Ebrill 15, 2022

Trwsio Teipio Dwbl Bysellfwrdd Mecanyddol i mewn Windows 10

Mechanical keyboards are quite helpful for computer users. They help complete writing tasks quickly and efficiently and bring you the best gaming experiences with quick and accurately responding input keys. Also, almost everyone likes the mechanical keyboards because of the way the keys feel and sound upon pressing. However, there are also times when users get annoyed due to incorrect inputs or multiple inputs through only one input key. The users may even get frustrated because this issue can persist and disrupt your daily schedule, from typing to gaming. But we’ve got you. You can fix mechanical keyboard double typing with various methods. So, keep on reading this article to fix keyboard double typing by following the mentioned methods and steps diligently.

Trwsio Teipio Dwbl Bysellfwrdd Mecanyddol i mewn Windows 10

How to Fix Mechanical Keyboard Double Typing in Windows 10

At the start, we should know that even though mechanical keyboards are more reliable and accurate than membrane keyboards or others, they still are not perfect. The most faced issue by the users is keyboard chattering, where a keyboard input registers multiple inputs when the key is pressed only once. This chattering issue can happen due to several reasons, and some of them are mentioned below.

  • If dust has been piling up on your keyboard for a long time, it can raise this chattering issue.
  • A defective mechanical keyboard can simply have this double typing issue.
  • It can also happen on your keyboard if you use the keyboard in a rough manner, like banging the keyboard keys or dropping the keyboard onto the ground pretty hard.
  • Mae adroddiadau outdated keyboard drivers may also be the reason for this issue to arise and persist frequently.
  • It is not the most prominent reason, but as per several observations, the mechanical keyboard keys can malfunction when the conditions are too hot or humid.
  • Hefyd, rhai incorrect keyboard settings may allow the keys to perform double typing from the keyboard.

Now, let us see how to fix mechanical keyboard double typing in Ffenestri 10 with some valid methods mentioned below.

Dull 1: Camau Datrys Problemau Sylfaenol

Before getting into more complex steps, let us get over some basic troubleshooting steps to see if you can fix keyboard typing multiple letters issue.

1. Ailgychwyn PC: This simple step can help you refresh the whole system and fix your more grave-looking issues, and reconfigure the accessories connected to it, like a keyboard in our case for this article. Read and follow our guide for How to Restart or Reboot Windows PC to get the issue fixed.

Click the start menu, power icon, and Restart option

2. Use compressed or canned air: As mentioned earlier, dust can be also the reason for the keyboard chattering issue. So, to get rid of the dust piled onto the small cracks under the keyboard switches, you can utilize the compressed or canned air, which can get in those tiny cracks and blow away the dust. It may or may not fix the issue for you, but it will indeed clean your keyboard to prevent such issues to occur in the future.

Method 2: Run Keyboard Troubleshooter

By running the keyboard troubleshooter, you can fix mechanical keyboard double typing if there are any hardware-related or configuration issues. Read and follow the upcoming steps to run the keyboard troubleshooter.

1. Gwasgwch y Allweddi Windows + I gyda'n gilydd i agor y Gosodiadau cais.

2. Cliciwch ar y Diweddariad a Diogelwch opsiwn, fel y dangosir isod.

Now, click on Update and Security. Fix Mechanical Keyboard Double Typing

3. Cliciwch ar y Troubleshoot tab o'r cwarel chwith.

4. Yna, dewiswch y Bysellfwrdd opsiwn a chlicio ar Rhedeg y datryswr trafferthion.

run the keyboard troubleshooter. Fix Mechanical Keyboard Double Typing

5A. After the scanning is completed, the keyboard troubleshooter will display Recommended fixes to fix the issue. Click on the Gwnewch gais am hyn option and follow the on-screen instructions to resolve it.

5B. The message reading: No updates or changes were necessary will appear if no issues are found in the scanning process, as depicted below.

No updates or changes were necessary will appear if no issues are found in the scanning process

Darllenwch hefyd: What is the Keyboard Shortcut for Strikethrough?

Method 3: Adjust Keyboard Repeat Delay

Sometimes the wrong keyboard settings, such as Keyboard Repeat Delay, can raise chattering issues. You will have to adjust the delay manually to fix this issue.

1. Math Panel Rheoli in the Windows search bar and click agored, fel y dangosir isod.

Hit the Windows key and type Control Panel. Now, click on Open

2. Gosod Gweld gan: Eiconau mawr in the top right corner and find and click the Bysellfwrdd opsiwn, fel y dangosir isod.

Set View by: Large icons in the top right corner and find and click the Keyboard option. Fix Mechanical Keyboard Double Typing

3. Cliciwch ar y Cyflymu tab ac iau Character repeat, addaswch y Ailadroddwch yr oedi slider from Byr i Hir a Cyfradd ailadrodd o Cyflym i Araf, fel y dangosir isod.

click the speed tab and under character repeat ad

4. Yna, cliciwch Gwneud cais > OK, fel y dangosir uchod.

5. Ail-ddechrau the system for the changes to take effect and see if the issue is fixed or not.

Method 4: Modify Registry for Keyboard Response

You can also modify the AutoRepeatDelay, AutoRepeatRate, and BounceTime from the Registry to fix mechanical keyboard double typing issue. Read and follow the upcoming steps to do so.

Nodyn: As you know, the Registry is an essential database for Windows 10 systems. So, any improper changes in it may lead to some big issues in the future. It is advised to back up the registry beforehand to be on the safe side. You can read our guide on How to Backup and Restore the Registry on Windows.

1. Gwasgwch Ffenestri + R allweddi ar yr un pryd ar y bysellfwrdd i lansio'r Run blwch deialog.

2. Math regedit a chliciwch OK i agor Golygydd y Gofrestrfa.

Type regedit and click OK to open Registry Editor

3. Navigate to the following folder llwybr in Golygydd y Gofrestrfa.

HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelAccessibilityKeyboard Ymateb

go to keyboard response key folder path in Registry Editor

4. Cliciwch ddwywaith ar y AutoRepeatDelay option from the right pane, as shown below.

double click on autorepeatdelay string in Registry Editor. Fix Mechanical Keyboard Double Typing

5. Mae'r Golygu Llinyn pop-up will emerge. In the Gwerth data: box, change the value to 500 a chliciwch OK, fel y dangosir isod.

edit autorepeatdelay string value data to 500

6. Yn awr, dwbl-gliciwch ar y AutoRepeatRate opsiwn.

double click on autorepeatrate string in Registry Editor. Fix Mechanical Keyboard Double Typing

7. Gosodwch y Gwerth data at 50, a chliciwch OK.

edit autorepeatrate string value data to 50

8. Finally, double-click the BounceTime opsiwn.

double click on BounceTime string in Registry Editor

9. Newid y Gwerth data i 50 a chliciwch OK.

edit BounceTime string value data to 50. Fix Mechanical Keyboard Double Typing

10. Wedi hyn, Ail-ddechrau eich cyfrifiadur i gymhwyso'r newidiadau.

Darllenwch hefyd: Fix keyboard Input lag in Windows 10

Dull 5: Diweddaru Gyrrwr Allweddell

If the keyboard drivers are outdated, the keyboard chattering issue often occurs. The incompatibility of the drivers results in the improper configuration of the system with the keyboard. This conflict further leads to the double typing issue on the keyboard. So, you have to update the keyboard drivers to avoid any such issues.

1. Gwasgwch y Allwedd Windows, math Rheolwr Dyfais, A chliciwch ar agored.

Type Device Manager in the Windows search bar and click Open. Fix Mechanical Keyboard Double Typing

2. Now, locate and double-click the allweddellau drop-down menu to expand it.

3. Right-click on the desired keyboard device (e.g. Standard PS/2 Keyboard) a chliciwch ar y Diweddaru gyrrwr option, as illustrated below.

locate and double click the Keyboards dropdown menu to expand it. Right-click on the desired keyboard device (e.g. Standard PS/2 Keyboard) and click the Update driver option

4. Nawr, cliciwch y Chwilio'n awtomatig am yrwyr opsiwn.

click the Search automatically for drivers option

5A. Now, the keyboard drivers will get updated to the latest version automatically.

5B. Or, this message will get displayed on the screen: Mae'r gyrwyr gorau ar gyfer eich dyfais eisoes wedi'u gosod. Cliciwch y Cau opsiwn.

6. Yn olaf, ailgychwyn y PC to implement the updates.

Method 6: Replace Keyboard Keys

If the double typing issue is persistent only for a few keyboard keys, it is best to replace those keys from the keyboard. However, you should have the knowledge to replace the keys beforehand. It is easy to replace the keys of the hot swappable keyboards, but with other keyboards, you have to have knowledge about soldering as you will have to desolder and then resolder the key switches. Read our guide on The mechanism behind the working of keyboards to know more.

Darllenwch hefyd: Sut i Alluogi Gosodiadau Golau Bysellfwrdd Dell

Method 7: Replace Keyboard

When you surely know that almost every key on the keyboard is double typing while using, then it is best to just replace the entire keyboard. It will be easy for you to get it replaced if you bought it recently or the warranty period is still active for it.


With this, now you know how to fix mechanical keyboard double typing issues. The methods and steps mentioned above will indeed help to find the cause and ultimately fix the problem. You can share any queries for us down in the comments section about this article with some suggestions about what topic you would like us to explore next.