Júlí 30, 2018

Fresta eiginleika og gæðauppfærslum í Windows 10

If you use Windows 10 Pro, Education, or Enterprise Edition, you can easily defer feature and quality updates on Windows 10. When you defer updates, new features won’t be downloaded or installed. Also, one essential thing to note here is that this doesn’t affect security updates. In short, your computer security won’t be compromised, and you will still be able to defer upgrades without any issues.

Fresta eiginleika og gæðauppfærslum í Windows 10

Fresta eiginleika og gæðauppfærslum í Windows 10

Athugaðu: This tutorial only works if you have Windows 10 ProEnterprise, eða Menntun edition PC. Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.

Method 1: Defer Feature and Quality Updates in Windows 10 Settings

1. Ýttu á Windows lykill + ég til að opna Stillingar smelltu síðan á Uppfærsla og öryggi.

Click on Update & security icon | Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then c

2. From the left-hand window pane click on Windows Update.

3. Now in the right window pane click on Frekari möguleikar hlekkur neðst.

Select ‘Windows update’ from the left pane and click on ‘Advanced options’

4. Undir “Veldu hvenær uppfærslur eru uppsettar“Velja Hálf árleg rás (markvisst) or Hálf árleg rás úr fellilistanum.

Under Choose when updates are installed select Semi-Annual Channel

5. Similarly, under “A feature update include new capabilities and improvements. It can be deferred for this many days” select to defer the feature updates for 0 – 365 days.

Defer Feature and Quality Updates in Windows 10 Settings

Athugaðu: The default is 0 days.

6. Nú undir “A quality updates include security improvements. It can be deferred for this many days” select to defer the quality update for 0 – 30 days (the default is 0 days).

7. Once finished, you can close everything and reboot your PC.

Svona þú Defer Feature and Quality Updates in Windows 10, but if the above settings are greyed out, follow the next method.

Method 2: Defer Feature and Quality Updates in Registry Editor

1. Ýttu á Windows Key + R og sláðu síðan inn ríkisstjóratíð og ýttu á Enter til að opna Registry Editor.

Run command regedit | Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then c

2. Farðu nú að eftirfarandi skrásetningarlykil:


3. Select Settings then in the right window pane double-click on BranchReadinessLevel DWORD.

Navigate to BranchReadinessLevel DWORD in Registry

4. Type the following in the Value data field and click OK:

Gildi Gögn Branch Readiness Level
10 Hálf árleg rás (markvisst)
20 Hálf árleg rás

Change the Value of Data Branch Readiness Level

5. Now to set the number of days you want to defer the feature updates double-click on

DeferFeatureUpdatesPeriodInDays DWORD.

Double-click on DeferFeatureUpdatesPeriodInDays DWORD

6. In the value data field type the value between 0 – 365 (days) for how many days you want to defer feature updates og smelltu OK.

In the value data field type the value between 0 - 365 (days) for how many days you want to defer feature updates for

7. Next, again in the right window pane double-click on DeferQualityUpdatesPeriodInDays DWORD.

Double-click on DeferQualityUpdatesPeriodInDays DWORD

8. Change the value in the Value data field between 0 – 30 (days) for how many days you want to defer quality updates and click OK.

To Choose How Many Days Quality Updates are Deferred for | Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then c

9. Once finished close everything and rebooted your PC to save changes.

Mælt með:

Það er það sem þú hefur lært með góðum árangri Hvernig á að fresta eiginleikum og gæðauppfærslum í Windows 10 en ef þú hefur enn einhverjar spurningar varðandi þessa kennslu skaltu ekki hika við að spyrja þær í athugasemdahlutanum.