2021 年 10 月 27 日

Google Chrome昇格サービスとは何ですか

Google Chrome is one of the most widely used web browsers in the world. It stands unique among all web browsers because of its wide range of extensions and tabs embedded in it. Many tools in Google can be used for recovery purposes, for smooth internet experience while ensuring the safety and security of users. What is Google Chrome Elevation Service? Whenever you download and install Google Chrome on your PC, the recovery component, exclusively available for Chrome and Chrome builds, is also installed. Its primary task is to ensure a smooth installation process of Chrome and to repair the components if any issue occurs. Read below to learn more about it, Why & How to disable Google Chrome Elevation Service to speed up your PC.

Google Chrome昇格サービスとは何ですか

What is Google Chrome Elevation Service? 

You will solely require Google Chrome Elevation Service during Chrome recovery.

  • このツールは licensed by Google Chrome.
  • それはに使用することができます repair or rebuild Chrome Updater.
  • The tool detects and tells the user for how many days Google was not updated

This service is included in the Chrome Application folder、図のように。

This service is included in Chrome Application folder.

Why Disable Google Chrome Elevation Service?

Google Chrome Elevation Service keeps a track of Chrome updates and monitors Chrome for changes and updates.

  • Mostly, this process runs in the background continuously and makes your system very slow.
  • Moreover, it adds additional services as 起動プロセス. Thus, the overall speed of your system might decrease.

How to Speed Up Your PC w.r.t Google Chrome

However, there are various methods through which you can disable Chrome tasks, disable Chrome extensions and disable Google Chrome Elevation service to speed up your PC, as explained in the next section. You may also read Chrome update management strategies.

Method 1: Close Tabs & Disable Extensions

When you have too many tabs open, the browser & computer speed will be very slow. In this case, your system will not operate normally.

1A. Hence, close all the unnecessary tabs by clicking on the (cross) Xアイコン next to the tab.

1B. Alternately, click on the (cross) X アイコンを押します。, shown highlighted to exit chrome and restart your PC.

Close all the tabs in the Chrome browser by clicking on the Exit icon present at the top right corner.

If you have closed all the tabs and still face the same issue, then disable all the extensions using the given steps:

1。 起動する Google Chrome ブラウザで XNUMXつの点線のアイコン 右上隅から。

Launch Google Chrome and click on the three dotted icon from the top right corner. What is Google Chrome Elevation Service

2.ここで、 その他のツール.

Here, click on More tools option.

3。 今すぐクリックして 拡張機能 としてジョブステータス出力ログに記録されます。

Now, click on Extensions. What is Google Chrome Elevation Service

4. 最後に、スイッチをオフにします。 拡張 (例えば Chromeの文法) and others. Then, relaunch クロム and check it sped up.

Finally, turn off the extension you wanted to disable to speed up your pc

また読む: Chromeがクラッシュし続ける問題を修正する方法

Method 2: Find & Remove Harmful Software

Few incompatible & harmful programs in your device will make your PC slow. This could be easily fixed by removing them completely as follows:

1。 オープン Google Chrome とをクリックしてください 三点 icon to open the menu.

Launch Google Chrome and click on the three dotted icon from the top right corner. What is Google Chrome Elevation Service

2.ここで、 設定 オプションを選択します。

Now, select the Settings option | What is Google Chrome Elevation Service

3。 クリック 上級 > リセットとクリーンアップ、以下で強調表示されているように。

Here, click on the Advanced setting in the left pane and select the Reset and clean up option. What is Google Chrome Elevation Service

4. ここでは、 コンピュータをクリーンアップ オプションを選択します。

Now, select the Clean up computer option

5。 クリック もう完成させ、ワークスペースに掲示しましたか? button to enable Chrome to find the harmful software on your computer.

Here, click on the Find option to enable Chrome to find the harmful software on your computer and remove it.

6. プロセスが完了するまで待ち、 削除します Google Chrome によって検出された有害なプログラム。

方法 3: バックグラウンド アプリを閉じる

There may be plenty of applications that run in the background, including Google Chrome Elevation Service. This will increase the CPU and memory usage, thereby affecting the performance of the system. Here’s how to end unnecessary tasks and speed up your PC:

1。 打ち上げ Task Manager 押すことで Ctrl + Shift + Escキー 同時に。

2。 の中に プロセス tab, search and select Google Chrome tasks バックグラウンドで実行されています。

注: 右クリック Google Chrome をクリックして 詳細 to list all processes, as shown.

Google Chrome Expand Tasks

3。 クリック 終了タスク as depicted below. Repeat the same for all tasks.

End Chrome Task

4. 終了タスク for other processes as well such as Google Crash Handler以下に示すように。

Google Crash Handler End Task

また読む: Chrome がダウンロードをブロックする問題を修正

Method 4: Disable Google Chrome Elevation Service

Here’s how to disable Google Chrome Elevation Service and speed up your Windows 10 PC:

1。 押す Windowsの+ R キー 一緒に開く ラン ダイアログボックス。

2。 タイプ services.mscと [ファイル名を指定して実行] ダイアログ ボックスで、 入力します.

Type services.msc in the Run dialog box and hit enter.

3。 の中に サービス ウィンドウ、に移動 GoogleChromeElevationService それを右クリックします。

4.次に、をクリックします プロパティ、示されているように。

right click on Google chrome elevation service and select properties to disable it to speed up your pc

5. Click the drop-down menu next to スタートアップの種類 をクリックして 身体障がい者.

Next, click on Properties. Here, click on the drop down menu next to Startup type | What is Google Chrome Elevation Service. What is Google Chrome Elevation Service

6.最後に、をクリックします 申し込む > OK to save this change.


学んでいただければ幸いです 何ですか GoogleChrome標高サービス and were able to fix computer lagging issue caused by it. Let us know which method worked for you to speed up your PC. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.