Januari 31, 2022

Fix Windows PC Won’t Connect to TV

The computer is connected to a Smart TV using an HDMI cable. Using HDMI, you can have a home theatre setup by connecting an HDTV or video projector to a computer. This cable will help in connecting to components for both audio and video. However, users have reported that sometimes computers do not recognize TV. If you are facing your PC won’t connect to TV issue, then you are in the right place. This article on how to fix computer won’t connect to TV issue will resolve the issue.

Fix Computer won't Connect to TV Issue

How to Fix Windows 10 PC Won’t Connect to TV HDMI

Whenever an external device is connected to the computer, Windows 10 sets the device ready to work with that device. For instance, when you connect a pen drive, you will see a prompt for File Explorer to run it. The process is similar when you connect a TV. If your computer fails to recognize the TV, then follow any of the methods below to resolve the issue.

Why Computer won’t Connect to TV?

Below are some of the reasons why your PC won’t connect to TV:

  • Pengemudi yang ketinggalan zaman
  • Issues with the HDMI cable
  • Issues with HDMI port

Tip Mengatasi Masalah Dasar

Before trying advanced troubleshooting methods, let us try some of the basic troubleshooting methods:

  • Loosen up the HDMI coil if it is coiled tightly.
  • Since HDMI is sensitive, check whether the pins on the HDMI are damaged.
  • Use another HDMI cable.
  • Hapus koneksi lain of the TV using the HDMI hub or switch.
  • Mencoba untuk connect HDMI cable directly to the TV.
  • Mencoba untuk connect to another HDMI port if your TV has multiple ports.
  • Discharge the computer by removing AC adapters, power cables, and peripheral devices.
  • Disconnect all ports and restart your computer and TV. Then, reconnect them.

Method 1: Enable Projection Mode

If Windows 10 has failed to automatically detect the connection to the TV, then you can enable the projection mode:

1. tekan Windows + P. kunci-kunci simultaneously on the keyboard.

2. Memilih Memperpanjang to display your computer screen on the TV.

Catatan: Anda juga bisa memilih Duplikat.

Press Windows and P keys. Select Extend to display your computer screen on the TV. Fix PC Won’t Connect to TV

Method 2: Select Input Source on TV

If a TV has more than one display port, it might not detect the incoming video signal automatically and cause Windows 10 DisplayPort Not Working issue and cause Windows 10 DisplayPort Not Working issue. In this case, you can select input on the TV. Follow the steps below:

1. tekan Menu Sumber Masukan tombol pada remot TV.

2. Memilih HDMI. This will display the screen of the computer.

Select HDMI. This will display the screen of the computer

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Metode 3: Jalankan Pemecah Masalah Perangkat Keras dan Perangkat

If there is any issue with the PC hardware, running the troubleshooter will automatically diagnose the problems and fix them. Follow the steps written below to run the Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter to fix Computer won’t Connect to TV issue.

1. tekan Windows kunci, Jenis command Prompt dan klik Run as administrator.

Press the Windows key. Type Command Prompt and open it in Run as administrator. Fix PC Won’t Connect to TV

2. klik Yes dalam User Account Control cepat.

3. Ketik perintah msdt.exe -id DeviceDiagnostic dan tekan Enter.

run hardware and devices troubleshooter command in cmd

4. Klik pada Advanced pilihan, seperti yang ditunjukkan.

click on Advanced option in Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter

5. Periksalah Lakukan perbaikan secara otomatis opsi dan klik Selanjutnya.

check apply repairs automatically option in hardware and devices troubleshooter and click on Next. Fix PC Won’t Connect to TV

6. Klik Selanjutnya untuk melanjutkan.

Click on Next to proceed

7. The troubleshooter will now run. If problems are detected, it will display two options:

  • Terapkan perbaikan ini
  • Skip this fix

Click on Apply this fix and after resolving, restart your PC. Fix PC Won’t Connect to TV

8. Di sini, klik Terapkan perbaikan ini, dan Restart PC Anda.

If the issue occurs on your PC even after running the troubleshooter, then you can try updating the video driver.

Method 4: Update Display Driver

Outdated or damaged video drivers can also be one of the reasons behind PC won’t connect to TV issues. Follow the steps below:

1. Klik Start dan jenis Pengaturan perangkat. Klik Open.

. Click on Start and type Device Manager. Click on Open. Fix PC Won’t Connect to TV

2. Klik dua kali Display adapter untuk mengembangkannya.

Double click Display adapters to expand it.

3. Klik kanan pada Anda display adapter dan pilih Perbarui driver.

Right click on the video device and select Update driver. Fix PC Won’t Connect to TV

4. Selanjutnya, pilih Cari driver secara otomatis.

Pilih Cari driver secara otomatis

5A. Jika driver sudah diperbarui, itu akan terlihat Driver terbaik untuk perangkat Anda sudah diinstal.

If the drivers have been updated already, it shows The best drivers for your device are already installed. Fix PC Won’t Connect to TV

5B. If any updates are available then, Windows will install them automatically.

6. After this process, Restart komputer Anda.

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Method 5: Reinstall Driver in Compatibility Mode

If you face PC won’t connect to TV issue, then you have to use the driver in compatibility mode for a previous Windows version. Follow the steps below.

1. Buka device Manager dan pergi ke Display adapter seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Metode 4.

2. Klik kanan pada file video device dan pilih Copot perangkat.

Right-click on the video device and select Uninstall device. Fix PC Won’t Connect to TV

3. Periksalah Hapus perangkat lunak driver untuk perangkat ini option. Then, click on Uninstall button in the confirmation prompt.

uninstall device driver confirmation prompt intel UHD graphics driver

4. Mulai ulang PC Anda after uninstalling the driver.

5. Next, download the appropriate driver from the situs produsen.

Catatan: For example, visit Intel situs resmi to download the latest USB driver for Intel Graphics.

6. Once the file is downloaded, go to the download location and select the berkas pengaturan.

7. Klik kanan pada file exe setup file and then select Properties dari menu.

Right click on the .exe setup file and then select Properties from the menu.

8. Sekarang, pergi ke kecocokan Tab.

Go to the Compatibility tab. Fix PC Won’t Connect to TV

9. Next, check the box next to Jalankan program ini dalam mode kompatibilitas untuk.

10. From the drop-down menu, select a previous Windows OS version.

11. klik Mendaftar lalu OK untuk menyimpan perubahan.

Check the box next to Run this program in compatibility mode for. From the drop-down menu, select a previous Windows OS version. Click Apply and then OK.

12. Akhirnya, reboot PC Anda lagi.

Metode 6: Ubah Pengaturan Tampilan

Changing the display settings to the recommended settings will help resolve computer won’t connect to TV issue. Follow the steps below:

1. Buka Settings dengan menekan Tombol Windows + I secara bersamaan.

2. Pilih System pengaturan.

open windows settings and click on system. Fix PC Won’t Connect to TV

3. In the left-hand menu select Display.

4. Di sini, atur Direkomendasikan opsi untuk Skala dan tata letak, dan Tampilan resolusi.

Set the recommended options in Display resolution.

5. Sekarang, klik Setelan tampilan lanjutan.

Klik Pengaturan tampilan lanjutan.

6. Pilih recommended and required rate (misalnya 60.008 Hz) dibawah Refresh rate.

Select the recommended and required rate under Refresh rate | How to Fix Computer won’t Connect to TV Issue

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Method 7: Perform Factory Reset on TV

If none of the methods above worked, then factory reset your TV to resolve your PC won’t connect to TV problem. Follow the given steps to perform factory reset on TV.

Catatan: The settings may vary depending on the manufacturer of the TV. Below settings and methods are based on the Samsung R series.

1. Press the Home button on the TV remote.

2. Memilih Settings, kemudian Bantuan di sebelah kiri.

3. Di sini, pilih Diagnosis Mandiri .

4. Sekarang, pilih ulang pilihan dan masukkan PIN.

Perform Factory Reset on TV. Fix PC Won’t Connect to TV

5. Akhirnya, pilih Yes untuk mengkonfirmasi.

Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan

Q1. How can I check whether my display output is working well?

Tahun. Setelah menghubungkan kabel HDMI, klik kanan pada Desktop dan pilih Personalize. Here, you can see your Smart TV as a second monitor.

Q2. Do I have to reset my PC to resolve the computer that did not recognize the TV issue?

Jawab. TIDAK, there is no need to factory reset your PC. If none of the troubleshooting methods worked, then you can reset your Smart TV as a last resort.

Q3. What are the different ways to connect a PC to a TV?

Tahun. You can connect your computer to the TV using HDMI cable, DVI or VGA, or Wi-Fi. Using Wi-Fi to connect your computer to TV depends on the manufacturer & TV model.


We hope our article was helpful and you were able to fix Windows PC won’t connect to TV issue was helpful to you. In case, you have any suggestions or queries regarding this article, feel free to reach out to us in the comment section below.