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Oktoober 12, 2017

Parandage Windows 10 aeglase paremklõpsu kontekstimenüü

If you have recently upgraded or updated your Windows, you might be facing this issue where the right-click context menu on desktop appears to be slow, in fact, when you right-click on the desktop it takes a lot of time for the context menu to appear. In short, the right-click context menu seems to be delayed because of some reason, and that’s why it appears slow. So to fix the issue, first, you need to find the cause of the delay and then fix it.

Parandage Windows 10 aeglase paremklõpsu kontekstimenüü

This issue is annoying because desktop right-clicks in an important function of windows which let users quickly access settings, display settings etc. The main issue seems to be some 3rd party application which seems to be conflicting with Windows Shell extensions or a corrupt 3rd party shell extension itself. In some cases, faulty or outdated display drivers also seem to cause a right-click context menu to appear slow. So without wasting any time let’s see how to actually Fix Slow Right Click Context Menu in Windows 10 with the help of below-listed troubleshooting steps.

Veenduge, et luua taastepunkt igaks juhuks, kui midagi valesti läheb.

1. meetod: värskendage kuvari draivereid

1. Vajutage Windowsi klahvi + R ja seejärel tippige käsk devmgmt.msc ja vajutage seadmehalduri avamiseks sisestusklahvi.

devmgmt.msc seadmehaldur

2. Järgmisena laiendage Ekraani adapterid ja paremklõpsake oma Nvidia graafikakaardil ja valige Luba

paremklõpsake oma Nvidia graafikakaardil ja valige Luba

3. Once you have done this again, right-click on your graphic card and select “Uuendage draiveritarkvara."

update driver software in display adapters | Fix Slow Right Click Context Menu in Windows 10

4. Valige „Värskendatud draiveritarkvara saab automaatselt otsida” ja laske sellel protsess lõpule viia.

otsige automaatselt värskendatud draiveritarkvara

5. If the above step could fix your problem, then excellent, if not then continue.

6. Again select "Update Driver Software" but this time on the next screen select “Sirvige arvutit draiveri tarkvara jaoks."

sirvige oma arvutit draiveritarkvara jaoks

7. Valige nüüd "Las ma valin oma arvuti draiverite loendist. "

let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer | Fix Slow Right Click Context Menu in Windows 10

8. Finally, select the compatible driver from the list for your Nvidia graafikakaart ja klõpsake nuppu Edasi.

9. Laske ülaltoodud protsessil lõppeda ja muudatuste salvestamiseks taaskäivitage arvuti. Pärast graafikakaardi värskendamist võite seda teha Fix Slow Right Click Context Menu in Windows 10.

Method 2: Disable 3rd party Shell Extensions

If you have a context menu with a lot of 3rd party shell extensions, then one of them may be corrupted, and that’s why it’s causing a delay in the right-click context menu. Also, many shell extensions can cause the delay, so make sure to disable all the unnecessary shell extensions.

1. Download the program from siin and then right-click on it and select Käivita administraatorina (you don’t need to install it).

right-click on Shexview.exe and select Run as Administrator

2. Klõpsake menüüs nuppu Valikud, kliki Filter by Extension Type ja valige Kontekstimenüü.

From Filter by extension type select Context Menu and click OK

3. On the next screen, you will see a list of entries, under these the entries marked with the pink background will be installed by 3rd parties software.

under these the entries marked with the pink background will be installed by 3rd parties software

4. Hold down CTRL key and select all of the above entries marked with the pink background then click on the red button on the top left corner to disable.

Select all the item by holding CTRL and then disable selected items | Fix Slow Right Click Context Menu in Windows 10

5. Reboot your PC to save changes and see if you can Fix Slow Right Click Context Menu in Windows 10.

6. If the issue is resolved, it was definitely caused by one of the shell extension and to find out which one was the culprit you could start enabling the extensions one by one until the issue occurs again.

7. disable that particular extension and then uninstall the software associated with it.

8. Muudatuste salvestamiseks taaskäivitage arvuti.

3. meetod: tehke puhas alglaadimine

You may put your computer in a clean boot state and check. There could be a possibility that a third-party application is conflicting and causing the issue to occur.

1. Vajutage nuppu Windowsi klahv + R nuppu, seejärel tippige 'msconfig' ja klõpsake nuppu OK.


2. Under General tab under, make sure "Selektiivne käivitamine" on kontrollitud.

3. Tühjendage märge „Laadi käivitusüksused' valikulise käivitamise all.

Vahekaardil Üldine lubage valikuline käivitamine, klõpsates selle kõrval olevat raadionuppu

4. Valige vahekaart Service ja märkige ruut "Peida kõik Microsofti teenused."

5. Nüüd klõpsake 'Keela kõik keelake kõik mittevajalikud teenused, mis võivad konflikte põhjustada.

Liikuge vahekaardile Teenused ja märkige ruut valiku Peida kõik Microsofti teenused kõrval ja klõpsake nuppu Keela kõik

6. Klõpsake vahekaardil Startup (Käivitamine). "Ava tegumihaldur."

Minge vahekaardile Startup ja klõpsake linki "Ava tegumihaldur".

7. Nüüd, sisse vahekaardil Käivitamine (Tegumihalduri sees) keelata kõik käivitusüksused, mis on lubatud.

Right-click on an application and select Disable | Fix Slow Right Click Context Menu in Windows 10

8. Klõpsake nuppu OK ja seejärel Taaskäivitage. If the issue is resolved and you want to investigate then further follow this guide.

9. Again press the Windows klahv + R nupp ja tüüp 'msconfig' ja klõpsake nuppu OK.

10. Vahekaardil Üldine valige Tavaline käivitusvalik ja seejärel klõpsake nuppu OK.

süsteemi konfiguratsioon võimaldab tavalist käivitamist

11. Kui teil palutakse arvuti taaskäivitada, klõpsake nuppu Taaskäivita. This would definitely help you Fix Slow Right Click Context Menu in Windows 10.

4. meetod: registriparandus

Märge: Make a backup of the registry before continuing.

1. Vajutage Windowsi klahvi + R ja seejärel tippige regedit ja vajutage registriredaktori avamiseks sisestusklahvi.

Run command regedit | Fix Slow Right Click Context Menu in Windows 10

2. Liikuge järgmisele registrivõtmele:


3.Make sure to highlight ContextMenuHandlers, and under it, several other folders will be there.

under ContextMenuHandlers right-click on each of the folder and select Delete

4. Right-click on each of them except New and WorkFolders ja siis valige Kustuta.

Märge: If you don’t want to delete all the folders, you could start by deleting until the issue is resolved. But after each folder you delete, you need to restart.

5. Muudatuste salvestamiseks taaskäivitage arvuti.


See on teil edukalt Parandage Windows 10 aeglase paremklõpsu kontekstimenüü but if you still have any questions regarding the above guide then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.