April 12, 2022

Waħħal Steam Stack fuq Tħejjija għat-Tnedija fil-Windows 10

Waħħal Steam Stack fuq Tħejjija għat-Tnedija fil-Windows 10

We have to admit that Steam is one of the biggest platforms where gamers find and play games and can meet and engage with other gamers. It enables them to experience a comprehensive gaming environment where they can truly enjoy the time. However, there are times where Steam will just not launch and will get stuck on launch. The reasons are several, but the frustration is similar across people. No one likes to face this Steam stuck on preparing to launch error any time after opening the app. And there is no doubt that you are reading this article due to this. So, in this article, you will see methods to resolve the Steam games stuck on preparing to launch error systematically and effectively.

Waħħal Steam Stack fuq Tħejjija għat-Tnedija fil-Windows 10

How to Fix Steam Stuck on Preparing to Launch in Windows 10

As said earlier, there are several reasons for steam to get stuck on launch. Some of the reasons are listed below for you to read and understand the Steam game won’t launch Windows 10 issue better.

  • This error can occur if the integrity of the game files is compromised.
  • If the Steam app, drivers, or Windows system is not updated, this issue might creep in and onto your screen.
  • Using a free VPN service might cause this error.

Now, let us see some methods to fix the Steam stuck on preparing to launch error with the mentioned steps.

Metodu 1: Mexxi Steam bħala Amministratur

By running Steam as an administrator, you will allow it to take control of the entire app and access files that aren’t accessible without an administrator. Follow the steps below to do the same.

1. Ikklikkja bil-lemin fuq il- steam.exe fajl u agħżel Properties.

Select Properties. Fix Steam Content File Locked

2. Mur fil- Kompatibbiltà tab u ċċekkja Ħaddem dan il-programm bħala amministratur għażla.

Select the Run as Administrator option from the Compatibility menu. Fix Steam Stuck on Preparing to Launch in Windows 10

3. Fl-aħħarnett, ikklikkja fuq Applika > OK biex isalva l-bidliet.

click the Apply and OK buttons. Fix Steam Stuck on Preparing to Launch in Windows 10

Metodu 2: Ivverifika l-Integrità tal-Fajls tal-Logħob

If the game files are corrupted after extracting, you may get the Steam stuck on preparing to launch error. To verify the integrity of files, follow the step below carefully:

1. Agħfas il-buttuna Windows key, it-tip Fwar, u kklikkja fuq miftuħa.

Type Steam and click Open on the right pane. Fix Steam Stuck on Preparing to Launch in Windows 10

2. Ikklikkja fuq il- LIBRERIJA għażla kif muri hawn taħt.

Click the LIBRARY option. Fix Steam Stuck on Preparing to Launch in Windows 10

3. Agħżel u kklikkja bil-lemin fuq il-logħba mixtieqa mill-ħġieġa tax-xellug kif muri hawn taħt u kklikkja fuq Properties għażla.

Agħżel u kklikkja bil-lemin fuq il-logħba mixtieqa mill-ħġieġa tax-xellug kif muri hawn taħt u kklikkja l-għażla Proprjetajiet

4. Issa, ikklikkja fuq FILE LOKALI għażla mill-pannell tax-xellug kif muri hawn taħt.

Now, click the LOCAL FILES option from the left pane. Fix Steam Stuck on Preparing to Launch in Windows 10

5. Ikklikkja fuq Ivverifika l-integrità tal-fajls demo... kif muri hawn taħt.

5. Ikklikkja fuq Ivverifika l-integrità tal-fajls demo...

6. Wara ftit mumenti, il-fajls tal-logħob se jiksbu ivvalidat b'suċċess indicating that the files are not corrupted.

After a few moments, the game files will get successfully validated indicating that the files are not corrupted

Ukoll Aqra: Waħħal Steam Error Code e502 l3 fil-Windows 10

Method 3: Disable Unwanted Processes

If there are applications running in the background, it will result in difficulty for the Steam application to launch properly. You will have to disable unwanted applications or processes to eliminate the Steam game won’t launch Windows 10 error. Read and follow the upcoming steps carefully to do the same.

1. Istampa Ċwievet Ctrl + Shift + Esc simultaneously on the keyboard to launch the Task Manager tieqa.

2. Right-click on the unwanted processes (e.g. Google Chrome) u agħżel il- Kompitu ta 'tmiem għażla.

Select the unwanted processes and click the End option from the bottom right corner

Metodu 4: Itfi Windows Defender

Many users have reported that Windows Defender restricts the launching of a few apps. And there is a possibility that it might be stopping the Steam application from launching. You can disable Windows Defender to see if it really is the root cause or not.

1. You need to press Ċwievet Windows + R flimkien biex tiftaħ il- Mexxi kaxxa ta 'dialog.

2. Tip gpedit.msc u kklikkja fuq OK biex tiftaħ Editur tal-Politika tal-Grupp Lokali.

It-tip gpedit.msc

3. Imbagħad, ikklikkja darbtejn fuq Konfigurazzjoni tal-Kompjuter.

open local group policy editor and click on Computer configuration

4. Mur fil- Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Defender Antivirus folder.

5. Now to turn off this feature, you need to double-click on the Turn off Windows Defender Antivirus policy.

Double click on Turn off Windows Defender Antivirus policy in local group policy editor. Fix Steam Stuck on Preparing to Launch in Windows 10

6. Here, you need to select the Enabled option. It will turn off this feature permanently on your device.

select the Enabled option in Turn Off Windows defender feature on local group policy editor

7. ikklikkja Applika, segwit minn OK biex isalva l-bidliet.

8. Fl-aħħarnett, ibda mill-ġdid il-PC to get the settings activated on your device.

Ukoll Aqra: Kif tibdel l-istampa tal-profil tal-fwar

Metodu 5: Aġġorna Sewwieqa tal-Apparat

You can also fix the issue by updating device drivers as outdated drivers may cause Steam stuck on preparing to launch error. So, follow the upcoming steps to update the device drivers.

1. Ikklikkja fuq bidu, it-tip Apparat Manager, u laqat il Ikteb iċ-ċavetta.

In the Start menu, type Device Manager in the Search Bar and launch it. Fix Steam Stuck on Preparing to Launch in Windows 10

2. Ikklikkja darbtejn Adapters tal-wiri biex tespandiha.

Double-click Display adapters to expand it

3. Right-click on the desired driver (eż Grafika Intel (R) UHD) u agħżel Aġġorna s-sewwieq kif muri hawn taħt.

Right click on your video device and choose Update driver. Fix Steam Stuck on Preparing to Launch in Windows 10

4. Sussegwentement, ikklikkja fuq Fittex awtomatikament għal sewwieqa kif muri.

click on Search automatically for drivers.

5A. Jekk is-sewwieqa diġà ġew aġġornati, dan juri L-aħjar sewwieqa għat-tagħmir tiegħek huma diġà installati.

L-aħjar sewwieqa għat-tagħmir tiegħek huma diġà installati

5B. Jekk is-sewwieqa huma skaduti, allura se jiksbu aġġornat awtomatikament.

6. Fl-aħħarnett, aġġorna s-sewwieqa skaduti kollha billi ssegwi l-passi ta 'hawn fuq u erġa 'ibda l-PC tiegħek.

Metodu 6: Aġġorna Steam

Updating Steam will be the best option as this application might be experiencing some bugs or glitches which will get automatically fixed by an update. Read and follow the steps below to update the Steam application on your device.

1. Niedi l- Fwar app minn Tiftix bil-Windows.

2. Issa, ikklikkja fuq Fwar segwit minn Iċċekkja għal Aġġornamenti tal-Klijent tal-Fwar...

Now, click on Steam followed by Check for Steam Client Updates…

3A. Fwar - Aġġornatur Awto se tniżżel aġġornamenti awtomatikament, jekk disponibbli. Ikklikkja ERĠA’ IBDA L-FWAR biex tapplika l-aġġornament.

Steam – Self Updater will download updates automatically, if available. Click RESTART STEAM to apply the update.

3B. Jekk m'għandekx aġġornamenti, Il-klijent Steam tiegħek huwa diġà aġġornat se jintwera messaġġ, kif ġej.

If you have no updates, Your Steam client is already up to date message will be displayed. Fix Steam Stuck on Preparing to Launch in Windows 10

Ukoll Aqra: How to Add Microsoft Games to Steam

Metodu 7: Aġġorna l-Windows

For the Steam application to launch completely, your system should be up to date. If your system is outdated then it is easy to have complications with the performance of any installed apps. So, if you are facing the Steam stuck on preparing to launch problem, you should consider downloading and installing the latest updates on your system OS as it will result in getting the latest interface and configuration updated which will probably solve all the problems you are facing on your system. Read our guide on How to Download and Install Windows 10 Latest Update to understand the process clearly. After implementing this method, see if you have fixed Steam games stuck on preparing to launch issue.

windows update. Fix Steam Stuck on Preparing to Launch in Windows 10

Metodu 8: Ħassar AppCache Folder

This folder contains cache information about the games and applications. Upon deleting this folder, it will give the app a hard refresh and fix Steam games stuck on preparing to launch error.

Nota: Once you launch the Steam app, the app cache will be created automatically.

1. Istampa Windows + E ċwievet flimkien biex tiftaħ File Explorer

2. Innaviga lejn il-post triq where you installed Steam. For example:

C:Fajls tal-Programm (x86)Steam

Nota: If you are not sure, read our guide about Where are Steam Games installed?

Navigate to the path where steam is installed.

3. Ikklikkja bil-lemin fuq il- app cache folder u agħżel il- Ħassar għażla kif muri.

Right click on the appcache folder and choose Delete. Fix Steam Stuck on Preparing to Launch in Windows 10

4. Issa, Erġa ibda your PC and run Steam bħala amministratur mill-ġdid.

Metodu 9: Installa mill-ġdid Steam

As the last measure, you can consider reinstalling the Steam application to install the latest and fresh version, which will not have the complications you are facing right now.

1. L-ewwelnett, tiftaħ il- Fwar folder mill- File Explorer and right-click on the steamapps folder, imbagħad agħżel Kopja għażla.

Ikkopja l-folder tal-isteamapps

2. Imbagħad, paste l-folder fil-post l-ieħor biex toħloq backup tal-logħob installat.

3. Issa laqat il- Windows key, it-tip Applikazzjonijiet u karatteristiċi, u kklikkja fuq miftuħa.

type apps and features and click on Open in Windows 10 search bar.

4. Agħżel Fwar u kklikkja fuq Uninstall buttuna murija enfasizzat.

click on Steam and select Uninstall. Fix Steam Stuck on Preparing to Launch in Windows 10

5. Għal darb'oħra, ikklikkja fuq Uninstall biex tikkonferma.

6. Ġol uninstall bil-fwar tieqa, ikklikkja fuq Uninstall biex tneħħi Steam.

Now, confirm the prompt by clicking on Uninstall.

7. Imbagħad, reboot il-PC.

8. Niżżel il- l-aħħar verżjoni of Fwar from your web browser, as shown below.

Click INSTALL STEAM to download the installation file. Fix Steam Stuck on Preparing to Launch in Windows 10

9. Wara li tniżżel, mexxi l-imniżżla SteamSetup.exe fajl billi tikklikkja darbtejn fuqu.

10. Ġol Setup tal-fwar Wizard, ikklikkja fuq il- Li jmiss buttuna.

Here, click on the Next button.

11. Agħżel il- Folder tad-destinazzjoni billi tuża l - Fittex ... għażla jew iżommu l- għażla default. Imbagħad, ikklikkja fuq Installa, kif muri hawn taħt.

Now, choose the destination folder by using the Browse… option and click on Install.

12. Stenna li l-installazzjoni titlesta u kklikkja fuq Finatura, kif muri.

Wait for the installation to be completed and click on Finish. Fix Steam Stuck on Preparing to Launch in Windows 10

13. Wara li tinstalla Steam, mexxi l- steamapps folder tal-backup li għamilt qabel fil-folder Steam installat. 

14. Fl-aħħarnett, Erġa 'ibda l-PC tiegħek


These are the methods you can implement on your system to fix the Steam stuck on preparing to launch error. We hope you were able to solve this issue with mentioned steps above in the article. Share your queries or recommendations for the next topics you think we should cover next. You can drop them in the comments section below.