23 novembre 2018

Comment créer un raccourci sur le bureau d'un site Web dans Chrome

How to Create a Desktop Shortcut of Website in Chrome: You can easily use Bookmarks in Chrome to open your favourite websites on the go but what if you want to create a shortcut of a website on the desktop so that whenever you double-click the shortcut, you would be directly taken to the website itself. Well, this can be easily achieved by using the feature called “Create Shortcut” which can be found under More Tools.

Comment créer un raccourci sur le bureau d'un site Web dans Chrome

Using the above feature, Chrome allows you to create application shortcuts of your favourite website on the desktop which can be then added to start menu or taskbar for faster access. Anyway, without wasting any time let’s see Comment créer un raccourci sur le bureau d'un site Web dans Chrome à l'aide du didacticiel ci-dessous.

Comment créer un raccourci sur le bureau d'un site Web dans Chrome

Assurez-vous de créer un point de restauration au cas où quelque chose se passerait mal.

Method 1: Create a Desktop Shortcut of Website in Chrome

1. Open Google Chrome, then navigate to the website for which you want to create the raccourci de bureau.

2. Once you are on the web page, simply click on the three vertical dots (More button) from the top-right corner and then click on “Plus d'outils" .

Open Chrome then Click on More Button then select More Tools then click on Create Shortcut

3. From the context menu select “Créer un raccourci” and enter a name for your shortcut, it can be anything but labeling it according to the website name would help you in distinguishing between various shortcuts.

From the context menu select Create Shortcut & enter a name for your shortcut

4. Once you enter the name, now check or uncheck “Ouvrir en tant que fenêtre"Et cliquez sur"Création"Bouton.

Remarque: In the recent Google Chrome update, the option “Open as window” is removed. Now by default, the shortcut will open in a new window.

5. That’s it, you now have a shortcut to the website on your desktop which you can easily pin to taskbar or start menu.

You now have a shortcut to the website on your desktop

Google Chrome will also have a shortcut of the website in the Chrome Apps folder in the All Apps lists under Start Menu

The website that you create the shortcut for in Google Chrome will also have a shortcut of the website placed in the Chrome Apps folder in the All Apps lists in the Start Menu. Also, these websites are added to your Chrome Apps page (chrome://apps) in Google Chrome. These Shortcuts are stored in the following location:

%AppData%MicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsChrome Apps

These Shortcuts are stored in the Chrome Apps folder under Google Chrome

Method 2: Manually Create Desktop Shortcut of Website

1. Copy the Chrome Icon shortcut to your desktop. If you already have Chrome shortcut on the desktop then make sure to make another one and name it something else.

2. À présent right-click on the Chrome icône puis sélectionnez Propriétés.

Maintenant, faites un clic droit sur l'icône Chrome, puis sélectionnez Propriétés.

3. In the Target field, at the very end make sure to add a space then type the following:


Remarque: Replace example.com with the actual website for which you want to create the desktop for and click OK. Par exemple :

"C:Program Files (x86)GoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe" --app=https://techcult.com

Manually Create Desktop Shortcut of Website

4. Cliquez sur OK pour enregistrer les modifications.

Double-click on the shortcut you created for the Website in Chrome


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