23 août 2018

Change Diagnostic and Usage Data Settings in Windows 10

Change Diagnostic and Usage Data Settings in Windows 10: You must be aware of the Diagnostic and Usage Data Settings which allows Microsoft to collect performance and usage information which helps Microsoft to troubleshoot issues with Windows and improve their product & services and resolve bugs as soon as possible. But the best part of this feature is that you can actually control the amount of diagnostic and usage data sent to Microsoft from your system.

You can select to only send basic diagnostic information which contains info about your device, its settings, and capabilities or you can select the Full diagnostic information which contains all the information about your system. You can also delete the Windows Diagnostic Data that Microsoft has collected from your device. Anyway, without wasting any time let’s see How to Change Diagnostic and Usage Data Settings in Windows 10 with the help of the below-listed tutorial.

Change Diagnostic and Usage Data Settings in Windows 10

Assurez-vous de créer un point de restauration au cas où quelque chose se passerait mal.

The initial settings can be configured during the Windows Setup when you get to Choose privacy settings for your device simply enable the toggle for Diagnostics to select “Full” and leave it disabled if you want to set Diagnostic and usage data collection policy to “Basic”.

Method 1: Change Diagnostic and Usage Data Settings in Settings App

1.Appuyez sur la touche Windows + I pour ouvrir Paramètres puis cliquez sur Privacy icon.

Dans les paramètres Windows, sélectionnez Confidentialité

2.Dans le menu de gauche, sélectionnez Diagnostic et retour d'expérience.

3.Now either select Basic or Full for the Diagnostic and usage data.

Modifier les paramètres des données de diagnostic et d'utilisation dans l'application Paramètres

Remarque: By default, the setting is set to “Full”.

4.Once finished, close the setting and reboot your PC.

Lisez aussi: Quest Diagnostics accepte-t-il des visites sans rendez-vous ?

Method 2: Change Diagnostic and Usage Data Settings in Registry Editor

1.Appuyez sur la touche Windows + R puis tapez regedit et appuyez sur Entrée pour ouvrir Éditeur de registre.

Exécuter la commande regedit

2. Accédez à la clé de registre suivante :


3.Assurez-vous de sélectionner Collecte de données puis dans le volet droit de la fenêtre, double-cliquez sur AllowTelemetry DWORD.

Navigate to AllowTelemetry DWORD under DataCollection in registry

4.Now make sure to change the value of the AllowTelemetry DWORD according to:

0 = Security (Enterprise and Education editions only)
1 = Basic
2 = Enhanced
3 = Full (Recommended)

Change Diagnostic and Usage Data Settings in Registry Editor

5.Once done, make sure to click OK and close registry editor.

Method 3: Change Diagnostic and Usage Data Settings in Group Policy Editor

1.Appuyez sur la touche Windows + R puis tapez gpedit.msc et appuyez sur Entrée pour ouvrir Éditeur de stratégie de groupe

2. Accédez au chemin suivant :

Computer ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesWindows ComponentsData Collection and Preview Builds

3.Make sure to select Data Collection and Preview Builds then in right window pane double-click on Allow Telemetry Policy.

Double-click on Allow Telemetry Policy in gpedit

4.Now to restore default diagnostic and usage data collection setting simply select Not Configured or Disabled for Allow Telemetry policy and click OK.

Restore default diagnostic and usage data collection setting simply select Not Configured or Disabled

5.If you want to force a diagnostic and usage data collection setting then sélectionnez Activé for Allow Telemetry policy and then under Options select Security (Enterprise Only), Basic, Enhanced, or Full.

Change Diagnostic and Usage Data Settings in Group Policy Editor

6.Cliquez sur Appliquer puis sur OK.

7.When finished, reboot your PC to save changes.


Voilà, vous avez appris avec succès How to Change Diagnostic and Usage Data Settings in Windows 10 mais si vous avez encore des questions concernant ce tutoriel, n'hésitez pas à les poser dans la section commentaires.