Urtarrilaren 28, 2020

Fix Computer Sound Too Low on Windows 10

Are you not able to increase the volume of your Windows PC? Have you changed the sound volume all the way up to 100% but still your computer sound is too low? Then there are certain possibilities that might be interfering with your system volume levels. Sound volume too low is a general problem that is faced by users in Windows 10.  In this article, we are going to learn multiple methods that can solve the low sound issue on the Windows 10 computer.

Fix Computer Sound Too Low on Windows 10

Fix Computer Sound Too Low on Windows

Method 1: Increase Sound from Volume Control

Sometimes even if you increase your sound/volume to its maximum limit from the volume icon in the taskbar (refer Image below). But even after this, you found out that sound in any third-party music player is coming low. So, you need to manage the volume then it should be done through the Volume control in Windows 10. Because the system has different types of volume, one is the system’s default Windows volume and the other one is the Media Player’s volume.

Increase Sound from Volume Control icon on taskbar

Here, follow the steps below to manage the volume of the Windows sound and the third party altogether through the Bolumen nahasgailua.

1. Lehenik eta behin, right-click on the volume icon on the taskbar. A menu will appear, click on the “Ireki bolumen nahastailea".

Open Volume Mixer by right click on volume icon

2.Now this will open the Volume Mixer wizard, you can see the volume of all the third-party media player and System’s Sound.

Now this will open a volume mixer wizard, you can see the volume of all the third-party media player and system’s sound.

3.You need to increase the volume of all the devices to its maximum limit.

You must increase the volume of all the devices to its maximum limit from volume mixer wizard.

After doing this setting, try to play the audio again. Check that sound is coming properly. If not, then move to the next method.

2. metodoa: Exekutatu audio-arazoak konpontzeko

Once you increased the volume of all the devices to their maximum limit, you might found out that the volume is still not coming as expected. If this is the case then you need to run the Audio troubleshooter. Running the Audio Troubleshooter can sometimes resolve the sound-related issues in Windows 10. To run the Troubleshooter in the system, follow the steps below:

1. Sakatu Windows Key + I Ezarpenak irekitzeko eta gero egin klik Eguneratzea eta segurtasuna ikonoa.

Sakatu Windows tekla + I Ezarpenak irekitzeko eta egin klik Eguneratu eta segurtasun ikonoan

2.From the left-hand menu make sure to select Konpondu.

3.Now under the “Jarri martxan” atalean, egin klik “Audio erreproduzitzen".

Under Get up and running section, click on Playing Audio

4.Ondoren, egin klik Exekutatu arazoen konponketa and follow on-screen instructions to fix the computer sound too low issue. 

Run Audio Troubleshooter to Fix No Sound in Windows 10 PC

Now, if the troubleshooter does not detect any issue but your system’s sound is still low then, try to solve it with the next method.

Method 3: Restart Audio Device

If your Audio device services are not loaded properly then you may face the Computer Sound too low issue. In that case, you need to restart the Audio services through the Device Manager.

1.Sakatu Windows tekla + X eta gero hautatu Gailu kudeatzailea menuan.

Open the window’s menu through shortcut key “Windows + x”. Now choose device manager from the list.

2.Now double-click on the “Soinua, bideoa eta joko kontrolatzaileak".

Now double click on the “Sound, video and game controllers”.

3.Choose your Audio device then right-click on it and select “Desgaitu gailua".

Choose the device and right click on it. Then choose “Disable device” from the list of option.

4. Just click “Bai” to provide permission.

It will ask for permission to disable the device. Just click “Yes” to provide permission.

5.After some time, again Enable the device by following the same steps and restart the system.

This should fix the issue with your systems sound. If you find that the computer sound is still low then follow the next method.

Method 4: Check for Windows Eguneratu

Sometimes outdated or corrupted drivers might be the real reason behind the low volume issue, in that case, you need to check for Windows update. Windows update automatically installs new drivers for devices that can resolve the sound issue. Follow the below steps to check for updates in Windows 10:

1. Sakatu Windows tekla + Ezarpenak ireki eta gero egin klik Eguneratzea eta segurtasuna.

Sakatu Windows tekla + I Ezarpenak irekitzeko eta egin klik Eguneratu eta segurtasun ikonoan

2. Ezkerreko aldean, egin klik menuan Windows Update.

3. Orain egin klik "Egiaztatu eguneratzeak” botoia eskuragarri dauden eguneraketak ikusteko.

Egiaztatu Windows eguneratzeak | Bizkortu zure SLOW ordenagailua

4.Eguneratzeren bat zain badago, egin klik Deskargatu eta instalatu eguneraketak.

Egiaztatu Eguneratzea Windows eguneratzeak deskargatzen hasiko da

5.Once the updates are downloaded, install them and your Windows will become up-to-date.

Era berean, irakurri: Fix Headphones not working in Windows 10

After restarting the system, check that sound is coming properly from your system. If not, then try other methods.

5. metodoa: Hasi Windows Audio Zerbitzua

1.Sakatu Windows tekla + R eta ondoren idatzi services.msc eta sakatu Sartu.

zerbitzuen leihoak

2.Aurkitu Windows Audio zerbitzua zerrendan, egin klik eskuineko botoiarekin eta hautatu Propietateak.

egin klik eskuineko botoiarekin Windows Audio Zerbitzuak eta hautatu Propietateak

3.Ezarri Abiarazteko mota Automatikoa eta sakatu start, zerbitzua dagoeneko martxan ez badago.

Windows audio zerbitzuak automatikoki eta martxan

4. Sakatu Aplikatu eta ondoren Ados.

5.Jarraitu goiko prozedura Windows Audio Endpoint Builder-erako.

6.Berrabiarazi ordenagailua aldaketak gordetzeko eta ikusteko gai zaren Fix Computer Sound Too Low on Windows 10.

Metodo 6: Update Sound Card Drivers

If Audio drivers are not compatible with the Windows update then you will definitely face the issues with sound/volume in Windows 10. You need to update drivers to the latest available version by following the below steps:

1.Sakatu Windows tekla + R eta ondoren idatzi devmgmt.msc eta sakatu Sartu Gailu-kudeatzailea irekitzeko.

devmgmt.msc gailu-kudeatzailea

2. Zabaldu Soinu, bideo eta joko kontrolagailuak eta egin klik eskuineko botoiarekin Audio gailua (Definizio handiko audio gailua) eta hautatu Eguneratu Driver.

eguneratu definizio handiko audio gailurako kontrolatzaileen softwarea

3. Hautatu "Bilatu automatikoki kontrolatzaile eguneratuaren softwarea” eta utzi kontrolatzaile egokiak instalatzen.

bilatu automatikoki kontrolatzaileen software eguneratua

4.Berrabiarazi ordenagailua eta ikusi ordenagailu eramangarrien bozgorailuetatik soinurik ez dagoen arazoa konpontzeko gai zaren, hala ez bada, jarraitu.

5. Berriz itzuli Gailu Kudeatzailera, egin klik eskuineko botoiarekin Audio Gailuan eta hautatu Eguneratu Driver.

6.Oraingoan hautatu “Arakatu nire ordenagailua kontrolatzailearen softwarearentzat."

arakatu nire ordenagailua kontrolatzaileen softwarea bilatzeko

7. Ondoren, egin klik "Utzidazu aukeratzen nire ordenagailuan eskuragarri dauden kontrolatzaileen zerrendatik."

Utzi nire ordenagailuan erabilgarri dauden gidarien zerrenda bat hautatzeko

8.Hautatu zerrendako azken kontrolatzaileak eta sakatu Hurrengoa.

9.Itxaron prozesua amaitu arte eta, ondoren, berrabiarazi ordenagailua.

Method 7: Change Equalization Settings

The equalization setting is used to maintain the sound ratio between all the running applications on Windows 10. To set the correct equalization settings, follow the below steps:

1. Egin klik eskuineko botoiarekin Bolumenaren ikonoa in the Taskbar then click on the “Erreproduzitzeko gailuak".

Go to the volume icon in the taskbar and right click on it. Then click on the “Playback Devices”.

2.This will open the sound wizard. Select the audio device and then click on “Properties".

This will open the sound wizard. Select the audio device and then click on “Properties”.

3.On the Speaker Properties wizard. Switch to the Enhancement tab then checkmark the “Loudness berdinketa"Aukera.

Orain honek bozgorailuaren propietateen morroia irekiko du. Joan hobekuntza fitxara eta egin klik "Loudness Equalization" aukeran.

4.Click OK to save the changes.

Gomendatzen da:

Hori da arrakastaz lortu duzuna Fix Computer Sound Too Low on Windows 10 baina oraindik gida honi buruzko galderarik baduzu, galdetu lasai iruzkinen atalean.