror your video screen, and Snapcode overlay is an option to share the Snapcode of your lens with your friends. The options can be turned off if the app doesn’t perform well on your PC. To disable these settings, follow the below steps.

1. Başla Snap Kamera əvvəllər edildiyi kimi.

2. Tıklayınız Parametrlər icon.

Click on Settings at the top right of the Snap Camera app

3. Toggle off against the settings, Flip video preview Show Snapcode overlay.

Toggle off against the settings, Flip video preview and Show Snapcode overlay

4. Nəhayət, reboot the app and check if Snap Camera not working issue persists or not.

Method 8: Clear Snap Camera Cache Files

To speed up your PC, you can clear the cache files on your Snap Camera app. The cache saved on your app can be cleared by following the steps below.

1. Başla Snap Kamera əvvəllər edildiyi kimi.

2. klik Parametrlər əvvəlki üsulda edildiyi kimi.

Click on Settings at the top right of the Snap Camera app. Fix Snap Camera No Available Camera Input Error

3. Tapmaq üçün aşağı diyirləyin Cache & App Use pəncərədə.

4. Tıklayınız baxış düyməsini basın.

Click on View button

5. Yanındakı qutuyu işarələyin Gizli yer seçimini seçin və üzərinə vurun Clear selected düyməsini basın.

Check the box next to Cache option and click on Clear selected data button. Fix Snap Camera No Available Camera Input Error

Həm də oxuyun: Cihaz Sürücüsü nədir? Bu necə işləyir?

Method 9: Download Older App Version

If the incompatibility issues keep arising, you can download an older version of the app on your PC using third-party websites. You can use websites like Firehorse to download your app and resolve the Snap Camera isn’t working issue.

download an older version of the app

Method 10: Update Webcam Driver

If the problem lies on your Webcam or Integrated Camera, you can try to update the camera driver.

1. Tipi Cihaz meneceri ci Windows 10 axtarış menyusu və açın.

Windows 10 axtarış menyusuna Cihaz Meneceri yazın və onu açın

2. Genişləndirin Kameralar üzərinə iki dəfə klikləməklə.

Expand Cameras by double-clicking on it

3. Sağ düyməni vurun Snap Kamera on the list available and select Sürücüyü yeniləyin.

Right click on Snap Camera on the list available and select Update driver. Fix Snap Camera No Available Camera Input Error

4. Tıklayınız Sürücülər üçün avtomatik axtarış menyuda seçim.

Click on the Search automatically for drivers option in the menu

5A. If the driver is up-to-date, it will display Cihazınız üçün ən yaxşı drayverlər artıq quraşdırılıb.

If the driver is up-to-date, it will display The best drivers for your device are already installed

5B. If there is an update available, it will prompt you to update the webcam driver. Follow the on-screen instructions to update the driver and fix Snap Camera not working issue.

Həm də oxuyun: Fix I/O Device Error in Windows 10

Metod 11: VPN-ni söndürün

You can turn off the VPN set on your PC to allow you to use Snap Camera on your video call software.

1. Basın Windows + I düymələri açmaq üçün birlikdə Parametrlər.

2. Basın Şəbəkə və İnternet göstərilən menyuda seçim.

Click on Network and Internet option. Fix Snap Camera No Available Camera Input Error

3. Seçin VPN in the left pane, and disable all the VPN-lər.

Select VPN in the and disable all the VPNs

4. Then, turn off all the VPN seçimləri altında Ətraflı Seçimlər.

select VPN and turn off all the VPN services

Metod 12: Windows-u yeniləyin

If the Windows OS on your PC is not compatible, it may not support the functioning of the Snap Camera app. You have to update Windows on your PC to use Snap Camera on video call software. To update manually, follow the steps below and fix Snap Camera no available camera input issue.

1. Basın Windows + I düymələri eyni vaxtda işə salmaq Parametrlər.

2. Tıklayınız Yeniləmə və Təhlükəsizlik göstərildiyi kimi kafel.

Update and Security. Fix Snap Camera No Available Camera Input Error

3. İçində Windows Update nişanı basın Yenilikləri yoxlayın düyməsini basın.

Yeniləmələri yoxlayın düyməsini basın.

4A. Yeni yeniləmə mövcuddursa, klikləyin İndi yükləyin və yeniləmək üçün təlimatlara əməl edin.

Click on install now to download the available updates. Fix Snap Camera No Available Camera Input Error

4B. Əks halda, əgər Windows yenilənirsə, o zaman görünəcək Siz yenilənirsiniz mesaj.

windows yeniləməsi siz yenilənirsiniz mesajı

Həm də oxuyun: Google Meet-də heç bir kamera tapılmadığını necə düzəltmək olar

Method 13: Reinstall Snap Camera

If your Snap Camera app isn’t working after trying all the methods, you can reinstall the app on your PC. You need to uninstall the app first and then install it again to fix Snap Camera no available camera input issue.

1. Basın Windows + I düymələri eyni zamanda açmaq üçün Parametrlər.

2. klik Apps.

Proqramları vurun

3. Aşağıya fırladın və seçin Snap Kamera.

Scroll down and select Snap Camera

4. klik Uninstall.

Scroll down and select Snap Camera. Fix Snap Camera No Available Camera Input Error

5. klik Uninstall pop-up-da.

Click Uninstall in the pop-up

6. klik bəli sorğuda.

Qeyd: If you see a pop-up stating that Snap Camera is still running, quit the application by right-clicking on the Snap Camera icon in the system tray.

Click Uninstall in the pop up. Fix Snap Camera No Available Camera Input Error

7. Yenə klikləyin bəli sorğuda.

8. Nəhayət, klikləyin OK.

OK düyməsini basın

9. Tipi % yerliappdata% ci Windows axtarış çubuğu basın açıq.

AppData Local qovluğunu açın

10. düyməsini iki dəfə vurun Şaqqıltı açmaq üçün qovluğu seçin.

click OK. Fix Snap Camera No Available Camera Input Error

11. düyməsini sağ basın Snap Kamera qovluq seçin və seçin Sil.

Right-click the Snap Camera folder and select Delete

12. Yenə yazın % appdata% ci Windows axtarış çubuğu və açın.

Open AppData Roaming folder. Fix Snap Camera No Available Camera Input Error

13. Silin Snap Kamera folder as done before.

14. Sonra, kompüterinizi yenidən başladın.

15. Download Snap Kamera dən Rəsmi saytında.

Snap Camera download page

16. On the download page, check the box to accept the Terms & Conditions, daxil edin e-mail and verify the reCAPTCHA.

17. Sonra klikləyin PC üçün yükləyin.

click Download for PC

18. Tıklayınız yüklənmiş quraşdırma faylı tətbiqi quraşdırmaq üçün.

Click on the downloaded installer file to install the application. Fix Snap Camera No Available Camera Input Error

19. Quraşdırmanı başa çatdırmaq üçün ekrandakı təlimatlara əməl edin.

Tövsiyə edilir:

We hope that this article was helpful, and you must have learned about the methods to solve Snap Camera no available camera input problem. Please drop your suggestions and queries regarding the topic in the comments section. Also, let us know what you want to learn next.