Novembru 16, 2018

Waħħal il-Bluetooth ma jistax jitfi fuq Windows 10

Fix Bluetooth can’t turn off on Windows 10: You may have heard of the Bluetooth issues facing by Windows 10 users such as Option to Turn Bluetooth on or off is Missing from Windows 10, Bluetooth won’t turn on Windows 10 etc but this issue which users are facing is quite unique, and this is because they are not able to turn off Bluetooth in Windows 10. But don’t worry as today we are going to see how to fix this issue with simple troubleshooting steps.

Fix Bluetooth can't turn off on Windows 10

If you want to confirm this issue then navigate to Settings > Devices > Bluetooth & other devices and under Bluetooth you will see a toggle, just click on the toggle to disable Bluetooth but you will see that as soon as you click on the toggle it will revert back to enable position (which means Bluetooth is turned ON). Anyway, without wasting any time let’s see How to Fix Bluetooth can’t turn off on Windows 10 with the help of the below-listed guide.

Waħħal il-Bluetooth ma jistax jitfi fuq Windows 10

Kun żgur li toħloq punt ta 'restawr fil-każ li xi ħaġa tmur ħażin.

Method 1: Disable Bluetooth Device

1.Agħfas Windows Key + R imbagħad ittajpja devmgmt.msc u hit Enter.

maniġer tat-tagħmir devmgmt.msc

2.Expand Bluetooth then right-click on your Bluetooth device and select Inattiv.

Disable Bluetooth Device

3.If you can’t see your Bluetooth device then click on View and then select Uri mezzi moħbija.

ikklikkja view imbagħad uri tagħmir moħbi f'Device Manager

4. Issa right-click on each one of the Bluetooth devices u agħżel Iddiżattiva.

5.Reboot PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet.

Metodu 2: Aġġorna Sewwieqa Bluetooth

1.Agħfas Windows Key + R imbagħad ittajpja devmgmt.msc u hit Enter.

maniġer tat-tagħmir devmgmt.msc

2.Expand Bluetooth then right-click on your device and select Sewwieq taġġorna.

Right-click on Bluetooth device and select Update driver

3.Agħżel "Fittex awtomatikament għal software aġġornat tas-sewwieq” u ħalliha tispiċċa l-proċess.

fittex awtomatikament għal softwer tas-sewwieq aġġornat

4.If the above step was able to fix your problem then good, if not then continue.

5.Erġa agħżel “Aġġorna Software tas-Sewwieq” iżda din id-darba fuq l-iskrin li jmiss agħżel “Fittex il-kompjuter tiegħi għal softwer tas-sewwieq."

ibbrawżja l-kompjuter tiegħi għal software tas-sewwieq

6.Issa agħżel "Ħallini nagħżel minn lista ta 'sewwieqa disponibbli fuq il-kompjuter tiegħi".

Ħallini nagħżel minn lista ta 'sewwieqa disponibbli fuq il-kompjuter tiegħi

7.Finally, agħżel is-sewwieq kompatibbli mil-lista għal tiegħek Apparat Bluetooth u kklikkja Li jmiss.

8.Ħalli l-proċess ta 'hawn fuq jintemm u terġa' tibda l-PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet.

Ara jekk intix kapaċi Fix Bluetooth can’t turn off on Windows 10, jekk le allura kompli għall-metodu li jmiss.

Method 3: Resintall Bluetooth

1.Agħfas Windows Key + R imbagħad ittajpja devmgmt.msc u hit Enter.

maniġer tat-tagħmir devmgmt.msc

2.Espandi Bluetooth then right-click on your device and select Uninstall.

right-click on Bluetooth and select uninstall

3.If asks for confirmation select Iva biex tkompli.

4.Now right-click in an empty space inside Device Manager then select “Skan għal bidliet fil-ħardwer“. This will automatically install the default Bluetooth drivers.

ikklikkja azzjoni imbagħad skennja għal bidliet fil-ħardwer

5.Next, open Windows 10 Settings and see if you’re able to access Bluetooth Settings.

Metodu 4: Mexxi Bluetooth Troubleshooter

1.Agħfas Windows Key + I biex tiftaħ Settings imbagħad ikklikkja fuq Aġġornament u Sigurtà.

Agħfas Windows Key + I biex tiftaħ Settings imbagħad ikklikkja fuq Aġġornament u ikona tas-sigurtà

2.Mill-menu tax-xellug agħżel Issolvi problemi.

3.Now from the right window pane click on “Bluetooth” under Find and fix other problems.

4.Li jmiss, ikklikkja fuq “Mexxi l-troubleshooter” and follow on-screen instructions to run the troubleshooter.

Mexxi Bluetooth Troubleshooter

5.Reboot PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet u ara jekk int kapaċi Fix Bluetooth can’t turn off on Windows 10.

Metodu 5: Reġistru Waħħal

1.Agħfas Windows Key + R imbagħad ittajpja regedit u agħfas Enter biex tiftaħ Editur tar-Reġistru.

Mexxi kmand regedit

2.Naviga lejn iċ-ċavetta tar-reġistru li ġejja:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionActionCenterQuick ActionsAllSystemSettings_Device_BluetoothQuickAction

3.Kun żgur li tagħżel SystemSettings_Device_BluetoothQuickAction imbagħad fil-ħġieġa tat-tieqa tal-lemin ikklikkja darbtejn fuq Type DWORD.

Make sure to select SystemSettings_Device_BluetoothQuickAction

4.Li jmiss, change the value of Type DWORD from 0 to 1 and then click on OK.

Change the value of Type DWORD from 0 to 1 & click OK

5.Once finished, close Registry Editor and reboot your PC to save changes.


Dak li għandek b'suċċess Waħħal il-Bluetooth ma jistax jitfi fuq Windows 10 imma jekk għad għandek xi mistoqsijiet dwar dan it-tutorja imbagħad tħossok liberu li tistaqsihom fit-taqsima tal-kumment.