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Lipnja 30, 2017

Onemogućite obavijest Windows Creators Update u Windows Updateu

If you have recently installed Cumulative Update KB4013429 for Windows 10, then you will see a message in Windows Update saying “Good news! The Windows 10 Creators Update is on its way. Want to be one of the first to get it? Yes, show me how.” In case you don’t want to see this message, you could easily disable this message with this guide.

Onemogućite obavijest Windows Creators Update u Windows Updateu

If you click this link you would be shown this message:

Windows 10 Creators Update is coming soon.

Onemogućite obavijest Windows Creators Update u Windows Updateu

Obavezno stvorite točku vraćanja za slučaj da nešto pođe po zlu.

1. Pritisnite tipku Windows + R, a zatim upišite regedit i pritisnite Enter za otvaranje Urednik registra.

Run command regedit | Disable Windows Creators Update notice in Windows Update

2. Dođite do sljedećeg ključa registra:


3. Right-click in the right window pane and select Nova> DWORD (32-bitna) vrijednost. Imenujte ovaj ključ kao HideMCTLink.

Select New DWORD (32-bit) Value

4. Dvaput kliknite na HideMCTLink key and set its value as 1.

Double click on HideMCTLink and set its value to 1 | Disable Windows Creators Update notice in Windows Update

5. Ponovno pokrenite računalo da biste spremili promjene.


To je to što uspješno imate Disable Windows Creators Update notice in Windows Update Settings. If you still have any questions regarding this guide, please feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.