30. März 2022

So öffnen Sie das Android-Telefon-Einstellungsmenü

So öffnen Sie das Android-Telefon-Einstellungsmenü


Open Android Phone Settings Menu

The mobile phone has become an integral part of everybody’s life because of its varied features available. However, using them daily can also cause certain problems and just as we adjust in our daily life. To adjust the problem of mobile phones the best we can do is use Settings. Settings are available on every android device to ease our problems and help us customize our phones in the best possible way. Today in this article we will talk about the android phone settings menu along with open app settings Android. So, continue reading the article as we have got some general settings, some specifically for the apps, and some miscellaneous settings.

So öffnen Sie das Android-Telefon-Einstellungsmenü

So öffnen Sie das Android-Telefon-Einstellungsmenü

In this article, we have shown various methods to open a few settings in your Android phone.

Hinweis: Smartphones don’t have the same Settings options. They vary from manufacturer to manufacturer so check the correct settings before changing any. For reference we have used Samsung Galaxy M21.

How to Open General Settings

You can open the Settings app on your device through various ways. Below we have shown all possible ways to open General Settings in Android.

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Method 1: Through Notification Bar

The quickest way to reach out to your settings is through the notification bar. Just drop down to the top of your android device screen and you can easily see settings.

Hinweis: This is applicable only for Android version 4.0 and above.

Settings. How to Open Android Phone Settings Menu

Method 2: Through App Drawer

You can access your android phone settings menu just by swiping up the bottom part of your android device where all your apps are stored. There you will find the settings.


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Method 3: Download Third-party Settings App

Das Einstellungen App is different from the one already provided on your android device. This app allows you to customize each app that you use including orientation, changing brightness, volume, and so on. You can download this app from the play store.

Einstellungen App

How to Change Other Android Settings

Following are the steps to change few Android settings.

Method 1: Change Brightness Settings

If you have recently purchased your android device and you want to adjust the brightness of your screen. Follow the steps below to adjust the settings:

1 Gehe zu Einstellungen.

Go to Settings. How to Open Android Phone Settings Menu

2. Tippen Sie auf Display.

Tap on Display. How to Open Android Phone Settings Menu

3. Adjust the slider of Helligkeit nach Ihren Vorlieben.

Adjust the slider of brightness as per your preference.

Hinweis: You can directly adjust the brightness of your screen by just dropping down the top of your android device and adjusting the slider of brightness from there.

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Method 2: Open Google Settings

To change your account settings like personal info, safety, and to back up your data. You can open phone settings from Google for these purposes. Follow the steps below to access your Google settings:

1 Gehe zu Einstellungen .

Go to Settings. How to Open Android Phone Settings Menu

2. Tippen Sie auf Google.

Tippen Sie auf Google.

Method 3: Change Privacy Settings

The privacy settings enable you to opt-out of Ads personalization, see your activity controls and customize your apps. Follow the steps below to access your privacy settings:

1 Gehe zu Einstellungen .

Go to Settings. How to Open Android Phone Settings Menu

2. Scrollen Sie nach unten und suchen Sie nach Datenschutz.

Scroll down and search for Privacy.

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Method 4: Change Lock Screen

The lock screen enables us to provide privacy by not giving access to unauthorized users. If you want to change the password, patterns, or fingerprints from your screen. Follow the steps below to do so from Android phone settings menu.

1 Gehe zu Einstellungen .

Go to Settings. How to Open Android Phone Settings Menu

2. Tippen Sie auf Bildschirm sperren.

Tap on the Lock screen. How to Open Android Phone Settings Menu

3 Wählen Bildschirmsperrtyp.

Wählen Sie den Typ der Bildschirmsperre aus.

4. Confirm the pattern or the current password that you use.

5. Choose from the Bildschirmsperrtyp nach Ihren Vorlieben.

Select Screen lock type. How to Open Android Phone Settings Menu

Method 5: Change Keyboard Settings

If you want to customize your keyboard as per your preference like changing the language and types. Follow the steps below:

1 Gehe zu Einstellungen .

Gehe zu den Einstellungen.

2. Scrollen Sie nach unten und tippen Sie auf General Management.

Scroll down and tap on General Management.

3. Tippen Sie auf Samsung-Tastatureinstellungen. If you want to change the language.

Tap on Samsung Keyboard settings.

4. Tippen Sie auf Tastaturliste und Standard to stop the auto-correction.

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Method 6: Enable Developer Option

The developer option enables more advanced settings regardless of whether you want to use it or not. It has features like changing the picture color mode, stay awake where the screen will never sleep while charging, and many more. Follow the steps below to enable it from Android phone settings menu.

1 Gehe zu Einstellungen .

Go to Settings. How to Open Android Phone Settings Menu

2. Scrollen Sie nach unten und tippen Sie auf Über Telefon.

Scrollen Sie nach unten und tippen Sie auf Über das Telefon.

3 Wählen Software-Informationen.

Select Software information. How to Open Android Phone Settings Menu

4. Tippen Sie auf Build-Nummer 7 to 8 times until you see an announcement that claims you as the developer.

Tap on Build number 7 to 8 times

5. Finally when you scroll down the settings you can see Entwickleroptionen.

Finally when you scroll down the settings you can see Developer options.

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Method 7: Change Default App Settings

There are certain launchers on your android for a particular function like Messages for SMS. If you want to change it to some other app. Follow the steps below to open app settings on Android and change Default Apps.

1 Gehe zu Einstellungen .

Go to Settings. How to Open Android Phone Settings Menu

2. Scrollen Sie nach unten und tippen Sie auf Apps.

Scrollen Sie nach unten und tippen Sie auf Apps.

3. Tippen Sie auf Wählen Sie Standard-Apps.

Tippen Sie auf Standard-Apps auswählen.

4. Select whichever default app you want to change.

Select whichever default app you want to change. How to Open Android Phone Settings Menu

5. Choose your alternatives from the list of apps.

Choose your alternatives from the list of apps.

Method 8: Reduce Data Usage

If you don’t use the Wi-Fi for the internet or you don’t have an unlimited data package. Enabling the data saver will help you save your data. The background app which is running in the background consumes your data without your knowledge. So, enabling data usage will help you save your data. Follow the steps to enable it from Android phone settings menu.

1 Gehe zu Einstellungen .

Go to Settings. How to Open Android Phone Settings Menu

2. Tippen Sie auf Verbindungen.

Tippen Sie auf Verbindungen.

3 Wählen Datennutzung.

Select Data usage. How to Open Android Phone Settings Menu

4. Scrollen Sie nach unten und tippen Sie auf Ultra data saving mode.

Scroll down and tap on Ultra data saving mode.

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Method 9: Disable Location

If you don’t want to provide information regarding your location to Google or any other app unnecessarily. Follow the steps below to disable it from Android phone settings menu.

1 Gehe zu Einstellungen .

Gehe zu den Einstellungen.

2. Tippen Sie auf Ort.

Tap on Location. How to Open Android Phone Settings Menu

3. Ausschalten the slider to disable it.


So, today we learned about Android phone settings menu and how to open app settings on Android. We hope that this guide was helpful and you can now handle your android settings like a pro. Let us know in the comment below which setting method you like the most.

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