Ġunju 27, 2017

Fix Restart your computer to install important updates loop

Fix Restart your computer to install important updates loop: Windows Updates is an important part of Microsoft Operating System but what happens when updates fail to install and you’re stuck in an infinite loop trying to install the updates. Well, this is the case here where users are stuck in the loop where whenever you open Windows update it keep asking you to “Restart your computer to install important updates” but even when the system reboot you will face this message again when you open Windows update.

Fix Restart your computer to install important updates loop

In short, every time you start your PC Windows updates will ask you to restart it as it wants to install the updates but even when you restart your system Windows won’t be updated and it will again ask you to restart your PC to install important updates. This is a very annoying issue and users have disabled Windows Update as they are frustrated restarting their PC on every boot.

Fix Restart your computer to install important updates infinite loop

The main cause of this error seems to be Windows registry key called “RebootRequired” which might have corrupted because of which Windows is not able to update and hence the restart loop. The simple fix is to delete the key and restart your PC but sometimes this fix doesn’t work for everyone that’s why we have listed all the possible solutions for this problem. So without wasting any time let’s see how to actually Fix Restart your computer to install important updates loop problem with the below-listed troubleshooting steps.

Fix Restart your computer to install important updates loop

Kun żgur li toħloq punt ta 'restawr fil-każ li xi ħaġa tmur ħażin.

Method 1: Delete RebootRequired Registry Key

1.Agħfas Windows Key + R imbagħad ittajpja regedit and hit Enter to open Registry Key.

Mexxi kmand regedit

2.Navigate to the following registry key and hit Enter:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionWindowsUpdateAuto UpdateRebootRequired

3.Issa ikklikkja fuq il-lemin RebootRequired Key imbagħad agħżel Ħassar.

Delete RebootRequired Key in order to Fix Restart your computer to install important updates loop

4.Reboot PC tiegħek u għal darb'oħra ipprova taġġorna Windows.

This should able to Fix Restart your computer to install important updates loop issue but if didn’t then continue.

Metodu 2: Wettaq boot nadif

1.Agħfas Windows Key + R imbagħad ittajpja msconfig u agħfas jidħol għal Konfigurazzjoni tas-Sistema.


2.Fuq tab Ġenerali, agħżel L-istartjar selettiv u taħtha kun żgur li l-għażla "tagħbija oġġetti tal-istartjar” mhux iċċekkjat.

konfigurazzjoni tas-sistema iċċekkja l-istartjar selettiv boot nadif

3.Naviga għat-tab Servizzi u mmarka l-kaxxa li tgħid “Aħbi s-servizzi kollha tal-Microsoft."

Aħbi s-servizzi kollha tal-Microsoft

4.Li jmiss, ikklikkja Itfi kollox li jiskonnettja s-servizzi l-oħra kollha li fadal.

5.Restart your PC and again try to install updates.

6.If the issue is resolved then it’s definitely caused by a third party software. In order to zero in on the particular software, you should enable a group of services (refer the previous steps) at a time then reboot your PC. Keep doing this until you figure out a group of services which are causing this error then check the services under this group one by one until you find which one is causing the problem.

6.After you had finish troubleshooting make sure to undo the above steps (select Normal startup in step 2) in order to start your PC normally.

Method 3: Reset the Transactional Logfiles

1.Agħfas Windows Key + X imbagħad agħżel Kmand Prompt (Admin).

kmand fil-pront bi drittijiet ta 'amministrazzjoni

2. Ittajpja l-kmand li ġej f'cmd wieħed wieħed u agħfas Enter wara kull wieħed:
Nota: If asked for confirmation while running any one of the below command type “Y” and hit Enter.

fsutil resource setautoreset true %SystemDrive%

attrib -r -s -h %SystemRoot%System32ConfigTxR*
del %SystemRoot%System32ConfigTxR*

attrib -r -s -h %SystemRoot%System32SMIStoreMachine*
del %SystemRoot%System32SMIStoreMachine*.tm*
del %SystemRoot%System32SMIStoreMachine*.blf
del %SystemRoot%System32SMIStoreMachine*.regtrans-ms

3.If you are not able to run the above commands then boot your PC into mod sigur and then try above commands.

4.Reboot your PC to save changes and again try to update Windows.

Metodu 4: Mexxi Windows Update Troubleshooter

1. Ittajpja "soluzzjoni tal-problemi" fil-bar tat-Tiftix tal-Windows u kklikkja fuq Issolvi l-problemi.

pannell tal-kontroll issolvi problemi

2.Li jmiss, mill-ħġieġa tat-tieqa tax-xellug tagħżel Ara kollox.

3.Imbagħad mil-lista Issolvi problemi tal-kompjuter agħżel Aġġornament tal-Windows.

agħżel l-aġġornament tat-twieqi minn issolvi problemi tal-kompjuter

4.Segwi l-istruzzjoni fuq l-iskrin u ħalli l-Windows Update Troubleshoot jaħdem.

Windows Update Troubleshooter

5.Ibda mill-ġdid il-PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet.

This should help you in fixing Restart your computer to install important updates loop problem.

Metodu 5: Semmi mill-ġdid SoftwareDistribution Folder

1.Agħfas Windows Key + X imbagħad agħżel Kmand Prompt (Admin).

2.Issa ittajpja l-kmandi li ġejjin biex twaqqaf Windows Update Services u mbagħad agħfas Enter wara kull waħda:

stop nett wuauserv
nett stop cryptSvc
bits ta 'waqfien nett
net stop msiserver

Waqqaf is-servizzi ta' aġġornament tal-Windows wuauserv cryptSvc bits msiserver

3.Li jmiss, ittajpja l-kmand li ġej biex tibdel l-isem tal-Folder tad-Distribuzzjoni tas-Software u mbagħad agħfas Enter:

ren C: WindowsSoftwareDistribuzzjoni SoftwareDistribuzzjoni.old
ren C: WindowsSystem32catroot2 erbaot2.old

Semmi mill-ġdid il-Folder tad-Distribuzzjoni tas-Software

4. Fl-aħħarnett, ittajpja l-kmand li ġej biex tibda Windows Update Services u agħfas Enter wara kull waħda:

bidu nett wuauserv
bidu nett cryptSvc
bits ta 'startjar nett
net start msiserver

Ibda s-servizzi ta' aġġornament tal-Windows wuauserv cryptSvc bits msiserver

5.Reboot PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet.

Method 6: Run DISM (Deployment Image Servicing u l-Immaniġġjar ) Tool

1.Press Windows Key + X and click on Kmand Prompt (Amministratur).

kmand amministratur fil-pront

2.Type the following and press enter:

DISM / Online / Cleanup-Immaġni / RestoreHealth

DISM jirrestawra s-sistema tas-saħħa

3.Ħalli l-kmand DISM jaħdem u stenna li jispiċċa.

4. Now again run this command in order to Fix Restart your computer to install important updates loop issue:

DISM /image:C: /cleanup-image /revertpendingactions

5.Reboot PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet.

Method 7: Run Microsoft Official Troubleshooter

Tista' tipprova l- Fixit or official Troubleshooter in order to Fix Restart your computer to install important updates loop error message.

Download Microsoft Troubleshooter to  Fix Windows Update cannot currently check for updates error

Rakkomandat għalik:

Dak li għandek b'suċċess Fix Restart your computer to install important updates loop imma jekk għad għandek xi mistoqsijiet dwar din il-gwida allura tħossok liberu li tistaqsihom fit-taqsima tal-kumment.