Juli 12, 2022

Fix VirtualBox Interface Huet Aktiv Connections Fehlermeldung

Fix VirtualBox Interface Huet Aktiv Connections Fehlermeldung

You might face VirtualBox interface has active connections error message when you are shutting down your PC especially when you use the old version of the BlueStacks emulator. This is an issue encountered by the users when they try to shut down their computer but can’t. In addition, configuring the Task Manager priorities of the BlueStacks can also cause the error VirtualBox interface BlueStacks. If you are also the one who is facing the same error, this guide will help you fix the same with effective troubleshooting steps.

Fix VirtualBox Interface Huet Aktiv Connections Fehlermeldung

How to Fix VirtualBox Interface Has Active Connections Error Message

There are so many factors that contribute to VirtualBox interface unable to insert Virtual optical disk or Windows 10 shut down issue. A few of them are listed below.

  • Conflicting background processes running on your PC.
  • Startup tasks are interfering with BlueStacks.
  • Inappropriate priorities are set to BlueStacks.
  • Outdated emulator, Operating system, .NET framework, drivers on PC.
  • Few apps are conflicting with BlueStacks.
  • Conflicting user account and Windows version.

We have compiled a list of effective troubleshooting methods that will help you fix VirtualBox interface BlueStacks shutdown issue on your Windows 10 computer.

Opgepasst: Before getting into the solution, make sure that you have not enabled the Notifications Mode in the BlueStacks.

Method 1: Close BlueStack Processes

If BlueStacks is operating on your PC (even in the background), it makes your PC difficult in shutting down. In this case, exit the BlueStacks emulator completely with the use of Task Manager by closing all the processes which are related to BlueStacks forcefully by following our guide How to End Task in Windows 10. This will help you solve this issue. You can also create a batch file in achieving the functionality, follow the steps below to do it.

Klickt op Enn Task

Now, shut down your PC and check if the error VirtualBox interface Windows 10 shut down issue is fixed. If the error is fixed, you could make a batch file and then click the batch file before shutting down your PC.

Opgepasst: This function can also be done by creating a shutdown task either in a Group Policy Editor or in the Task Scheduler.

Now follow the given steps;

1. Copy the following text in a text editor for instance Notizblock.

wmic process where "name="HD-Player.exe"" delete
wmic process where "name="HD-Agent.exe"" delete
wmic process where "name="Bluestacks.exe"" delete
wmic process where "name="Bluestacks.exe"" delete

Copy the following text in a text editor for instance Notepad. Fix VirtualBox Interface Has Active Connections Error Message

2. Da klickt op Fichier a wielt dann wielen Späicheren als Save.

click on File and then choose Save As

3. Now, change the dropdown menu of Späicheren als Typ ze maachen All Dateien, then save the file with the name having a CMD extension (example, Click it Before Shutting Down the Computer.cmd )

change the dropdown menu of Save As Type to All Files then save the file with the name having a CMD extension

4. Klickt op déi Fichier now and then shut down the computer and check if the VirtualBox interface has active connections error message is fixed.

Method 2: Disable Startup Processes

If the first method did not fix VirtualBox interface has active connections error message, you can try disabling all the startup processes with the Task Manager, and several users have suggested that this task has helped them a lot. To implement the method, follow our guide on 4 Ways to Disable Startup Programs in Windows 10.

Disable Startup Processes. Fix VirtualBox Interface Has Active Connections Error Message

Click the start-up processes one by one and select Deaktivéieren.

Click the startup processes one by one and select Disable

When you are done disabling the tasks, restart your computer and check if the error VirtualBox interface error Windows 10 fix ass.

Och liesen: 5 Weeër fir Bluestacks Engine ze fixéieren wäert net starten

Method 3: Modify Compatibility Setting

It is also possible that BlueStacks may not have enough security clearance to run on your PC. The security settings may be changed in the latest application update or Windows update. Follow the steps below to grant full control to BlueStacks.

1. Right-click on the Desktop shortcut of BlueStacks an wielen Datei opmaachen in the option.

Right click on the desktop shortcut of BlueStacks and choose Open file location in the option

2. Fannt déi Bluestacks.exe file and right-click on it.

3. Auswielen Properties.

Select Properties. Fix VirtualBox Interface Has Active Connections Error Message

4. Plënneren op de Sécherheet tab of the Properties window and then click on the Ännerung button which is next to To change permissions, click Edit.

Click on the Edit button inline with To change permissions and click Edit

5. At first, select your username from the list of users which are displayed under Group or user names, and under Permissions for everyone, check the box in the Allow column for Full control.

Check the box in the Allow column for Full control

6. Klickt op gëllen an OK déi Ännerungen ze späicheren.

Check if the issue VirtualBox interface BlueStacks shutdown is fixed. If the issue is not fixed yet, you can try running BlueStacks in compatibility mode in another Windows version if you are facing this issue after updating to a specific Windows version. Follow the steps below to do it.

1. Right-click on the shortcut of BlueStacks Ofkiirzung icon an dann wielt Properties.

2. Wiesselen op de Kompatibilitéit a klickt op Run dëse Programm am Onbedenklechkeet Modus fir: Këscht.

Check Run this program in compatibility mode for in the compatibility tab

3. Select a Windows version that is appropriate to run Bluestacks in compatibility for and then click on gëllen which is followed by Ok.

Select an appropriate Windows version to run Bluestacks in compatibility for and click on Apply followed by OK. Fix VirtualBox Interface Has Active Connections Error Message

Method 4: Change Priorities of BlueStacks Processes

If the priorities of the BlueStacks processes are not set properly, you may face VirtualBox interface has active connections error message. If so, you can change the priorities of the BlueStacks processes in the Task Manager as instructed below.

Opgepasst: Continue with great caution as changing the priorities of the processes carelessly may make your system unstable or extremely slow.

1. Dréckt de Ctrl + Verschibung + Esc Tastekombinatiounen zesummen opzemaachen Aufgab Manager.

2. Elo schalt op d' Detailer tab and then right-click on HD-Player,exe.

3. Da gitt op d' Prioritéit setzen Optioun an dann wielt Realtime.

gitt op d'Set Prioritéit Optioun a wielt dann Echtzäit

4. Now, set the priorities given below to the corresponding processes.

HD-Agent.exe        >> above normal
Bluestacks.exe      >> realtime
BstkSVC.exe          >> realtime

5. Restart de PC nom Ofschloss vun der Aufgab Manager and check if VirtualBox interface Windows 10 issue is solved.

6. If the issue is fixed, close all the open processes.

7. Now, open a text editor for instance Notepad, and then copy the following into it.

start "" /Realtime "C:Program FilesBlueStacksHD-Player.exe"
start "" /AboveNormal "C:Program FilesBlueStacksHD-Agent.exe"
start "" /Realtime "C:Program FilesBlueStacksBluestacks.exe"
start "" /Realtime "C:Program FilesBlueStacksBstkSVC.exe"

open a text editor for instance Notepad, and then copy the following into it

8. Elo, wielt Späicheren als Save vum Fichier Menübar.

select Save As from the File menu bar. Fix VirtualBox Interface Has Active Connections Error Message

9. Now, change the dropdown menu of Späicheren als Typ ze maachen All Dateien, then save the file with the name having a CMD extension ( example, BlueStacks.cmd )

change the dropdown menu of Save As Type to All Files then save the file with the name having a CMD extension

10. Launch the BlueStacks with the newly created command file and the issue will be fixed.

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Method 5: Turn On Virtualization (If Applicable)

Bluestacks is a virtualizing application. Some chipsets of AMD and Intel include a virtualization technology that boosts the performance while virtualization software like Bluestacks is being used at the time. Such software runs more smoothly without any strain with the use of technology like this. Many users reported that turning on Virtualization is resolving VirtualBox interface BlueStacks shutdown issue. You have to check if this is available on your system as all computers are not equipped with this technology.

Follow the steps below to check if your computer (Intel system) supports Virtualization technology.

1. Luet den Processor Identification Utility of Intel by navigating to the offizielle Site and by clicking on the Download button which is on the left side.

Download the Processor Identification Utility of Intel by navigating to this link and by clicking on the Download button

2. Once downloaded the file, click the installation file from Meng Downloads and follow the instructions to install Processor Identification Utility op Ärem PC.

3. Start de Applikatioun after installing it.

Launch the application after installing it. Fix VirtualBox Interface Has Active Connections Error Message

4. Erweiderung der CPU TECHNOLOGIES andeems Dir op de klickt + Ikon.

5. Scan the CPU technologies list for Intel® Virtualization Technology, usually Intel® Virtualization Technology will be the very first item on the list.

Scan the CPU technologies list for Intel Virtualization Technology usually Intel Virtualization Technology will be the very first item on the list

6. If the technology is supported on your computer, there will be a Jo next to it or a Haische markéiert to its left.

Follow the steps below to check your PC (AMD) supports Virtualization.

1. Luet den AMD Virtualization Technology and Hyper V files required for your PC.

2. Klickt op déi .exe Datei which is downloaded and follow the op-Écran Uweisungen ze installéieren.

3. Check if it supports Virtualization by opening the application. If it is supported you will receive a message The system is compatible with Hyper-V

The system is compatible with Hyper V

If your PC supports Virtualization technology in Intel or AMD, follow the following steps to enable it. If not, move on to the next method.

1. You can enable the Virtualization from the BIOS menu, for that you have to restart your computer.

2. Klickt op déi Start button, now click on the Power Optioun a wielt duerno Neistart.

Click on the Start button now click on the Power option and then select Restart. Fix VirtualBox Interface Has Active Connections Error Message

3. Press one of the following keys Esc, Del, F12, F10, or F8 repeatedly to enter the BIOS Menü. The BIOS key is not similar to all manufacturers so check the BIOS key papers which came along with your computer. Or you can simply Goggle search for your BIOS key

dréckt DEL oder F2 Schlëssel fir BIOS Setup anzeginn

4. In the BIOS menu, go to Virtualization Technology or Intel Virtualization Technology or Intel VT for Direct I/O or any similar option with the arrow keys and hit gitt fir ze aktivéieren.

Enable Virtualization in BIOS Menu

5. Exit BIOS after saving your changed settings. Now, your computer reboots automatically, after it is done check if the issue VirtualBox interface BlueStacks shutdown issue is fixed.

Och liesen: Wéi aktivéiert Virtualiséierung op Windows 10?

Method 6: Update BlueStacks Emulator

BlueStacks are being updated regularly to satisfy the technology advancements that are being made these days and fix the reported bugs like this one. So, updating the BlueStacks to the latest version may fix this issue. Follow the steps to update BlueStacks.

1. Start de BlueStacks emulator which is near the bottom right of the screen, open Parameteren andeems Dir op de Link klickt Zännrad icon.

click on gear icon to open bluestacks setting

2. Klickt op Iwwer which is in the left pane of the window.

3. Elo, klickt op de Iwwerpréift fir Aktualiséierungen Knäppchen.

4. gëllen the updates and then relancéiert den Emulator.

5. Now close the emulator, from the system tray also, and then check if the issue VirtualBox interface has active connections error message fix ass.

Method 7: Update Windows

If there are any bugs in your PC, they can only be fixed after a Windows update. Microsoft releases regular updates to fix all these bugs thereby VirtualBox interface Windows 10 shut down issue will also be fixed. Hence, ensure if you have updated your Windows Operating System and if any updates are pending in action, use our guide How to Download and Install Windows 10 Latest Update

Update Windows. Fix VirtualBox Interface Has Active Connections Error Message

After updating your Windows Operating System, check whether VirtualBox interface BlueStacks shutdown issue is fixed.

Methode 8: Update Grafikdrivers

If your PC makes use of outdated graphics drivers, you must update all of them to fix any gaming issues. You can do this task either manually or by using third-party software. Check our guide 4 Ways to Update Graphics Drivers in Windows 10 to update all the drivers manually and check if VirtualBox interface has active connections error message issue is fixed.

Update Grafik Chauffer

Och liesen: Fix Printer Driver ass net verfügbar Windows 10

Method 9: Neiinstalléiere Grafike Chauffeuren

When you still face the error after updating the Graphical drivers, then reinstall device drivers to fix any incompatibility problems. There are so many methods to reinstall drivers on Windows. Yet, if you are confused about how to implement the same, check our guide How to Uninstall and Reinstall Drivers on Windows 10 and implement the same.

Update graphics driver. Fix VirtualBox Interface Has Active Connections Error Message

After reinstalling GPU drivers, check if you can enjoy games without VirtualBox interface BlueStacks shutdown issue.

Method 10: Roll Back Grafiken Treiber

Wann déi aktuell Versioun vun de Grafike Chauffeuren net mat Ärem Spill kompatibel ass, da gëtt et kee Gebrauch fir se ze aktualiséieren oder nei z'installéieren. Alles wat Dir maache musst ass d'Chauffeuren op déi viregt Versioun zréckzekréien andeems Dir eise Guide verfollegt Wéi Dir Chauffeuren op Windows 10 zréckrollt.

Rouleau zréck Chauffer

Check if you have fixed VirtualBox interface has active connections error message.

Method 11: Update .NET Framework

.NET framework in Windows 10 computer is essential for uninterrupted service of modern apps and games. Many games have an auto-update feature for the .NET framework, and thus it will be updated automatically whenever an update is available. In another case, if an update prompts in your PC, you can manually install the latest version of the .NET framework, as discussed below, to fix VirtualBox interface Windows 10 issue.

1. Kontrolléieren fir nei Aktualiséierungen fir .NET Framework vum offiziell Microsoft Websäit.

Update NET Kader

2. Wann et Updates gëtt, klickt op déi entspriechend/recommandéiert Link a klickt Download .NET Framework 4.8 Runtime Optioun.

Opgepasst: Klickt net op Download .NET Framework 4.8 Entwéckler Pack wéi et vu Software Entwéckler benotzt gëtt.

Do not click on Download .NET Framework 4.8 Developer Pack. Fix VirtualBox Interface Has Active Connections Error Message

3. Géi op Meng Downloads, duebelklickt op d'Setupdatei fir déi erofgeluede Datei auszeféieren, a befollegt den op-Écran Uweisungen fir den .NET Kader erfollegräich op Ärem Windows PC ze installéieren.

4. Once done, check if you have fixed VirtualBox interface Windows 10 issue or not.

Method 12: Create New Administrator User

If none of the methods have helped you fix VirtualBox interface has active connections error message, there are some circumstances where your user account is corrupt or some of its configurations are inappropriate. In this case, you have to create a new administrator account as instructed below to fix the issue.

1. Dréckt de Windows + I Schlësselen zesumme fir den opzemaachen Parameteren.

2. Klickt op déi Konte Kader.

Click on the Accounts setting

3. Dann wielt de Famill & aner Benotzer menu from the left menu.

Select the Family and other users option. Fix VirtualBox Interface Has Active Connections Error Message

4. Ënnert der Aner Leit Sektioun, wielt de Kont, klickt dann op Account änneren.

Opgepasst: If you do not find any account, then you can follow our guide to create a local account on Windows 10.

Account änneren

5. Endlech wielt Administrator ënner dem Kont Kont a klickt op OK.

Opgepasst: Dëst ass net uwendbar fir Standard Kont Benotzer.

Ännert de Kont Typ op Administrator a klickt OK

6. Finally, check if you have fixed VirtualBox interface BlueStacks problem or not.

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Method 13: Uninstall Conflicted Apps in Safe Mode

Some applications and programs might interfere with BlueStacks during its operation. To confirm and to fix this, you have to boot to Safe Mode in Windows 10. The safe mode of Windows PC will shut all the non-essential tasks and runs with the most stable drivers. In safe mode, Windows PC will be in the most stable environment and hence you can find which app is conflicting with BlueStacks. You can boot your computer by following our guide How to Boot to Safe Mode in Windows 10 and once all the third-party software is disabled, check if you face the VirtualBox interface BlueStacks shutdown issue again.

klickt op Boot Tab a Checkbox nieft Safe Boot ënner Boot Optiounen

If you do not face the problem, uninstall any recent program or application you have added to your computer.

Uninstall unwanted programs from the Programs and Features window. Fix VirtualBox Interface Has Active Connections Error Message

Method 14: Uninstall Bluestacks and Reinstall in Safe Mode

If none of the above methods fixed VirtualBox interface has active connections error message, the fault may be with the inherent bug in the application itself. In this case, you have to uninstall the current version of the application and replace it with the latest version of BlueStacks.

1. First of all, end all BlueStacks processes which may be running in the background.

2. If you have your BlueStacks open, close it by clicking on the X Knäppchen which will be at the top right of your screen.

3. Now, remove the BlueStacks icon from your system tray by right-clicking on the BlueStacks icon and then clicking Opzehalen.

4. Delete all the temporary files on your computer as a precautionary measure. Follow the steps below to do it.

5. Press Windows + R Schlësselen simultaneously to access the Run dialog box and type % Temp% in it and hit Gitt Schlëssel.

Typ Kommando Temp an der Run Dialogbox a klickt op Ok

6. Select all the files, right-click on them and click on Läschen.

select delete option. Fix VirtualBox Interface Has Active Connections Error Message

7. Use BlueStacks uninstaller to remove all the traces of it from your computer instead of following an unusual route to uninstall an application.

8. Besicht dësem Site fir erofzelueden de BlueStacks uninstaller tool.

9. After installing it, run it to remove all of its files. Grant for permissions if it asks for many. Click on the OK button on the final screen.

download the Bluestacks uninstaller tool

Now, reinstall BlueStacks by following these steps.

10. Gitt an der Bluestacks download Säit an download déi neisten Versioun.

Go to this link and download the latest version of BlueStacks

11. We will be installing the application after booting into Safe Mode.

select Minimal and click on OK

12. Once Window starts in Safe Mode, head over to the folder (Downloads) where you downloaded the Bluestacks installation file and run it. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish the installation.

13. Now that we have reinstalled Bluestacks, we can turn off Safe Mode and boot back normally.

14. Open Run, type msconfig, and press enter. In the Boot tab, untick the box next to Safe mode a klickt op OK.

untick the box next to Safe mode and click on OK. Fix VirtualBox Interface Has Active Connections Error Message

15. Endlech, Restart de PC and run Bluestacks to check if VirtualBox interface Windows 10 problem has been resolved.

Och liesen: Wéi Fix Feeler Code 0x80004005

Method 15: Restore Windows

The latest Windows update may not be compatible with BlueStacks which leads to the VirtualBox interface Windows 10 issue. Try recalling if this error started after updating your Windows, if so you can either wait for a new update or revert to the previous version which did not cause this error.

1. Géi op Parameteren duerch dréckt der Windows + I Schlësselen gläichzäiteg.

2. Klickt op Updates & Sécherheet Astellungen.

Click on Updates and Security. Fix VirtualBox Interface Has Active Connections Error Message

3. Now, look for Erhuelung settings and click on it.

look for Recovery settings and click on it

4. Elo, klickt op de unzekommen button which will be under Go back to the previous version of Windows 10.

click on the Get Started button which will be under Go back. Fix VirtualBox Interface Has Active Connections Error Message

5. Follegt der op-Écran Uweisungen to revert to the previous version of Windows.

6. If it has been 10 days since you last updated, the unzekommen option will be greyed out, in that case, you have to wait until you get the next update.

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Pro Tip: How to Shut Down VirtualBox

VirtualBox is an open-source application that allows users to run an additional operating system environment from the desktop of PCs or Macs. For example, a Windows user could use VirtualBox to run Windows XP, Mac OS X, and Windows 7. But you have to close a VirtualBox with the Zoumaachen command after using the VirtualBox virtual machine.

1. Klickt op déi Zoumaachen button which will be in the upper right corner of the screen.

2. Choose the radio button labeled as Maacht d'Maschinn aus

3. Check the box which is next to Restore current snapshot if you want to load the recent snapshot.

4. Begin the shutdown process by Clicking the OK Knäppchen.

5. Open de Fichier Menü bzw VirtualBox and decidéieren Exit when the shutdown is completed.

exit Oracle VirtualBox


Mir hoffen, datt dëse Guide hëllefräich war an Dir hätt geléiert wéi et ze fixéieren VirtualBox interface has active connections error message on Windows 10. Let us know how this article has helped you the best. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.