Novembar 18, 2018

Popravite kako meni Start ne radi u Windows 10

Popravite kako meni Start ne radi u Windows 10

If you have recently updated or upgraded to Windows 10, then chances are your Start Menu may not work properly, making it impossible for users to navigate around Windows 10. Users are experiencing various issues with Start Menu such as Start Menu does not open, Start Button is not working, or Start Menu freezes etc. If your Start Menu isn’t working then don’t worry as today we will see a way to fix this issue.

Popravite kako meni Start ne radi u Windows 10

This exact cause is different for different users because each user has a different system configuration and environment. But the problem can be related to anything like corrupted user account or drivers, damaged system files, etc. So without wasting any time, let’s see How to Fix Start Menu Not Working in Windows 10 with the help of the below-listed tutorial.

Obavezno kreirajte tačku vraćanja u slučaju da nešto krene po zlu.

To run Command Prompt as an administrator, press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager. Then click on fajl a zatim izaberite Pokrenite novi zadatak. Tip cmd.exe i kvačicom “Kreirajte ovaj zadatak s administrativnim privilegijama” then click OK. Similarly, to open PowerShell, type powershell.exe and again checkmark the above field then hit Enter.

type cmd.exe in create new task and then click OK | Fix Start Menu Not Working in Windows 10

1. metod: Ponovo pokrenite Windows Explorer

1. Pritisnite Ctrl + Shift + Esc ključeve zajedno za pokretanje Task Manager.

2. Pronađi explorer.exe na listi, zatim kliknite desnim tasterom miša na nju i izaberite Završi zadatak.

kliknite desnim tasterom miša na Windows Explorer i izaberite Završi zadatak

3. Ovo će zatvoriti Explorer i ponovo ga pokrenuti, kliknite Datoteka > Pokreni novi zadatak.

Click File and select Run new task

4. tip explorer.exe i pritisnite OK da ponovo pokrenete Explorer.

kliknite na datoteku, zatim Pokreni novi zadatak i otkucajte explorer.exe, kliknite na OK

5. Exit Task Manager and see if you’re able to Fix Start Menu Not Working in Windows 10.

6. If you’re still facing the issue, then log out from your account and re-login.

7. Pritisnite Ctrl+Shift+Del key at the same time and click on Signout.

8. Type in your password to login to Windows and see if you’re able to fix the issue.

Method 2: Create a new local administrator account

Ako ste potpisani sa svojim Microsoft nalogom, prvo uklonite vezu sa tim nalogom tako što ćete:

1. Pritisnite tipku Windows + R, a zatim upišite “ms-podešavanja:” (bez navodnika) i pritisnite Enter.

2. Izaberite Račun > Prijavite se s lokalnim računom.

Select Account and then click on Sign in with a local account instead

3. Upišite svoj Lozinka za Microsoft nalog i kliknite Sledeće.

change current password | Fix Start Menu Not Working in Windows 10

4. Odaberite a novo ime naloga i lozinka, a zatim odaberite Završi i odjavite se.

#1. Create the new administrator account:

1. Pritisnite tipku Windows + I da otvorite Postavke, a zatim kliknite Računi.

2. Zatim idite na Porodica i drugi ljudi.

3. Pod Drugi ljudi kliknite na “Dodajte nekog drugog na ovaj računar."

Kliknite na karticu Porodica i drugi ljudi i kliknite na Dodaj nekog drugog na ovaj računar

4. Zatim navedite ime za user and a password then select Next.

navedite ime za korisnika i lozinku

5. Podesite a korisničko ime i lozinku, a zatim izaberite Dalje> Završi.

#2. Next, make the new account an administrator account:

1. Ponovo otvorite Windows postavke i kliknite na Račun.

Otvorite Windows postavke i kliknite na Račun

2. Idite na Kartica Porodica i drugi ljudi.

3. Drugi ljudi biraju nalog koji ste upravo kreirali, a zatim biraju a Promijenite vrstu računa.

Under Other people choose the account you just created and then select Change account type

4. Pod Tip naloga izaberite Administrator zatim kliknite OK.

Under Account type, select Administrator then click OK

#3. If the issue persists try deleting the old administrator account:

1. Zatim ponovo idite na Windows postavke Račun > Porodica i drugi ljudi.

2. Pod Drugi korisnici izaberite stari administratorski nalog, kliknite Ukloni, i izaberite Izbrišite račun i podatke.

Under Other users, select the old administrator account then click Remove

3. If you were using a Microsoft account to sign in before, you can associate it with the new administrator by following the next step.

4. In Windows postavke > Računi, umjesto toga odaberite Prijavite se s Microsoft računom i unesite podatke o svom računu.

Konačno, trebalo bi da budete u mogućnosti Popravite kako meni Start ne radi u Windows 10 as this step seems to fix the issue in most cases.

If you continue to experience Start Menu’s issue, it’s recommended to download and run Start Menu Troubleshooter.

1. Download and run Start Menu Troubleshooter.

2. Dvaput kliknite na preuzeta datoteka a zatim kliknite na dugme Sledeće.

Start Menu Troubleshooter | Fix Start Menu Not Working in Windows 10

3. Let it finds and automatically Fixes Start Menu Not Working in Windows 10.

Method 4: Run System File Checker (SFC) and Check Disk

1. Otvorite komandnu liniju. Korisnik može izvršiti ovaj korak traženjem 'cmd' i zatim pritisnite Enter.

Otvorite komandnu liniju. Korisnik može izvršiti ovaj korak tražeći 'cmd', a zatim pritisnuti Enter.

2. Sada upišite sljedeće u cmd i pritisnite enter:

Sfc /scannow sfc /scannow /offbootdir=c: /offwindir=c:windows

SFC skeniranje sada komandna linija

3. Sačekajte da se gornji proces završi i kada završite, ponovo pokrenite računar.

4. Zatim pokrenite CHKDSK iz Popravite greške u sistemu datoteka pomoću uslužnog programa za provjeru diska (CHKDSK).

5. Pustite da se gornji proces završi i ponovo pokrenite računar da biste sačuvali promene.

Method 5: Force Cortana to Rebuild Settings

Open Command Prompt with administrative rights then type the following one by one and hit Enter after each command:

CD /d "%LOCALAPPDATA%PackagesMicrosoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy"
Taskkill /F /IM SearchUI.exe
RD /S /Q Settings

Force Cortana to Rebuild Settings

This will force Cortana to rebuild the settings and will Fix Start Menu and Cortana Not Working in Windows 10.

If the issue is still not resolved, follow this guide to fix any issues related to Cortana.

Method 6: Re-Register Windows App

1. tip PowerShell u Windows pretraživanju, a zatim desnim tasterom miša kliknite na PowerShell i izaberite Pokreni kao administrator.

U Windows pretragu upišite Powershell, a zatim kliknite desnim tasterom miša na Windows PowerShell (1)

2. Sada upišite sljedeću naredbu u prozor PowerShell:

Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$ ($ _. InstallLocation) AppXManifest.xml"}

Ponovo registrirajte aplikacije iz Windows prodavnice

3. Sačekajte da Powershell izvrši gornju naredbu i zanemarite nekoliko grešaka koje se mogu pojaviti.

4. Ponovo pokrenite računar da biste sačuvali promene.

Metoda 7: Popravka registra

1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager then click on fajl i izaberite Pokreni novi zadatak.

2. tip regedit i kvačicom “Kreirajte ovaj zadatak s administrativnim privilegijama” then click OK.

Open regedit with administrative rights using Task Manager | Fix Start Menu Not Working in Windows 10

3. Now navigate to the following registry key in the Registry Editor:


4. Obavezno odaberite WpnUserService then in the right window double-click on the Pokrenite DWORD.

Select WpnUserService then in the right window double-click on the Start DWORD

5. Change its value to 4 then click OK.

Change the Value of Start DWORD to 4 and click OK

6. Ponovo pokrenite računar da biste sačuvali promene.

Metoda 8: Osvježite ili resetujte Windows 10

Bilješka: If you can’t access your PC, restart your PC a few times until you start Automatic Repair. Zatim idite na Rješavanje problema > Resetuj ovaj računar > Ukloni sve.

1. Pritisnite tipku Windows + I da otvorite Postavke, a zatim kliknite na Ikona za ažuriranje i sigurnost.

Pritisnite tipku Windows + I da otvorite Postavke, a zatim kliknite na ikonu Ažuriranje i sigurnost

2. Iz lijevog izbornika odaberite Oporavak.

3. Manje Resetujte ovaj računar, kliknite na "Prvi koraci"Dugme.

Na Ažuriranje i sigurnost kliknite na Početak rada pod Resetuj ovaj računar

4. Odaberite opciju za Zadrži moje datoteke.

Odaberite opciju Zadrži moje datoteke i kliknite Dalje

5. For the next step, you might be asked to insert Windows 10 installation media, so ensure you have it ready.

6. Now, select your Windows version and click samo na disku na kojem je instaliran Windows > remove my files.

click on only the drive where Windows is installed | Fix Start Menu Not Working in Windows 10

5. Kliknite na Dugme za poništavanje.

6. Pratite uputstva na ekranu da biste dovršili resetovanje.


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