April 24, 2019

Waħħal Ma Jista' Xgħel Windows Defender

Fix Unable to turn on Windows Defender: Windows Defender is an inbuilt antimalware tool that detects virus and malware on your system. However, there are some instances when users experience that they are unable to turn on Windows Defender in Windows. What could be the reasons behind this problem? There are many users who explored that installing any third party antimalware software cause this problem.

Also, if you go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Defender then you will see that the Real-time protection in Windows Defender is turned on but it’s greyed out and also everything else is turned off and you can’t do anything about these settings. Sometimes the main issue is that if you have installed a 3rd party Antivirus service then Windows Defender will shut itself off automatically. No matter what reasons are behind this problem, we will walk you through the methods to solve this problem.

Fix Can't Turn ON Windows Defender

Why can’t I turn on my Windows Defender?

One thing we need to understand that Windows Defender provides complete protection to our system. Therefore, not able to turn on this feature could be a serious problem. There are many reasons for you not being able to turn on Windows Defender in Windows 10 such as third-party Antivirus might be interfering, Windows Defender is turned off by group policy, incorrect date/time issue, etc. Anyway, without wasting any time let’s see How to fix the underlying cause of this issue using the below-listed troubleshooting guide.

Fix Unable to turn on Windows Defender in Windows 10

Kun żgur li toħloq punt ta 'restawr fil-każ li xi ħaġa tmur ħażin.

Method 1 – Uninstall any third-party Antivirus software

One of the most common causes of Windows Defender not working is third-party antivirus software. Windows Defender automatically shuts itself down once it detects any third party anti-malware software installed on your system. Therefore, you need to first start uninstallation any third party antimalware software. Moreover, you need to make sure that uninstallation is done properly all residue files of that software otherwise it will keep creating a problem for Windows Defender to get started. You can use some uninstaller software that will remove all remnants of your previous antivirus. Once the installations finished, you need to restart your system.

Method 2 – Run System File Checker (SFC)

Another method that you can opt for is system file diagnosis and repair. You can use command prompt tool to check whether Windows Defender files are corrupted. Moreover, this tool repairs all corrupted files.

1.Agħfas Windows Key + X imbagħad agħżel Mudell tal-kmand (Admin).

Kmand Prompt (Admin).

2.Tip  sfc / scannow u hit jidħol.

SFC scan issa kmand fil-pront

3.This process takes some time so be patient while running this command.

4.In case sfc command did not resolve the problems, you can use another command. Just type the below-mentioned command and hit Enter:

DISM / Online / Cleanup-Immaġni / RestoreHealth

DISM jirrestawra s-sistema tas-saħħa

5.It will scan thoroughly and repair corrupted files.

6.After completing these steps, check if you’re able to fix Can’t Turn ON Windows Defender issue or not.

Metodu 3 - Wettaq Boot Nadif

Sometimes there are some third party applications cause this problem, you can easily find those ones by performing the clean boot function.

1.Press Windows + R and type msconfig u hit Enter.


2.On the system configuration Window, you need to navigate to Tab tas-Servizzi where you need to check to Aħbi s-Servizzi kollha tal-Microsoft u kklikkja fuq Itfi Kollha buttuna.

Aħbi s-servizzi kollha tal-Microsoft fil-konfigurazzjoni tas-sistema

3.Navigate to Startup section u kklikkja fuq Iftaħ Task Manager.

istartjar open task manager

4.Here you will locate all startup programs. You need to ikklikkja fuq il-lemin on each program and Itfi all of them one by one.

Ikklikkja bil-lemin fuq kull programm u Itfi kollha wieħed wieħed

5.After disabling all startup applications you need to come back to the system configuration window to save all the changes. Ikklikkja fuq OK.

6.You need to reboot your system and check if you’re able to Fix Can’t Turn ON Windows Defender issue jew le.

To zero in on the issue you need to perform clean boot using this guide and find the problematic program.

Method 4 – Restart Security Center Service

Another method to get your Windows Defender problem solved is restarting security center service. You need to activate and ensure that certain services are enabled.

1.Press Windows + R and type MSC u agħfas Enter

twieqi services.msc

2.Here you need to search for Ċentru tas-Sigurtà u mbagħad ikklikkja fuq il-lemin on Security Center and choose Erġa ibda għażla.

Right-click on Security center then select Restart

3.Now simply restart your device and check if the problem is solved or not.

Method 5 – Modify your registry

If you are still finding the problem in turning on the Windows Defender, you can opt for this method. You just need to modify the registry but before doing so make sure to create a backup of your Registry.

1.Press Windows + R and type regedit. Now press Enter.

Mexxi kmand regedit

2.Once you open the registry editor here you need to navigate to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPolitikiMicrosoftWindows Defender

3.Select Windows Defender then in the right window pane find DisableAntiSpyware DWORD. Now double click this file.

Set value of DisableAntiSpyware under Windows Defender to 0 in order to enable it

4.Set the value data to 0 and click OK to save the settings.

Nota: If you’re facing permission issues then right-click on Windows Defender u agħżel Permessi. Follow this guide in order to take full control or ownership of the above registry key and again set the value to 0.

5.Most probably, after doing this step, your Windows Defender will start working on your system properly without any problem.

Metodu 6 - Set Windows Defender Service to Automatic

Nota: Jekk is-servizz Windows Defender huwa griż fil-Maniġer tas-Servizzi allura segwi din il-kariga.

1.Agħfas Windows Key + R imbagħad ittajpja MSC u hit Enter.

twieqi tas-servizzi

2.Sib is-servizzi li ġejjin fit-tieqa tas-Servizzi:

Servizz ta' Spezzjoni tan-Netwerk tal-Windows Defender Antivirus
Servizz Antivirus Windows Defender
Servizz taċ-Ċentru tas-Sigurtà Windows Defender

Servizz Antivirus Windows Defender

3.Ikklikkja darbtejn fuq kull wieħed minnhom u kun żgur li t-tip tal-Istartjar tagħhom huwa ssettjat għal awtomatika u kklikkja Ibda jekk is-servizzi ma jkunux diġà qed jaħdmu.

Kun żgur li t-tip mibdi ta' Windows Defender Service huwa ssettjat għal Awtomatiku u kklikkja Ibda

4.Ikklikkja Applika segwit minn OK.

5.Reboot PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet u ara jekk int kapaċi Fix Can’t Turn ON Windows Defender issue.

Metodu 7 - Set Correct Date & Time

1. Ikklikkja fuq data u ħin fuq it-taskbar u mbagħad agħżel “L-issettjar tad-data u l-ħin".

2.Jekk fuq Windows 10, agħmel "Issettja l-Ħin Awtomatikament"Għal"on".

issettja l-ħin awtomatikament fuq windows 10

3. Għal oħrajn, ikklikkja fuq "Ħin tal-Internet" u mmarka fuq "Sinkronizza awtomatikament mas-server tal-ħin tal-Internet".

Ħin u Data

4.Agħżel Server “time.windows.com” u ikklikkja Aġġorna u “OK”. M'għandekx bżonn tlesti l-aġġornament. Sempliċement ikklikkja OK.

Again check if you are able to Fix Windows Defender Does Not Start issue or not, if not then continue with the next method.

Method 8 – Run CCleaner and Malwarebytes

1.Download u installa CCleaner & Malwarebytes.

2.Mexxi Malwarebytes u ħalliha tiskennja s-sistema tiegħek għal fajls ta 'ħsara.

3.Jekk jinstab malware se jneħħihom awtomatikament.

4.Issa mexxi CCleaner u fit-taqsima "Aħjar", taħt it-tab tal-Windows, nissuġġerixxu li tiċċekkja l-għażliet li ġejjin biex jitnaddfu:

settings tal-cleaner cleaner

5.Ladarba tkun għamilt ċerti l-punti xierqa huma kkontrollati, sempliċement ikklikkja Mexxi aktar nadifa, u ħalli CCleaner imexxi l-kors tiegħu.

6. Biex tnaddaf is-sistema tiegħek aktar agħżel it-tab tar-Reġistru u kun żgur li dawn li ġejjin jiġu kkontrollati:

aktar nadifa tar-reġistru

7.Agħżel Scan for Issue u ħalli CCleaner jiskennja, imbagħad ikklikkja Waħħal Kwistjonijiet Magħżula.

8.Meta CCleaner jistaqsi "Tixtieq bidliet backup fir-reġistru?” agħżel Iva.

9.Ladarba tlestiet il-backup tiegħek, agħżel Waħħal il-Kwistjonijiet Magħżula Kollha.

10.Ibda mill-ġdid il-PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet u ara jekk intix kapaċi Fix Can’t Turn ON Windows Defender issue.

Method 9 – Update Windows Defender

1.Agħfas Windows Key + X imbagħad agħżel Kmand Prompt (Admin).

kmand fil-pront bi drittijiet ta 'amministrazzjoni

2. Ittajpja l-kmand li ġej f'cmd u agħfas Enter wara kull waħda:

“%PROGRAMFILES%Windows DefenderMPCMDRUN.exe” -RemoveDefinitions -All

“%PROGRAMFILES%Windows DefenderMPCMDRUN.exe” -SignatureUpdate

Use the command prompt to update Windows Defender

3.Once the command finish processing, close cmd and reboot your PC.

Method 10 – Update Windows 10

1.Agħfas Windows Key + I biex tiftaħ Settings imbagħad ikklikkja fuq "Aġġornament u SigurtàIkona ”.

Agħfas Windows Key + I biex tiftaħ Settings imbagħad ikklikkja fuq Aġġornament u ikona tas-sigurtà

2.Issa mill-ħġieġa tat-tieqa tax-xellug kun żgur li tagħżel Aġġornament tal-Windows.

3.Li jmiss, ikklikkja fuq “Iċċekkja għal aġġornamenti” u ħalli l-Windows tniżżel u tinstalla kwalunkwe aġġornamenti pendenti.

Iċċekkja għall-Aġġornamenti tal-Windows


Hopefully, above mentioned all methods will help you to Fix Unable to turn on Windows Defender in Windows 10 Issue. However, you need to understand that these methods should be followed systematically. In case you have more questions related to this problem leave your comments below.