Lulju 23, 2017

Fix High CPU Usage by svchost.exe (netsvcs)

Svchost.exe (Service Host, or SvcHost) is a generic host process name for services that run from dynamic-link libraries. All the Windows internal services were moved into one .dll file instead of the .exe file, but you need an executable (.exe) file in order to load these .dll files; hence the svchost.exe process was created. Now you may notice that there were several instances of svchost.exe processes which are there because if one service fails it won’t bring down the Windows and all these services are organized into groups, and each svchost.exe instance is created for each such group.

Fix High CPU Usage by svchost.exe (netsvcs)

Now the problem begins when svchost.exe (netsvcs) start taking almost all of the Windows resources and causes a High CPU usage. If you looked into Task Manager, you would find that a particular svchost.exe is taking up almost all the memory and creating a problem for other programs or applications. The computer becomes unstable as it becomes very sluggish and it starts freezing Windows randomly, then the user either has to reboot their system or force shutdown.

Svchost.exe High CPU Usage problem occurs mostly because of virus or malware infection on users PC. But the problem is not limited to only this as it generally depends on users system configuration and the environment. So without wasting any time let’ see how to actually Fix High CPU Usage by svchost.exe (netsvcs) with the below-listed troubleshooting guide.

Fix High CPU Usage by svchost.exe (netsvcs)

Kun żgur li toħloq punt ta 'restawr fil-każ li xi ħaġa tmur ħażin.

Metodu 1: Mexxi CCleaner u Malwarebytes

1. Niżżel u nstalla CCleaner & Malwarebytes.

2. Mexxi Malwarebytes u ħalliha tiskennja s-sistema tiegħek għal fajls ta 'ħsara. Jekk jinstab malware, awtomatikament ineħħihom.

Ikklikkja fuq Scan Now ladarba tħaddem il-Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

3. Issa ħaddem CCleaner u agħżel Custom Nadif.

4. Taħt Custom Clean, agħżel il- Windows tab u l-marki ta' kontroll u kklikkja Janalizza.

Select Custom Clean then checkmark default in Windows tab | Fix High CPU Usage by svchost.exe (netsvcs)

5. Ladarba l-Analiżi titlesta, kun żgur li int ċert li tneħħi l-fajls li għandhom jitħassru.

Ikklikkja fuq Mexxi Cleaner għal fajls imħassra

6. Fl-aħħarnett, ikklikkja fuq Mexxi Cleaner buttuna u ħalli CCleaner jimxi.

7. Biex tkompli tnaddaf is-sistema tiegħek, agħżel it-tab tar-Reġistru, u tiżgura li dawn li ġejjin jiġu kkontrollati:

Agħżel it-tab tar-Reġistru imbagħad ikklikkja fuq Scan for Issues

8. Ikklikkja fuq il - Skennja għal Kwistjonijiet buttuna u ħalli CCleaner jiskennja, imbagħad ikklikkja fuq il- Waħħal Kwistjonijiet Magħżula buttuna.

Once scan for issues is completed click on Fix selected Issues | Fix High CPU Usage by svchost.exe (netsvcs)

9. Meta CCleaner jistaqsi “Tixtieq bidliet backup fir-reġistru?" agħżel Iva.

10. Ladarba tlestiet il-backup tiegħek, ikklikkja fuq il- Waħħal il-Kwistjonijiet Magħżula Kollha buttuna.

11. Ibda mill-ġdid il-PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet.

Method 2: Disable the particular service that is causing High CPU

1. Istampa Ctrl + Shift + Esc together to launch Task Manager.

2. Aqleb għal Tab Dettalji and right-click on the high CPU usage svchost.exe process and choose Go to Service(s).

Right-click on svchost.exe which is causing high CPU usage and select Go to service(s)

3. This would automatically take you to the Services tab, and you will notice that there are several highlighted services that run under the svchost.exe process.

This would automatically take you to the Services tab & there are several highlighted services

4. Issa kklikkja bil-lemin fuq il- highlighted service one by one and select Stop.

5. Do this until the high CPU usage by that particular svchost.exe process is fixed.

6. Once you have verified the services because of which this problem has occurred, it’s time to disable that service.

Nota: Ħafna mill-ħin, Servizz ta 'Aġġornament tal-Windows is the culprit service, but we will deal with it later on.

7. Agħfas Windows Key + R imbagħad ittajpja MSC u hit Enter.

services windows | Fix High CPU Usage by svchost.exe (netsvcs)

8. Now find that particular service in this list then ikklikkja fuq il-lemin fuqu u agħżel Proprjetajiet.

Now find that particular service in this list then right-click on it and select Properties

9. Click Stop if the service is running and then make sure Startup type is set to Itfi and click Apply followed by OK.

Click Stop if the service is running and then make sure Startup type is set to Disabled

10. Reboot your PC to save changes and see if the issue is resolved or not

This would definitely Resolve High CPU Usage by svchost.exe (netsvcs). If you find it difficult to zero in on the particular svchost.exe file causing the issue, you could use a Microsoft program called Explorer tal-Proċess, which would help you find the cause of the problem.

Method 3: Clear Event Viewer Logs

1. Agħfas Windows Key + R imbagħad ittajpja eventvwr. msc u agħfas Enter biex tiftaħ EventViewer.

Type eventvwr in run to open Event Viewer | Fix High CPU Usage by svchost.exe (netsvcs)

2. From the left-hand side menu, expand Zkuk tal-Windows and then right-click on the subfolders one by one and choose Ċar Log.

Expand Windows Logs and then right-click on the sub folders one by one and choose Clear Log

3. These subfolders will be Application, Security, Setup, System and Forwarded Events.

4. Make sure you clear the event logs for all the above folders.

5. Reboot PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet.

Metodu 4: Semmi mill-ġdid SoftwareDistribution Folder

1.Agħfas Windows Key + X imbagħad agħżel Kmand Prompt (Admin).

2. Issa ittajpja l-kmandi li ġejjin biex twaqqaf is-Servizzi tal-Aġġornament tal-Windows u mbagħad agħfas Enter wara kull waħda:

stop nett wuauserv
nett stop cryptSvc
bits ta 'waqfien nett
net stop msiserver

Waqqaf is-servizzi ta' aġġornament tal-Windows wuauserv cryptSvc bits msiserver

3. Sussegwentement, ittajpja l-kmand li ġej biex tibdel l-isem ta' SoftwareDistribution Folder u mbagħad agħfas Enter:

ren C: WindowsSoftwareDistribuzzjoni SoftwareDistribuzzjoni.old
ren C: WindowsSystem32catroot2 erbaot2.old

Semmi mill-ġdid il-Folder tad-Distribuzzjoni tas-Software

4. Fl-aħħarnett, ittajpja l-kmand li ġej biex tibda Windows Update Services u agħfas Enter wara kull wieħed:

bidu nett wuauserv
bidu nett cryptSvc
bits ta 'startjar nett
net start msiserver

Start Windows update services wuauserv cryptSvc bits msiserver | Fix High CPU Usage by svchost.exe (netsvcs)

5. Reboot PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet.

Metodu 5: Mexxi Windows Update Troubleshooter

1. Type “troubleshooting” in the Windows Search bar and click on Issolvi l-problemi.

pannell tal-kontroll issolvi problemi

2. Sussegwentement, mit-tieqa tax-xellug, agħżel il-ħġieġa Ara kollox.

3. Imbagħad mil-lista Issolvi problemi tal-kompjuter agħżel Aġġornament tal-Windows.

agħżel l-aġġornament tat-twieqi minn issolvi problemi tal-kompjuter

4. Segwi l-istruzzjoni fuq l-iskrin u ħalli l- Windows Update Troubleshoot run.

Windows Update Troubleshooter

5. Ibda mill-ġdid il-PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet.

This should help you fix High CPU Usage by svchost.exe (netsvcs) but if not then continue with the next method.

Method 6: Make sure to Update Windows

1. Agħfas Windows Key + I imbagħad agħżel Aġġornament u Sigurtà.

Click on Update & security icon | Fix High CPU Usage by svchost.exe (netsvcs)

2. Sussegwentement, ikklikkja Iċċekkja għal aġġornamenti u kun żgur li tinstalla kwalunkwe aġġornamenti pendenti.

Iċċekkja għall-Aġġornamenti tal-Windows

3. Wara li l-aġġornamenti huma installati, reboot PC tiegħek biex Fix High CPU Usage by svchost.exe (netsvcs).

Method 7: Disable the BITS and Windows Update service

1. Agħfas Windows Key + R imbagħad ittajpja MSC u hit Enter.

twieqi tas-servizzi

2. Now find Bits u, Windows Update in the list then right-click on them and select Proprjetajiet.

Right click on Windows Update service and select Properties in Service window

3. Kun żgur li ikklikkja Stop and then set up their Startup type to B'diżabilità.

Click stop and make sure Startup type of Windows Update service is Disable | Fix High CPU Usage by svchost.exe (netsvcs)

4. Ikklikkja Applika, segwit minn OK.

5. Reboot PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet.

This should help you fix High CPU Usage by svchost.exe (netsvcs) but if not then continue with the next method.

Method 8: Download & Run RKill

Rkill is a program that was developed at that attempts to terminate known malware processes so that your normal security software can then run and clean your computer of infections. When Rkill runs, it will kill malware processes and then remove incorrect executable associations and fixes policies that stop us from using certain tools when finished. It will display a log file that shows the processes that were terminated while the program was running. This should resolve High CPU Usage by svchost.exe issue.

Niżżel Rkill minn hawn, install and run it.

Metodu 9: Run System File Checker (SFC) and Check Disk (CHKDSK)

1. Agħfas Windows Key + X imbagħad ikklikkja fuq Kmand Prompt (Amministratur).

kmand fil-pront bi drittijiet ta 'amministrazzjoni

2. Issa ittajpja dan li ġej fis-cmd u agħfas enter:

Sfc /scannow sfc /scannow /offbootdir=c: /offwindir=c:windows (Jekk hawn fuq jonqos imbagħad ipprova dan)

SFC scan now command prompt | Fix High CPU Usage by svchost.exe (netsvcs)

3. Stenna li l-proċess ta 'hawn fuq jintemm u ladarba jsir, terġa' tibda l-PC tiegħek.

4. Next, run CHKDSK from Waħħal l-iżbalji tas-Sistema tal-Fajl bl-Utilità tad-Disk Iċċekkja (CHKDSK).

5. Ħalli l-proċess ta 'hawn fuq jitlesta u għal darb'oħra reboot PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet.

Metodu 10: Mexxi l-Issolvi l-problemi tas-Sistema u l-Manutenzjoni

1. Agħfas Windows Key + X u kklikkja fuq Pannell tal-Kontroll.

pannell tal-kontroll

2. Fittex Issolvi l-problemi u kklikkja fuq Issolvi l-problemi.

Fittex Issolvi l-problemi u kklikkja fuq Issolvi l-problemi

3. Sussegwentement, ikklikkja fuq tara kollha fil-pannell tax-xellug.

4. Ikklikkja u mexxi l- Soluzzjoni tal-problemi għall-Manutenzjoni tas-Sistema.

run issolvi l-problemi tal-manutenzjoni tas-sistema

5. Il-Troubleshooter jista 'jkun kapaċi Fix High CPU Usage by svchost.exe (netsvcs).


That’s it you have successfully Fix High CPU Usage by svchost.exe (netsvcs) but if you still have any questions regarding this post then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.