7 juillet 2019

Comment bloquer des sites Web sur Google Chrome

Living in an age
comprenant haute vitesse Internet est
incredible. With all the information that can be easily yours, you can learn
how to do almost anything. And with all the possibilities it can bring, it
seems like the world is your oyster!

But as awesome as
it is, having internet can hold you back. Visiting some websites can eat up
your focus, time, and attention. As a result, it can decrease productivity and
cause distractions!

The solution? Learn to block the websites that you tend to visit for purement entertainment. Or maybe sites you don’t want your kids to be able to visit!

In this post, we’ll walk through the process on how to block websites on Chrome using your computer. This way, you can enjoy living in an internet-enabled age without the internet getting in your way.

En utilisant
Bloquer le site

This is a top website blocker for Chrome. After you add Bloquer le site to Chrome, you can begin.

Une fois fini
with the installation, you will be redirected to a page where this says so. To
proceed, click Accepter.

By then, you can
configure away!

A winning feature
of this extension is the plethora of options it gives you for how you choose to
block sites.

Vous pouvez bloquer
sites during working hours only. Just click En mode travail on the sidebar!

Vous pouvez aussi vous
setup parental controls with the use of passwords, block adult sites, and block
certain words.

En utilisant
uListe noire

This works every
time you perform a Google search. When a site turns up, next to it is an option
to block the site.

Voici comment vous
get started with this extension.

Tout d'abord, téléchargez
it. Search for uListe noire on the Chrome Web Store and click Ajouter à Chrome.

To see it in action,
do a Google search.

Par exemple, je
did a search for “twitter”. After I installed the extension, I see a Bloquer ce site option à côté de
résultats de recherche.

Clicking that
options means the particular website won’t appear next time around. That site
can remain blocked for years or until it’s unblocked.

Vous pouvez aussi simplement
click the icon on your toolbar. Doing this will reveal a window where you can
enter the name of the website that you want out.

Une autre façon d'
approach this is to manage blocked sites.

Pour commencer, localisez
the uBlacklist icon in your toolbar. Right-click on it and choose Options.

You are then
presented with a list of options.

Un de tes
options is to specify the website that you want to block. Just enter its
address on the appropriate field.

fichier hosts

Une autre option est
to edit the hosts file. To make this happen, go to Windows > System32 > drivers > etc. Faites un clic droit sur le hôtes fichier.

Then open it
en utilisant Bloc-notes.

Faites défiler le hôtes fichier.

You can leave it
as is. You can also delete the contents with the hashes so you can have a clean

Either way, type
dans "" et alors "localhost ».

Maintenant, entrez le
same bunch of numbers on the next line. But instead of keying in “localhost”,
enter the name of the website that you want to block.