Září 23, 2022

Jak smazat účet Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch is a hybrid portable and home console that aims to be the only gaming system you’ll ever need. Nintendo Switch provides a great multiplayer experience without any added cost. For local multiplayer gameplays, you can connect up to eight Switch consoles together in addition to pairing up to four Joy-Cons with a single system. Also, numerous vintage and new versions of older games are already available on the Switch, and you can purchase more from the Nintendo eStore. Are you a Nintendo Switch user who loves to play vintage and older versions of games and wondered how to change the primary account on your Nintendo Switch? Or how can you unlink your Nintendo Account? We are bringing you a helpful guide to resolve all your queries, like how to delete a Nintendo switch account and does deleting a user on switch delete the account.

Jak smazat účet Nintendo Switch

Jak smazat účet Nintendo Switch

Keep reading further to find the steps explaining how to delete a Nintendo Switch account in detail with useful illustrations for better understanding.

How Many Times Can You Change Your Primary Switch?

Tam is no limit on the number of times you can change your primary Switch. But one account could only have one primary Switch console, and this console has access to exclusive features that other consoles on your account do not. Both other people’s profiles on that Switch and the primary console can play the games you’ve bought when you are offline and playing that specific game. Also, there is no limit to the number of accounts that can each have a single Switch set as their primary console.

How Can You Change the Primary Account on Your Nintendo Switch?

Physical games can be easily shared among family and friends. But if you have multiple Nintendo Switch in your home and you’re looking for a way to transfer online purchased games to other Switch, you can do so using Game Share. And you can game share on Nintendo Switch exactly like on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

You can easily share a Switch game with a friend or just between a Switch and a Switch Lite as long as you have a digital copy of the game in your account. But to do so, you have to change your primary account or unlink your Nintendo account that you use for purchasing games and link a new one. And here is a guide on how can you change the primary account on your Nintendo Switch.

Step I: Unlink Existing Nintendo Account

1. Zapněte svůj Nintendo Spínač zařízení.

2. Otevřete soubor Hlavní nabídka a klepněte na Nastavení systému ikona ozubeného kola.

klikněte na ikonu ozubeného kola Nastavení systému

3. Poté klikněte na Uživatelská nastavení vyberte položku Uživatelský účet chcete odpojit.

4. Zde klikněte na Odpojte účet Nintendo volba.

vyberte požadovaný účet Nintendo a klikněte na možnost Odpojit účet Nintendo

5. Klikněte na Pokračovat na potvrzovací vyskakovací zprávu.

Klikněte na Pokračovat a zobrazí se potvrzovací vyskakovací zpráva

6. Nyní klikněte na Odpojit možnost potvrdit proces odpojení účtu.

kliknutím na možnost Odpojit potvrďte proces odpojení účtu | Jak odpojit účet Nintendo od Switch

Krok II: Propojit nový primární účet Nintendo

1. Otevřete soubor Hlavní nabídka.

2. Přejít na Uživatelská nastavení.

3. Klikněte na Link Nintendo účet volba.

Klikněte na možnost Propojit účet Nintendo

4. Select any of the následující možnosti, as per your preference:

  • Přihlásit se a odkaz
  • Vytvořit účet

Vyberte a klikněte na možnost Přihlásit se a propojit nebo vytvořit účet podle svých preferencí

5A. If you select Přihlásit se a odkaz, you can enter the e-mail a heslo of your other account and link it.

5B. If you choose Vytvořit účet, you will have to create a new account with the help of your email address and some standard information, like Date of birth. Then, you will get an e-mail s kódem v něm. Tento kód musíte zadat do svého přepínacího zařízení a váš nový účet bude propojen.

Také číst: How to Delete Apps on Nintendo Switch

How Can You Deregister a Switch Online?

Below are the steps illustrating how to deregister a Switch online.

1. Zapněte svůj Nintendo Spínač which is registered as your Primary Switch.

2. Once you are on the Hlavní stránka, kliknout na Nintendo eShop icon.

Once you are on the Home Page, click on the Nintendo eShop option

3. Poté vyberte účet that is registered as the primary Switch.

4. Vybrat ikona uživatele z pravého horního rohu, jak je znázorněno níže.

Select the user icon from the top right corner | change the primary account on your Nintendo Switch

5. Klikněte na oranžové tlačítko oznamující Deregister.

Klikněte na oranžové tlačítko s nápisem Zrušit registraci

6. cvaknutí Deregister znovu pro potvrzení vyskakovacího okna Opravdu chcete zrušit registraci této konzole?

Znovu klikněte na Zrušit registraci a zobrazí se vyskakovací okno s oznámením Opravdu chcete zrušit registraci této konzoly?

How to Delete a Nintendo Switch Account?

Here is the guide on how to delete a Nintendo Switch account in a few easy steps.

Poznámky 1: If your Nintendo Switch user account is linked to your Nintendo account, deleting the user account will not affect your Nintendo account.

Poznámky 2: If you delete a Nintendo Switch user account, all saved data linked to a user account is deleted and couldn’t to restored again.

1. Zapněte svůj Nintendo Spínač zařízení.

2. Otevřete soubor Hlavní nabídka A vyberte položku System Settings gear icon.

click on the System Settings gear icon |

3. Vybrat uživatelé kartu z levého panelu.

Select the Users tab from the left pane

4. Locate and choose the požadovaný uživatelský profil které chcete smazat.

5. Přejděte dolů a klikněte na Smazat uživatele.

Přejděte dolů a klikněte na Odstranit uživatele

6. Zaškrtněte označené políčko Vymazat a zvolte další.

7. Nakonec klikněte na Smazat tohoto uživatele možnost dokončit proces mazání.

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What Happens If You Delete Your Nintendo ID?

Once you delete your Nintendo account, all your existing Nintendo funds, purchased software, games, and passes would be deleted permanently. Also, all your data, including game progress, points, and rewards will be lost. Also, if you had a children’s account merged with your account, both of the accounts will be deleted.

Does Deleting a User on Switch Delete the Account?

Ne. When you delete a user account from Switch, all saved data linked to that user account is deleted, but it doesn’t affect the Nintendo account it was linked to. The Nintendo Account will remain accessible to you and you can relink it with any other user account.

How Can You Permanently Delete Your Nintendo Account?

Let’s see the steps to permanently delete your Nintendo account.

Poznámka: Your account will be permanently deleted after 30 days of the deactivation period. Make sure you don’t try to log into your account for 30 days.

1. Navštivte Webové stránky společnosti Nintendo v prohlížeči.

Poznámka: Make sure you are logged into your Nintendo account which you want to delete.

2. Klikněte na ikona profilu > Nastavení účtu.

Click on the profile pic icon at the top right corner of your screen and then select the Account Settings option from the User menu.

3. Poté klikněte na Další nastavení volba.

Then under the Accounts settings menu, click on the Other settings option. | change the primary account on your Nintendo Switch

4. Klikněte na smazat účet.

After you have switched to the Other Settings tab, click on the Delete Account option.

5. Poté klikněte na Deactivate and Delete to start the deletion process.

Now read all the stuff that would be lost with the deletion of your Nintendo Account, and after that click on Deactivate and Delete option to start the deletion process

6. Nyní re-enter your Nintendo account password a klepněte na tlačítko OK.

Now reenter your Nintendo account password and click on the OK option.

7. To finally delete your Nintendo account, click on Confirm Account Deletion.

To finally delete your Nintendo account, click on Confirm Account Deletion.

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How Long Does It Take for a Nintendo Account to be Deleted?

A Nintendo account that has been deleted will first be deactivated for 30 days, during which time you can try to sign in using your registered email address and password to reactivate the account. As soon as the deactivation period is over, the account will be permanently deleted. So, it takes 30 days to permanently delete your Nintendo account.

What Happens When You Delete Your Switch Account?

After you delete your Nintendo Switch account, all your existing Nintendo funds, purchased software, game passes, game progress, points, and rewards will be lost.

Can You Unlink Your Nintendo Account from Switch?

Ano, you can unlink your Nintendo Account from your Nintendo Switch in simple steps. You can initialize the Nintendo Switch system to unlink every Nintendo Account from it.

How Can You Unlink Your Nintendo Account?

You can unlink your Nintendo account from Switch by reading and following our guide on How to Unlink Nintendo Account from Switch. From this guide, all your doubts regarding unblinking Nintendo accounts will be cleared.

click the Unlink option to confirm the account unlinking process | change the primary account on your Nintendo Switch


Doufáme tedy, že jste pochopili how to delete a Nintendo Switch account s podrobnými kroky, které vám pomohou. Můžete nám sdělit jakékoli dotazy nebo návrhy týkající se jakéhokoli jiného tématu, o kterém chcete, abychom vytvořili článek. Dejte je do sekce komentářů níže, abychom je věděli.