Azaroaren 21, 2022

How to Use GPS without Internet

What if you get lost somewhere in a remote location and don’t have a network? What will you do if you cannot make calls or use the internet to access the location? Panic, right? But what if I tell you that this is something not to panic about; would you believe me? Yes, you heard it right. So this article is going to talk about how to use GPS without internet. There are some apps and features that enable you to do so, and we are going to discuss all of them. You will also get to understand how to use your phone as a GPS. So, let’s come with us to know how to use GPS on your phone without service and everything related to that!

How to Use GPS without Internet

How to Use GPS without Internet

You will get to know how to use GPS without internet further in this article. Keep reading to learn more about it in detail.

Ohar: Telefono mugikorrek Ezarpen aukera berdinak ez dituztenez, fabrikatzaile batetik bestera aldatzen dira. Hori dela eta, ziurtatu ezarpen egokiak zure gailuan edozein aldatu aurretik.

What Navigation App Works without Internet?

There are many navigation apps that work without internet. Let’s have a look at some.

  • Google Maps: Google Maps also provides the service of offline maps and navigation. But its features are quite limited when compared to other apps. But it’s still a reliable and trusted app.
  • HEMEN WeGo: This map works in both online and offline modes. It gives reliable features to its users in both modes. You can even download a complete map of the whole country.
  • GPS nabigazioa eta mapak Sygic: This is a fantastic navigation app that can be used in offline mode as well. The most unique feature of this app is its 3D map. It even gives traffic details to the users that lead to accurate guidance.
  • CoPilot GPS – Navigation: This app lets you download the complete map of the region and use it. It even provides the option of turn-by-turn voice navigation. It can manage your commute based on real-time traffic conditions.
  • MAPS.ME: This is a great app that allows its users to access the map and navigate even when offline. It gives a good number of features that can make navigation easy and reliable. The user can download maps of the country.
  • Offline Maps & Navigation: This app, as the name suggests, is designed to work in the offline mode. It uses the phone’s GPS to give the user accurate details and traffic conditions. It only requires the maps to be downloaded while the rest is handled by the app.
  • Polaris GPS nabigazioa: Polaris GPS nabigazioa is an app created for off-road areas. It gives accurate information about the sailing, hiking, camping, hunting, and biking routes. This app can be used in offline mode and is highly reliable for off-road travel.

Google Maps

Irakurri ere: Nola egin norbaiten jarraipena Google Maps-en, haiek jakin gabe

Can Google Maps GPS Work without Internet?

Bai, Google Maps GPS can work without the internet as well. For this, you need to use the Offline maps feature provided by the app. You can check the previous point about how to use GPS on your Android phone without the internet to know more about how to do it.

How Can You Use GPS on Your Android Phone without Internet?

This pointer will tell you how to use GPS without internet on your Android phone.

You can use GPS on your Android phone without the internet by using the Offline Maps feature of Google Maps. Here are the steps that you need to follow to access this feature.

1. ireki Google Maps aplikazioa zure telefonoan.

Ireki Google Maps

2. Goiko eskuineko izkinan, sakatu profilaren ikonoa.

Tap on profile icon | How to Use GPS without Internet

3. Sakatu Lineaz kanpoko mapak.

select Offline Maps

4. Ondoren, ukitu AUKERATU ZURE MAPA from the options and locate the nahi den eremua you want to access offline.


5. Hautatu ondoren desired map area, sakatu Deskargatu.

download map | How to Use GPS without Internet

Now, you can use this map without internet.

Irakurri ere: Top 12 Best GPS Trackers

How Can You Use GPS on Your Phone without Service?

You can use GPS on your phone without service. Google Maps allow you to navigate and access the location even without the internet and data. GPS or the Global Positioning System uses satellite data processing algorithms and signals for providing accurate information. Your phone can determine your location without cellular data using integrated GPS receivers. Maps can also be stored in the phone which can be used later without data. You can also use aplikazio desberdinak that offer offline features to navigate, like Google Maps mentioned in the above heading.

How to Use GPS Without Internet?

How to use GPS without the internet? Let’s answer this question here. So, you can use GPS on your phone without service. GPS can be used without the internet by using the Offline maps feature of Google Maps. You can use this by downloading the map of the area which you want. The downloaded map will function with all the features when you use it without the internet. Follow the goian aipatutako urratsak to use GPS without the internet.

How Does a Car GPS Work without Internet?

Since you already know that you can use GPS on your phone without service, let’s get to know about how to use GPS in a car without internet. So, a car GPS can very well work without the internet as well. It does so because the GPS of the car uses the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) network to mark the location of your car in any part of the world. The system in your car connects with the satellite system through microwaves. Various maps are stored in the navigation system of your car and the data is already installed, which helps the system to operate as self-contained. The car’s navigation system is equipped with many features that make it reliable and easy to use even when offline.

Does GPS Work in Airplane Mode?

Bai, Google Maps GPS can work in airplane mode as well. You need to use the Offline maps feature of Google Maps to use the GPS in airplane mode.

Does GPS Work When Phone is Off?

Ez, GPS cannot work when the phone is off. A phone can only work when there is some source of power such as a battery or cable and so, the GPS also requires power to work.

How Do You Use Your Phone as a GPS?

Let’s get to know how to use your phone as a GPS. The latest phones have an inbuilt feature that updates your location to Google’s servers. This feature is known as Aurkitu nire gailua, or Bilatu Nire Mugikorra. Google’s web interface can be used to locate your device at any time. This feature can be accessed using your Google account. Here are some steps that you need to follow to access this feature on your phone.

1. Open Ezarpenak zure telefonoan.

2. Sakatu Biometria eta segurtasuna.

Select Biometrics and security

3. Azpian Segurtasuna atalean, sakatu Bilatu Nire Mugikorra.

tap on Find My Mobile option

4. Aktibatu etengailua Bilatu Nire Mugikorra.

Toggle on the button | How to Use GPS without Internet

5. After enabling this feature, launch a web browser and search for Aurkitu nire gailua to use GPS with or without internet.

6. Ondoren, saioa hasi zure Google kontua eta irekia Aurkitu nire gailua.

search for Find My Device

7. After logging in, you can kokatu gailu that you want to.

you can locate your device

Irakurri ere: How to Improve GPS Accuracy on Android

How Can You Use Your Old Phone as a GPS?

You can use your old phone as a GPS with the help of the goian aipatutako urratsak.

Can You Use Waze without Internet?

Bai, Waze maps can be used without the internet. It has to be downloaded on your phone in advance to be used. It is compatible with both Android IOS gailuak.

Waze on App Store | How to Use GPS without Internet


Beraz, ulertu izana espero dugu how to use GPS without internet zure laguntzarako urrats zehatzekin. Artikulu bat egitea nahi duzun beste edozein gairi buruzko edozein kontsulta edo iradokizunen berri eman diezagukezu. Jarri itzazu beheko iruzkinen atalean, guk jakin dezagun.