Otsailaren 27, 2023

Nola garbitu iPhone kargatzeko ataka alkoholarekin


Issues with electrical devices can always come up. But these issues can be resolved quickly if you know the cause of the problem. Because if you know the reason, you can Google the methods. So, if you are wondering why your charging port is not working and wondering how to clean iPhone charging port with alcohol, then you are at the right place. This article will tell you how to clean iPhone charger port with Q tip and many other methods. But the ways we provide here are not ideal, and we do not recommend you perform the same. So, keep reading to learn how to perform this method.

Nola garbitu iPhone kargatzeko ataka alkoholarekin

Nola garbitu iPhone kargatzeko ataka alkoholarekin

Before we begin with methods on how to clean iPhone charging port with alcohol, let us know why the charging port got dirty in the first place.

What Spoils Charging Port?

Dust and residue in your pocket or on the couch or bed are frequent causes of smartphone charging port jams. Additionally, airborne moisture hauts partikulak collect around the inner wall of the charging phone, obstructing current passage and preventing the battery from charging.

How to Clean iPhone Charging Port with Toothbrush?

Ohar: We do not recommend using a toothbrush to clean the charging port because it can do more damage than good. Gainera, bristles of a toothbrush can get stuck inside.

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If you are wondering how to clean iPhone charging port with a toothbrush, you are at the right place. Cleaning the charging port with a toothbrush is easy, but you should have a dry and clean toothbrush. Now, swipe the toothbrush head to the right after inserting the bristles sartu du tximista portua. Once your charging port is clean, repeat the process.

How to Clean iPhone Charging Port with Alcohol?

If you are wondering how to clean iPhone charging port with alcohol, then follow the steps below to clean iPhone charging port with alcohol:

Ohar: It is not recommended to perform this method as it may damage your phone permanently. Also, do not put any solution inside the port.

1. Lehenik eta behin, sakatu Bolumena + Alboko botoiak simultaneously till the time irristatu itzalita graduatzailea pantailan agertzen da.

2. Horren ondoren, arrastatu itzali graduatzailea from left to right to itzali zure gailua.

power off iPhone

3. Dip a corner of a kotoia or zapia bat sartu isopropyl solution.

4. Garbitu zikinkeria away from the port opening.

Ohar: Ziurtatu moisture does not get inside the port garbitzen zen bitartean.

5. Leave your iPhone gutxienez 30 minutu so the alcohol near the port can get vaporized.

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How to Clean iPhone Charging Port without Toothpick?

If you are wondering how to clean iPhone charging port without toothpick, follow the steps that we have provided below:

Ohar: It is better to visit an Apple Store to get your charging port cleaned because the cleansing will last longer. Moreover, performing it at home may cause damage to your iPhone.

1. Itzali zure iPhone.

2. Now, use a can of compressed air to clean iPhone by applying a few short blasts of air.

Ohar: Ensure you do not put the can too close to the port. Also, Apple does not recommend using compressed air.

How to Clean iPhone Charger Port with Q Tip?

If you want to know how to clean iPhone charger port with Q tip, you are at the right place. Follow the steps mentioned below:

1. First, clean the iPhone charging port with the help of the goian aipatutako urratsak.

2. Now, use cotton swab and alcohol to clean the dust.

Ohar: Ensure that moisture does not get inside the charging port.

iphone cleaning with cotton swab | How to Clean iPhone Charging Port with Alcohol

3. Allow the alcohol to get dried before you switch on your iPhone.

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Can You Use a Paper Clip to Clean Your Charging Port?

Ez, it is recommended not to use a paper clip or any metals such as a knife, sim ejector tool, wires, and other hard objects. We do not recommend using paper clips because metal objects are sharp and the lightning port charging pins are made of soft material. So, if you use hard metal over soft material, it can damage the charging port.

Galdera arruntak (ohiko galderak)

Q1. Can I use a needle to clean charging port?

ans. Ez, if you use a needle to clean the charging port, the needle is made up of metal and can create a short circuit.

Q2. Can a dirty charging port affect charging?

ans. Bai, a dirty charging port can affect charging.

Q3. How do I clean my phone charging port?

ans. Erabil dezakezu kotoia to clean the charging port. But please ensure that you do not use any abrasive cleaners such as bleach or hydrogen peroxide garbiketarako.


We hope this article has guided you well in telling you nola garbitu iPhone charging port with alcohol. Artikulu bat egitea nahi duzun beste edozein gairi buruzko edozein kontsulta edo iradokizunen berri eman diezagukezu. Jarri itzazu beheko iruzkinen atalean, guk jakin dezagun.

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