Agost 12, 2022

Arreglar que Avast no actualitza les definicions de virus

Arreglar que Avast no actualitza les definicions de virus

Avast is one of the most commonly used antivirus software available on the internet. It is known for the best protection service for all devices connected to the internet. Since it is free-to-use software, many people rely on this software for antivirus protection. Yet, like all apps and games, Avast is not without errors and problems. Many users report Avast not updating virus definitions issue which causes a major security breach on your PC. If you are also facing the same problem on your device, the troubleshooting methods discussed in this guide will help you fix the issue.

Arreglar que Avast no actualitza les definicions de virus

How to Fix Avast Not Updating Virus Definitions

Here are a few common reasons that cause Avast antivirus not updating virus definitions issues on your computer. Analyze them deeper so you will get an idea of how to resolve the same.

  • Any temporary glitches in your PC that are preventing Avast from updating the software and its components.
  • You are running Avast with administrative rights. This prevents a few features from being accessed on your computer.
  • Outdated Avast will cause the discussed problem.
  • Few essential services like the aswbIDSAgent are disabled on your computer.
  • The Avast installed on your PC is corrupt or misconfigured.
  • Your PC is infected with malware or virus.
  • Some background tasks are interfering with your program.
  • Sistema operatiu Windows obsolet.
  • Firewall is preventing Avast to open.
  • Corrupt or incompatible installation files of Avast.
  • Inappropriate date and time settings on your computer.

Now, move ahead to the next section to find the effective troubleshooting methods to fix Avast virus definitions won’t update issue.

Here are some effective troubleshooting methods that will help you fix Avast not updating virus definitions issue on your Windows 10 computer. Read them carefully before you implement them.

Mètode 1: Reinicieu l’ordinador

Before trying all the listed advanced troubleshooting methods, you are advised to reboot your computer. When you restart your computer, the technical glitches that cause any challenging layouts will be resolved thereby helping you to fix Avast not updating virus definitions issue. You can also tancar the PC using the Power options and turn it on again after some time.

1. Navegueu cap a menú d'inici.

2. Ara seleccioneu icona d'alimentació a l'extrem inferior esquerre de la pantalla.

3. Diverses opcions com Dormir, Tancari Reinicia es mostrarà. Aquí, feu clic a Reinicia.

feu clic a Reiniciar

Once you have restarted your computer, check if you can open Avast without any issues.

Method 2: Run Avast with Admin Privilege

You need administrative privileges to access a few features and services in Avast. If you do not have the required administrative rights, you might face Avast antivirus not updating virus definitions issue. However, few users have suggested that the problem can be resolved when running the program as an administrator.

1. Feu clic amb el botó dret a sobre Avast Icona antivirus on the Desktop.

properties. Fix Avast Not Updating Virus Definitions

2. Ara feu clic a Propietats.

3. A la finestra Propietats, canvieu al Compatibilitat Tab.

4. Here, check the box Executeu aquest programa com a administrador.

marqueu l'opció Executar aquest programa com a administrador a la secció Configuració

5. Finalment, feu clic a Aplica> D'acord per desar els canvis.

Now, relaunch the program to see if Avast functions now without any problems.

Llegiu també Fix Virus Definition Failed in Avast Antivirus

Mètode 3: canvieu la configuració de data i hora

Incorrect date and time settings in your computer may contribute to Avast not updating virus definitions issue on Windows PC. To sync the date, region, and time settings in your Windows 10 computer follow the below-listed instructions.

1. Premeu el botó Tecles Windows + I junts per obrir Configuració de Windows.

2. Ara seleccioneu Temps i idioma configuració

click on Time and Language setting. Fix Avast Not Updating Virus Definitions

3. Next, in Data i hora pestanya, assegureu-vos dels dos valors Definiu l'hora automàticament i Definiu el fus horari automàticament les opcions estan activades.

Assegureu-vos que les opcions Establir l'hora automàticament i Establir la zona horària automàticament estiguin activades

4. A continuació, feu clic a Sincronitza ara as highlighted above. Check if the Virus Definitions Update Failed issue is resolved or not.

Method 4: Update Avast Antivirus

If there are any bugs within Avast, you can fix them by updating the app. As mentioned earlier, Avast gets regular updates to fix all the errors and bugs. When these bugs and errors come to the developer’s eye, they release updates to fix them completely. Follow the below-mentioned steps to update Avast app to fix Avast antivirus not updating virus definitions issue.

1. Premeu el Clau de Windows i escriviu Antivirus gratuït Avast. Fer clic a obert del resultat de la cerca.

open Avast Antivirus

2. Anar a menú icon from the top right corner of the Avast user interface.

Go to the Menu icon from the top right corner of the Avast user interface. Fix Avast Not Updating Virus Definitions

3. A continuació, seleccioneu Configuració de la llista.

select Settings from the list

4. Ara, canvia a Actualitzar fitxa i feu clic a Cercar actualitzacions button. Make sure you get the following messages.

  • Virus definitions are up to date
  • Avast Free Antivirus is up to date

switch to the Update tab and click on Check for Updates button. Fix Avast Not Updating Virus Definitions

5. Once you have updated it, restart Avast and check if the issue has been solved.

Llegiu també Com arreglar l'actualització d'Avast bloquejada a Windows 10

Mètode 5: Tanca els processos de fons

If you are still worried about Avast not updating virus definitions issue, it can be resolved by closing all the background tasks running on your PC. Several background tasks on your PC will interfere with Avast, thereby preventing the app from being opened. Hence, close all the background tasks on your PC by following our guide How to End Task in Windows 10, and proceed as instructed.

Finalitza la tasca

Once you have closed all the background processes, check if you were able to work with Avast on your computer without any issues.

Method 6: Enable aswbIDSAgent Service Settings

Several users have reported that the bug causing Avast virus definitions won’t update issue can be fixed by making some changes in the aswbIDSAgent Service. This method is very easy and you can implement the same by following the below-mentioned steps.

1. Premeu el botó Clau de Windows, escriviu Serveis, I feu clic a Executa com administrador.

open Services as administrator. Fix Avast Not Updating Virus Definitions

2. Ara, desplaceu-vos cap avall i feu doble clic a sobre aswbIDSAgent servei.

aswbIDSAgent service

3. Now, in the new pop-up window, change Tipus d'inici to Automatic, as depicted.

Nota: Si el Estat del servei is Aturat, feu clic a la icona Començar botó. Si el fitxer Estat del servei is Running, fer clic a Stop i torna a començar.

change the Startup type to Automatic. Fix Avast Not Updating Virus Definitions

4. When you start the service, you may face a 1079 error (or something similar to that). In this case, switch to the Inicieu la sessió fitxa, feu clic al botó Aquest compte radio button and select the explorar opció.

aswbIDSAgent properties

5. A la Introduïu el nom de l'objecte per seleccionar field, type the username of your account.

6. A continuació, feu clic a Comprova els noms option to authenticate the object name.

click on the Check Names option to authenticate the object name. Fix Avast Not Updating Virus Definitions

7. Ara feu clic a OK to save the changes and if you are prompted, type in your administrator account.

click on OK to save the changes and if you are prompted, type in your administrator account

8. Fer clic a Aplica> D'acord to save the changes and check if you were able to open Avast without any issues.

Llegiu també Com eliminar Avast de Windows 10

Mètode 7: executeu l'anàlisi de virus

There are few circumstances where a virus or malware in your computer is taking over the control of Avast. Hence, you must check whether the third-party harmful viruses are interfering with Avast, causing Avast not updating virus definitions issue.

Several Microsoft experts suggest that scanning a PC will help you maintain your computer threat free. If there are any viruses or malware intrusions on your PC, you cannot use external and internal hardware devices.

Per tant, us recomanem que escanegeu l'ordinador tal com s'indica a la nostra guia Com puc executar una exploració de virus al meu ordinador?

Trieu una opció d'escaneig segons les vostres preferències i feu clic a Escaneja ara

A més, si voleu eliminar el programari maliciós del vostre ordinador, consulteu la nostra guia Com eliminar el programari maliciós del vostre ordinador a Windows 10.

Mètode 8: actualitzeu Windows

Also, if there are any bugs in your PC, they can only be fixed after a Windows update. Microsoft releases regular updates to fix all these bugs thereby troubleshooting Avast not updating virus definitions issues.

Per tant, assegureu-vos que si heu actualitzat el vostre sistema operatiu Windows i si hi ha alguna actualització pendent en acció, utilitzeu la nostra guia Com descarregar i instal·lar l'última actualització de Windows 10

Update Windows. Fix Avast Not Updating Virus Definitions

After updating your Windows Operating System, check whether you can access your Avast without any issues.

Method 9: Modify Windows Defender Firewall Settings

Still, if you cannot fix Avast not updating virus definitions issue, this may be due to an over-reactive or over-protective firewall suite in your Windows 10 computer. This prevents the connection link between the app launcher and the server. So, to fix this problem, you can whitelist Avast in your Firewall settings or disable the problem temporarily.

Option I: Whitelist Avast Antivirus

To allow Avast in your Windows Defender Firewall, follow our guide Allow or Block Apps through the Windows Firewall and implement the steps as instructed.

Click on Change settings button in the new window

Opció II: desactiva el tallafoc (no recomanat)

You can also disable Windows Defender Firewall, and to do so, check our guide on How to Disable Windows 10 Firewall and follow as instructed.

turn off Windows Defender Firewall not recommended. Fix Avast Not Updating Virus Definitions

Opció III: Crea una regla nova al tallafoc

1. Anar a Menú de cerca i escriviu Firewall de Windows Defender amb seguretat avançada. A continuació, feu clic a Executa com administrador.

Firewall de Windows Defender amb seguretat avançada

2. Ara, al panell esquerre, feu clic a Regles entrants tal com es representa.

click on Inbound Rules. Fix Avast Not Updating Virus Definitions

3. A continuació, al panell dret, feu clic a Nova regla... com es mostra.

feu clic a Nova regla...

4. Ara, assegureu-vos de seleccionar el Programa opció sota Quin tipus de regla t'agradaria crear? menú i feu clic a Següent> com es mostra.

make sure you select the Program option under What type of rule would you like to create. Fix Avast Not Updating Virus Definitions

5. A continuació, feu clic al botó Browse ... botó corresponent Aquesta ruta del programa: com es mostra.

feu clic al botó Navega... corresponent a la ruta d'aquest programa

6. A continuació, navegueu a C:Program Files (x86)Avast camí i feu doble clic a sobre disposició file. Then, click on obert botó.

Nota: This location may vary according to the directory from which you have installed Avast. Browser the location accordingly.

7. A continuació, feu clic a Següent> al Nou assistent de regles d'entrada finestra tal com es mostra.

click on Next in the New Inbound Rule Wizard window. Fix Avast Not Updating Virus Definitions

8. Ara, seleccioneu el botó d'opció al costat de Permet la connexió i feu clic a Següent> tal com es representa.

seleccioneu el botó d'opció al costat de Permetre la connexió i feu clic a Següent

9. Assegureu-vos Domini, privat i públic es seleccionen les caselles i feu clic a Següent> com es mostra.

Make sure Domain Private Public boxes are selected and click on Next. Fix Avast Not Updating Virus Definitions

10. Finalment, afegiu un nom a la vostra nova regla i feu clic a Finish.

add a name to your new rule and click on Finish. Fix Avast Not Updating Virus Definitions

All done! Check if you can open Avast without any issues or not.

Method 10: Repair Avast Antivirus

If the above-listed solutions do not help you fix Avast antivirus not updating virus definitions issue, you can try repairing the app to fix all the harmful bugs within the app. This also fixes the corrupt installation files and even if this method fails to work, you can reinstall the app as instructed in the next method.

Option 1: Through Avast Antivirus Settings

1. Llançament Avast Antivirus and navigate to Menú> Configuració com has fet abans.

Launch Avast Antivirus and navigate to Menu and Settings

2. A continuació, canvieu a Solució de problemes Tab.

3. Aquí, feu clic a Repair App in the right pane. Wait until the repairing process is complete. This might take a while.

Nota: Avoid closing any windows or tabs during the repair process.

click on Repair App Fix Avast Not Updating Virus Definitions

4. Once the repair is complete, reboot your PC. Check if the Avast virus definitions won’t update issue is fixed or not.

Option 2: Through Add or Remove Programs

1. Escriviu Afegir o eliminar programes al Cerca a Windows box. Launch it from the search result, as shown.

launch add or remove programs from windows search

2. En Cerca en aquesta llista barra, tipus Avast.

Search avast software from the list

3. A continuació, feu clic a Avast i llavors, Modificar.

Nota: The below image is depicted for reference. Follow the same for Avast.

click on modify in apps and features. Fix Avast Not Updating Virus Definitions

4. Fer clic a reparació in the Avast pop-up window and follow the on-screen instructions.

Wait for it to be repaired. Restart your Windows 10 PC and check if the issue is resolved or not.

Llegiu també Corregiu l'error suspès SearchUI.exe a Windows 10

Method 11: Reset Avast Settings

You can reset Avast settings on your Windows 10 PC to fix Avast not updating virus definitions issue. This will resolve all the incorrect configuration settings without the app, helping you to resolve the problem at ease.

Nota: Resetting Avast will reset all the options and features of the app to their default values. You have to re-configure these options again once you open the app after the reset.

1. Llançament Avast i feu clic a menú option at the top right corner of the screen.

2. Ara seleccioneu Configuració des de la llista desplegable.

Launch Avast Antivirus and navigate to Menu and Settings. Fix Avast Not Updating Virus Definitions

3. A continuació, navegueu a General tab and then select click on Solució de problemes opció.

4. A continuació, seleccioneu Restableix el valor per defecte botó.

5. If you are prompted, click on and proceed with the on-screen instructions. Check if you have fixed Avast antivirus not updating virus definitions issue or not.

Method 12: Reinstall Avast in Safe Mode

If repairing Avast, still does not solve Avast virus definitions won’t update issue, you may have to reinstall the app in safe mode to fix the same. When you clean install Avast, the faulty application along with cache files, and corrupt registries will be fixed.

visita Avast official uninstaller site, and then, click on avastclear.exe to get the Avast Uninstall Utility, as shown below.

click on avastclear.exe to get the Avast Uninstall Utility

Now you have to boot Windows in Safe Mode by following steps:

1. Escriviu Windows configuració del sistema in the Windows search bar. Then, click on Configuració del sistema per llançar-lo.

configuració del sistema

2. Canvieu a vaixell tab in the window that opens.

3. A continuació, seleccioneu Arrencada segura under Boot options and then, click on OK, com es mostra a continuació.

Select Safe boot under Boot options. Fix Avast Not Updating Virus Definitions

4. Restart the computer and the computer will boot into Safe Mode.

5. Once Windows 10 is open in Safe Mode, click on downloaded Avast Uninstall Utility has descarregat anteriorment.

6. In the uninstall utility window, ensure that the correct folder containing the corrupt Avast program is selected.

7. Ara feu clic a Desinstal.

click on Uninstall to get rid of Avast and its associated files

8. After Avast has been uninstalled, Reinicia Windows a Mode normal.

9. Visit this official Avast link i feu clic a sobre DESCARREGAR PROTECCIÓ GRATUÏTA to download the latest Avast Antivirus application, as shown below.

click on DOWNLOAD FREE PROTECTION to download the latest Avast Antivirus application

10. Once the file is downloaded, do to Les meves descàrregues, double-click on the Setup file, and follow the on-screen instructions to install Avast.

Now when you launch the Avast program, you will not face Virus Definitions won’t update issue again.

Llegiu també Com desinstal·lar McAfee LiveSafe a Windows 10

Method 13: Contact Avast Support

If there are any major issues with Avast even after reinstalling the software, you can seek help from the Avast support site. This is a worth trying option to get rid of Avast not updating virus definitions issue. Follow the below-mentioned steps to contact the Avast support site.

1. Launch your favorite browser and visit the official Avast help center.

Contact Avast support. Fix Avast Not Updating Virus Definitions

2. Now, scroll down the screen and click on Contacta'ns botó.

contacte amb els EUA

3. Then, report your issue by following the on-screen instructions, and now, you could connect to an Avast professional to fix Avast antivirus not updating virus definitions problem.

Preguntes més freqüents (FAQs)

Q1. Why does my Avast not updating virus definitions?

Ans. Si n’hi ha incompatibility issues in your PC, your Avast will not update new settings. If your Avast does not update this feature for you, make sure you check your firewall settings or repair the software if necessary.

Q2. Does Avast cause problems with Windows 10?

Ans. In some circumstances, Avast might interfere with the pre-installed apps of your PC and causes Windows 10 to crash, freeze, consume more resources, display Blue Screen Error (BSOD), and a lot more. This might occur due to some incompatible programs you run manually or a few automatic services running in the background when you boot your Windows.

Q3. Why is my Avast browser not opening?

Ans. If the Avast browser does not open on your Windows 10 PC, it may be because it is outdated or not updated properly. Pocs corrupt files within the app also cause the problem. Browser cache, cookies, and corrupt data also prevent Avast from being opened in the browser.

Q4. Is Windows Defender better than Avast?

Ans. Per ser més precisos, Avast is better than Windows Defender Firewall. Few reports say that the detection rate for Windows Defender Firewall was 99.5 % while Avast detected 100% of malware and viruses. Avast also comes with advanced features that are not in Windows Defender Firewall.


Esperem que aquesta guia hagi estat útil i que puguis fix Avast not updating virus definitions issue in your system. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.