5. Januar 2023

So aktivieren Sie WhatsApp mit alter Nummer

Are you trying to reactivate your old WhatsApp account but don’t know where to start? Don’t worry, it’s actually quite simple! In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to activate WhatsApp with old number and use WhatsApp with deactivated number. Whether you’ve recently changed phone numbers or are simply trying to get back into an old account, we’ve got you covered. You will also get to learn how to start WhatsApp with old number without verification and use WhatsApp with old phone number. So, let’s get started.

So aktivieren Sie WhatsApp mit alter Nummer

So aktivieren Sie WhatsApp mit alter Nummer

Keep reading further to find the steps explaining how to activate WhatsApp with old number and use WhatsApp with deactivated number in detail with useful illustrations for better understanding.

Can I Activate WhatsApp with Old Number?

Ja, you can activate your WhatsApp with old Number. Activating your WhatsApp with your old number is very easy to do. To know the steps to activate your WhatsApp with old number, read the article further to know it.

How Long Can I Use WhatsApp with Old Phone Number?

You can use WhatsApp with your old phone number as long as it is inside the phone that you are using. If it is not inside your phone, you will not be able to use WhatsApp with your phone number. Remember, the SIM is only used for verification process, even if your SIM is deactivated you can still use WhatsApp.

How to Activate WhatsApp with Old Number?

You can activate WhatsApp with your old number with the steps that will guide you.

Note: You need to have your older number active for getting the bestätigungs-code von WhatsApp.

1. Installieren und öffnen Sie die WhatsApp App auf Ihrem Android or iOS Telefon.

Note: Uninstall the WhatsApp app if you have already installed it on your phone and reinstall it from Play Store or App Store.

2. Tippen Sie auf Zustimmen und fortfahren to get to the sign up screen.

Tap on Agree & Continue to get to the sign up screen

3. Geben Sie Ihr alte Telefonnummer an. Nach der Installation können Sie HEIC-Dateien mit der Vorwahl und tippe auf Erledigt .

Enter your old phone number with the area code and tap on Done | use WhatsApp with deactivated number

4. Geben Sie die bestätigungs-code um die zu überprüfen alte Telefonnummer you want to use again on WhatsApp.

Enter the verification code to verify the old phone number

5. Geben Sie Ihr Name und Vorname, Fügen Sie Ihr Profilfoto hinzuund tippen Sie auf Erledigt .

Enter your Name, Add your Profile Photo, and tap on Done

It is how you can activate WhatsApp with your old phone number.

Lesen Sie auch: Gibt Ihnen WhatsApp eine Telefonnummer?

How to Use Old WhatsApp Account on New Phone with Same Number?

Using WhatsApp on a new phone with the same number is very easy. Read and follow the oben genannten Schritte to sign up and verify your old WhatsApp number on a new phone.

Also, you will need to follow our guide on How to Transfer old WhatsApp chats to your new Phone to backup and restore your old WhatsApp chats on the new phone.

Transfer WhatsApp chats to new Phone | use WhatsApp with deactivated number

How Can I Activate WhatsApp with Old Number without SIM?

Du cannot start or activate WhatsApp with your old number without having the SIM. WhatsApp provides the verification code on the number we are registering. Nothing can be done in this case until and unless you can contact your SIM provider and ask them to provide a new SIM with the same number. However, this method will take a toll on your pocket as companies charge hefty amounts for this.

How Do I Get the Verification Code for WhatsApp without Having a Phone?

If you do not have a phone number for verification code for WhatsApp, then you need to follow these steps to activate WhatsApp without having a phone number and get a verification code.

Step I: Create New Phone Number via Google Voice

Note: Google Voice is only available in selected countries.

1. Besuche den Google Voice Official Website machen Anmelden mit Ihrem Google-Konto.

Visit the Google Voice Official Website and Sign in with your Google account

2. After signing in with your Google account, click on Fortfahren.

3. Geben Sie nun die ein desired city name or area code to select the number accordingly.

4. Klicken Sie dann auf Auswählen neben dem gewünschte Anzahl.

desired city name or area code - click on Select next to the desired number

5. Klicke auf Verify.

6. Geben Sie Ihr existing phone number which you will like to get inbound calls from the selected Google Voice number.

7. Klicken Sie dann auf Code senden.

8. Geben Sie die erhaltenen Code und klicken Sie auf Verify.

Enter the received code and click on Verify

Now, you have generated a separate virtual number that you can use without a phone. Read the article from the start to learn how to activate WhatsApp with old number.

Lesen Sie auch: So reaktivieren Sie ein Snapchat-Konto

Step II: Register on WhatsApp using Google Voice Number

1. Installieren und starten Sie die WhatsApp App.

2. Tippen Sie auf Zustimmen und fortfahren und geben Sie die Google Voice-Nummer an. Nach der Installation können Sie HEIC-Dateien mit der Vorwahl.

3. Tippen Sie dann auf Erledigt .

4. Geben Sie nun die ein Bestätigungscode erhalten von Ihrem Google Voice-Konto.

5. Lastly, enter your Name und Vorname, Fügen Sie Ihr Profilfoto hinzuund tippen Sie auf Erledigt to successfully activate your WhatsApp account.

Enter your Name, Add your Profile Photo, and tap on Done | use WhatsApp with deactivated number

How to Start WhatsApp with Old Number without Verification?

Du cannot start your WhatsApp account with the old number without verification as WhatsApp always asks for the verification code for linking the phone with the account that you are creating on WhatsApp. You need to have your old number activated during the verification process of WhatsApp for getting the verification code.

How to use WhatsApp with Deactivated Number?

You can use WhatsApp with the deactivated number as long as you don’t uninstall it from the device you are using. WhatsApp will be perfectly usable as long as you don’t activate the same number in another phone and don’t change the SIM card from the phone that you are using.

But if you uninstall the app from your phone on which you once had that phone number activated but not anymore, you will not be able to get into your old WhatsApp account without verification.


Wir hoffen also, dass Sie verstanden haben, wie es geht activate WhatsApp with old number you are or were using. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via the comments section below. Also, let us know what you want to learn about next.