Luglio 7, 2019

How to Create a Local User Account on Windows 10

When you log in to Windows with your Account Microsoft, it comes with several benefits. However, you need to agree to share information with Microsoft because based on that you will get personalized settings, your emails will sync automatically, accessing Windows App store and more. But what if you want to log in to Windows with a local account instead? In a situation where somebody does not have Microsoft account, in that case, the administrator can easily create a local user account on Windows 10 per loro.

How to Create a Local User Account on Windows 10

Now using this local account, the users without having a Microsoft account can easily access your device and can do their work without any issues. In this article, we will explain the entire process of creating and converting your Microsoft account into a local account. However, it is important to know when you want to create a local account and for what purpose because there are some limitations associated with the Local account as compared to Microsoft account.

How to Create a Local User Account on Windows 10

Assicurati di creare un punto di ripristino nel caso in cui qualcosa vada storto.

Method 1: Create a Local User Account using Windows 10 Settings

To start with this process, first, you have to log in to your Windows 10 with admin access. Once you are logged in, follow the steps.

1.Open Start Menu, click on the Icona utente e scegliere il Modifica le impostazioni dell'account opzione.

Open Start Menu, Click on user icon and select change account settings

2.This will open the Account Settings window, from there you need to click on Family and Other Users dal menu a sinistra.

Click on Family and Other Users in the settings dialogue box | Create a Local User Account on Windows 10

3.Qui è necessario fare clic su Aggiungi qualcun altro a questo PC opzione.

Family & other people then Add someone else to this PC | Create a Local User Account on Windows 10

4.On the next screen when Windows Prompts to fill the box, you non è necessario digitare l'e-mail o il numero di telefono piuttosto è necessario fare clic su “I don’t have this person’s sign in information" opzione.

Fai clic su Non ho le informazioni di accesso di questa persona

5.On the next screen, you need to click on Add a User without a Microsoft account link on the bottom.

Select Add a user without a Microsoft account | Create a Local User Account on Windows 10

6. Adesso digitare il nome of the person in the box below “Who’s going to use this PC” and Inserisci password under “Make it Secure” heading.

Nota: You can set three security questions in order to recover your password in case you forget the password of this account.

Now type the username and password for the new account and click Next | Create a Local User Account on Windows 10

7.Once finished, finally click Avanti. 

Switch to the newly created Local User Account

Once you have created a local Windows 10 account, you can easily switch to a newly created local account. You do not need to sign out of your current account to switch to a local account. You simply need to click on the menu di avvio, quindi fare clic su icona utente ed click on the newly created local account username.

Login to the New Local User Account

To login to your newly created local account, you just need to click on the username mentioned on the left side corner of your screen. Now enter the password. For the first time login, Windows takes some time to set up your account. 

Metodo 2: Change the Account Type

When you create a new user account, it is by default, Standard user account, which is important from a security perspective. However, if you want to change it to an administrator account, you can easily do so. Make sure that you do not need to change the account type for someone whom you don’t trust. 

1.Premere il tasto Windows + I per aprire Impostazioni, quindi fare clic su Account. 

Premi il tasto Windows + I per aprire Impostazioni, quindi fai clic su Account

2.Next, navigate to Accounts > Family & Other Users.

Click on Family and Other Users in the settings dialogue box | Create a Local User Account on Windows 10

3.Choose the account name that you have created and click on Cambia tipo di account opzione.

In Altre persone scegli l'account appena creato e quindi seleziona Cambia tipo di account

4.Now from the “Account type” drop-down select Amministratore e fare clic su OK.

Under Account type, select Administrator then click OK | Create a Local User Account on Windows 10

Method 3: Remove a Local User Account

In case you want to delete a local user account, just follow the below steps.

1.Premere il tasto Windows + I per aprire Impostazioni, quindi fare clic su Account.

Premi il tasto Windows + I per aprire Impostazioni, quindi fai clic su Account

2.Now from the left-hand side menu click on Family & Other Users.

3.Next, click on the Account name which you want to remove and click on the Pulsante Rimuovi.

In Altri utenti, seleziona il vecchio account amministratore, quindi fai clic su Rimuovi

Nota: When you delete a user account, all its related data will be deleted. Therefore, if you want to secure the data of that user account, you need to take a backup.

Deleting this person's account will remove all their data from this PC.

Metodo 4: Convert a Microsoft Account to a Local User Account

If you have signed in to your device with your Microsoft account, you can convert it to a local user account, if you want using the following steps:

1.Cerca Impostazioni profilo in Windows search then cliccaci sopra.

Apri le impostazioni. Digita le impostazioni nella barra di ricerca di Windows e aprila

2.Cliccare su conti section under the Settings app.

Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on Accounts | Create a Local User Account on Windows 10

3.From the left pane, you need to click on Le tue informazioni .

4.Qui è necessario fare clic su Accedi invece con un account locale opzione.

Sign in with a local account instead | Create a Local User Account on Windows 10

5.Inserire il parola d'ordine for your Microsoft account and click Avanti.

Inserisci la password del tuo account Microsoft e fai clic su Avanti

6.Now you will need to Enter Password and Reenter the password including the Password hint then click on Avanti.

7.Infine, fare clic su disconnessione and Finish option.

Now you can easily log in to the local user account which you just created. However, keep in mind that with your local user account you won’t be able to take benefit of features such as OneDrive app, sync your emails automatically, and other preferences. Using a local account comes with its own pros and cons. In most cases, you should only create a local account when you are giving access to your device to your friends or relatives who do not have a Microsoft account. Hopefully, by following the above given detailed methods of creating, deleting and converting your accounts, you will be able to get your job done.


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