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Setembre 6, 2022

Corregiu l'error de Skype amb el dispositiu de reproducció a Windows 10

Corregiu l'error de Skype amb el dispositiu de reproducció a Windows 10

Skype is one of the most famous Video Calling services in the world; Skype was one of the first apps to provide video call services to users. Over the years Skype has raised in popularity, the application has also added new features to help provide a more interactive to better user experience. Skype sometimes can run into various errors; one of such errors is a Skype error with playback device on Windows 10; this error can cause audio errors with the Skype program. Skype playback error is a common error that Windows 10 users often have while using the application. In this guide, we will discuss reasons and methods for Skype error playback device.

Corregiu l'error de Skype amb el dispositiu de reproducció a Windows 10

How to Fix Skype Error with Playback Device on Windows 10

Hi pot haver múltiples motius Skype error with playback device on Windows 10; some of the common reasons for this error are listed below.

  • Mostly this error is associated with Application bugs and errors
  • System speaker errors can also cause the playback device error
  • Improper speaker settings on your computer can also cause this error on your computer
  • Outdated or corrupted audio drivers on your computer can also cause this error

The following guide will discuss methods to resolve Skype error with playback device on windows 10.

Method 1: Relaunch Skype

Generally Skype error with playback device on Windows 10 is associated with minor bugs and lags with the Skype app; you can easily resolve this error by closing and relaunching the Skype app. Many users found that closing and relaunching the app resolved the issue.

Open Skype

Method 2: Enable Speakers

It is also possible that Skype error with playback device on Windows 10 was caused by the system speakers, to resolve the issues with system Speakers, you can try to enable and disable the speakers.

1. Premeu el botó Clau de Windows, escriviu tauler de control, feu clic a obert.

Obre el tauler de control

2. Conjunt Visualitza per > Categoria, feu clic a Maquinari i so configuració

In the Control Panel window navigate to Hardware and Sound. Fix Skype Error with Playback Device on Windows 10

3. Sota sonar opcions, feu clic a Gestiona els dispositius d'àudio.

Under Sound options click on Manage audio devices

4. Right-click anywhere on the sonar window and check the following options:

  • Mostra els dispositius desactivats
  • Mostra els dispositius desconnectats

Right click on the Sound window and check Show Disabled Devices and Show Disconnected Devices

5. Now, Right-click on the Altaveus and clic Desactiva.

Right click on the Speaker and click disable

6. Ara, feu clic amb el botó dret a Altaveu again and click Enable.

right click on the Speaker again and click enable. Fix Skype Error with Playback Device on Windows 10

7. Fer clic a Aplicar i després OK per desar els canvis.

Click on Apply and then OK to save the changes

Enabling and disabling the speakers should often resolve Skype playback error, if not and you still have issues with Skype error playback device, move on to the next method.

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Method 3: Run Playing Audio Troubleshooter

To resolve various Skype error playback device issues on your computer, such as Skype playback error you can try to run the Windows 10 in-built audio troubleshooter. Follow these steps to run audio troubleshooter.

1. Premeu Tecles Windows + I simultàniament per llançar Configuració.

2. Feu clic al Actualització i seguretat rajola, com es mostra.

seleccioneu l'actualització i la configuració de seguretat

3. Anar a Resolució de problemes menú al panell esquerre.

4. Selecciona Reproducció d'àudio solucionador de problemes i feu clic a Executeu l'eina de resolució de problemes botó que es mostra ressaltat a continuació.

run playing audio troubleshooter. Fix Skype Error with Playback Device on Windows 10

5. Wait for the troubleshooter to detect and fix the problem. Once the process is complete, click Apliqueu aquesta correcció i reprendre el vostre PC.

Method 4: Re-enable Audio Device

The issue can also be caused by your system audio devices, in this case, you can try to resolve the issue by temporarily disabling the audio device on your computer and enabling it again.

1. Premeu el Clau de Windows, escriviu Gestor de dispositius, I feu clic a obert.

open Device manager. Fix Skype Camera Not Working on Windows 10

2. Locate and expand the Controladors de so, vídeo i jocs.

In the Device Manager window locate and expand the Sound video and game controllers

3. A continuació, feu clic amb el botó dret a controlador d’àudio i feu clic a Desactiva el dispositiu.

Locate your speakers and right click and then click Disable device. Fix Skype Error with Playback Device on Windows 10

4. Again, right-click on the driver and select Activa el dispositiu option after a few minutes.

select driver in device manager and click on enable device

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Mètode 5: actualitzeu els controladors d'àudio

Corrupted and outdated drivers are one of the main reasons for Skype error with playback device on Windows 10. To resolve the issues caused by audio drivers, you can try to update audio drivers read our guide on how to update device drivers on Windows 10.

Right click on the system audio driver and click on Update driver

Mètode 6: torneu a instal·lar el controlador d'àudio

If Skype error with playback device on Windows 10 with the computer audio device continues. You can try to delete it entirely. Many users found that deleting their audio device also effectively resolved the issue. Follow our guide to uninstall and reinstall drivers on Windows 10.

click Uninstall device. Fix Skype Error with Playback Device on Windows 10

Method 7: Reset Skype Configuration Files

If the previous methods don’t resolve Skype error with playback device on Windows 10 issues, you can also try to reset the Skype configuration files to resolve most of the Skype issues

1. If you are running the Skype application close it.

2. Premeu Windows + R claus junts per obrir Correr Caixa de diàleg.

3. Escriviu %dades d'aplicacions% i premeu la tecla Introduïu la clau per obrir Dades d'aplicacions folder.

In the Run prompt type appdata and press the Enter key

4. Localitzeu i feu clic amb el botó dret del ratolí Skype carpeta.

5. Fer clic a Rebatejar and rename the folder as Skype.old.

6. Ara, reprendre the Skype app.

In most cases, this method was helpful to many users, if it doesn’t work, move on to the next method.

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Mètode 8: Torneu a instal·lar l'aplicació Skype

If none of the previous method work, and you continue to have Skype error playback device issues, try reinstalling the Skype app.

1. Mantingueu premut Tecles Windows + I junts per obrir Configuració de Windows.

2. Ara feu clic a Apps.

Select Apps. Fix Skype Error with Playback Device on Windows 10

3. Ara, cerqueu i feu clic a Skype i seleccionar Desinstal opció.

search and click on Skype and select Uninstall option

4. Ara, confirmeu la sol·licitud si n'hi ha, i reinicieu el PC once you have uninstalled Skype.

5. Un cop finalitzat el procés de desinstal·lació, aneu a la cerca del menú d'inici i escriviu microsoft Store i obrir ella.

Search Microsoft Store and click on Open

6. A Microsoft Store, cerqueu Skype.

In the Microsoft Store search for Skype. Fix Skype Error with Playback Device on Windows 10

7. Feu clic al Obtenir button to install the Skype app on your device.

click on Get button

8. Espereu que finalitzi la instal·lació.

Reinstalling the Skype app should resolve Skype playback error on your computer.

Preguntes més freqüents (FAQs)

Q1. Why can’t I connect audio on Skype?

Ans. Audio errors are common Skype errors. This issue occurs due to failure in device audio drives and Skype settings.

Q2. How to resolve Skype audio issues?

Ans. There can be multiple methods to resolve the Skype audio errors, such as updating system driversi changing the Skype configuration settings.

Q3. What are audio issues on Skype?

Ans. Skype can run into many audio issues such as microphone issues, and speaker issues. These errors can lead to interruptions during video calls.


Esperem que aquesta guia us hagi estat útil i que hàgiu pogut solucionar-ho Skype error with playback device on Windows 10. Let us know which method worked for you. If you have any suggestions or queries, please let us know in the comment section.